Chapter 7: A knight's decision

The high knight steps down from the final step as he calls his knights to his side. The pack stares in disbelief that the knights would still side with the high knight even though they know he is corrupted. Aaron just shakes his head letting out a soft growl escape his lips.

"I...Will never forgive you dad" Tears presenting themselves in his eyes.

"Knights surround them, do not let them escape"

The remaining four knights surround the pack, causing them to go back to back looking out at their attackers. Just then the high knight picks up a javelin and launches it towards Mana who was busily looking at Alex. Mana from the side of his eye sees the javelin coming in his direction and just shields his eyes for the oncoming impact.

But nothing happens, he looks at his body and notices that there is blood on his shirt but no javelin or any signs of him being hit by it. He looks up to see Aleu standing with the javelin in his chest. His ponytail now released blowing in the breeze.

"You dare defy me Aleu? The high knight?" The high knight says enraged

"You are not the same knight that I devoted my very life to" Aleu says before lashing out at the high knight "THE HIGH KNIGHT I DEVOTED MY LIFE TO WAS CARING AND KIND, YOU ARE NOT HIM THERE FOR MY LOYALTY DOES NOT LIE WITH YOU, BUT WITH YOUR SON!"

Aleu then takes out the javelin as blood begins to pour from his chest, but he manages to continue walking, and continues to show the will to fight. This angering the high knight begins to command the other knights to kill Aleu for his betrayal but nothing happens.

"WHAT! WHAT IS WITH THIS DEFIANCE?" Victor finally says

"Dad please, stop this I don't want to fight"


Aaron begins to tear up again, but this doesn't seem to faze the rest of the pack. The pack then makes their way beside Aaron, all of them placing their hands on their friend.

"He may not be your son but he is our friend and for that we will fight to protect him" Mana says as everyone gets in front of Aaron and drops down into their stance. Even Jojo is willing to fight for Aaron which surprises him greatly.

"I will fight for him to" Says a voice coming from the doorway, everyone looks to see Pam standing there anger in her eyes. Pam rushes pass the pack and wraps her arms around Aaron's neck. Aaron returns the hug by wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Am I to late" Pam whispers

"No you just made it" Aaron whispers back a smile on his face.

"Sickening" Victor says rushing his son and his girlfriend. But gets stopped by the last three knights, Victor looks at them confused as to why they are smiling.

"Remember victor the reason why you are so strong is because we are part of you but when the last of us die you will be weakened" Alex says a smile spreads across his face

"We will be redeemed for our past sins" Mathias says also smiling

"Long live the knights" Bastion says impaling himself with his own sword. Bastion begins to smile before looking up at Victor blood pouring from his mouth. "You cannot run from your past Victor." And that was the last thing Bastion says before closing his eyes for the final time.

"As a knight I die with Pride on my heart as well as blood on my sword" Mathias says before impaling himself with his daggers. One final yell escapes his lips before he collapses to the floor in a bloodied mess. Victor falls to his knees as Alex steps up in front of Victor.

"We took out both your arms, and your legs, now you tremble before your very son. Do you have any regrets?" Alex says pulling out a dagger with a wolf head at the hilt.

*coughs* "I have no regrets" Victor says spitting on the ground.

"Spare him" Aaron says stepping out from behind the pack. "He is my father no matter how wretched he became"

Aaron walks up to his dad with the pack behind him crouching to get to eye level with his father.

"Dad no matter what you say or do I will become better than what you were as for me not having a family…These people behind me, all of them…They are my family, they are my pack…and with that said we howl as one….Good bye"

Aaron then gets up and walks out of the town hall followed by his pack, a family that he found all on his own was willing to die for his safety. That is what made him feel wanted, that is what made him feel loved, and that is what he cherished the most… The pack is what made him feel alive.

The pack then walk down the stairs and out towards the sunset.

"Aaron where are we going now?" Mana asks placing a hand on Aaron's shoulder.

"Where ever the wind blows we will go" Aaron says looking up.

"Where ever the stars shine we will travel" Koa says putting his pacifier around his neck

"Where ever the moon stands…so will we….Because as long as we have each other, that is all we need"

The pack then make their way to a cliffs edge staring out at the moon arms wrapped around each other, tilt their heads back and let out a heartfelt howl and Yopp to the moon.

Disclaimer: Hope you guys liked this story I really did enjoy writing it please R&R and thank you for enjoying my stories.