Second chapter! I just wanted to give a big shout out to all my reviewers, Thank you so much! Especially Leafyaki, your long review really helped and encouraged me! :D Thank you everyone! :)))

I suck at transitions. :P Expect this chapter to be rough. I also have no idea how to smoothly incorporate Tyki into this story. :sighs: I love him so much though.

And I've decided this story is going to revolve around a Japanese school setting. So, expect cultural/sport festivals in the future. ^_^

Omg I just found out recently that Johnny is 26! :O What the hell? I always thought he was in his teens! That means Johnny=Tyki. LE GASP. No. Johnny is a student in this story, so there. :[ If Krory is a student in the DGM omakes, then I sure as hell can make Johnny a student.

Disclaimer: I do not own DGM. I can't even afford to own a Finder, let alone an actual Exorcist/Noah. :(

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Allen walked into the locker room near the entrance of the school and proceeded to slip off his shoes and change into the school uniform shoes. After he slid his non-uniform shoes into his locker, he slammed the small door closed to see Lavi leaning next to it.

Allen yelped and jumped back a step, which only caused Lavi to grin. "Jesus, Lavi! You startled me!"

Lavi laughed. "I can see that much. Jumpy today, are we?"

Allen gave him a playfully irritated look. "Whatever. You just caught me by surprise."

Allen felt someone brush his shoulder, and he looked over to Lenalee standing next to him. "Hey guys, what's up?" She greeted.

Lavi stopped leaning against the locker tensed. He plastered a smile on his face as he turned away saying, "Don't forget the plan, Allen." He gave a small wave behind as he turned the corner and left.

Lenalee watched him leave, then asked, "What was that about?" She opened her cubby locker, (which happened to be two lockers away from Allen's) and changed her shoes.

"Uh," Allen stalled as he looked at the ground, scratching the side of his head. "I'm tutoring Lavi."

Lenalee looked over in surprise. "Really? Isn't he like, hella smart?" She said as she closed her locker.

Damn. "He just. . .needs to copy some of my notes, from the class he missed. A while ago." Allen stated, feeling incredibly stupid for his lame excuses. He prayed Lenalee would just leave it at that. He didn't know how many more answers he could force out before Lenalee got suspicious.

"Oh that's cool." Lenalee stated, blissfully unaware. "Oh hey, by the way, did you ever fix my bag?" She asked hopefully.

Allen looked down apologetically. He fingered the straps as he said, "No, I haven't. I didn't have the time last night, since I had to go to the store to find the right type of thread. I think I got the right color, however." He looked up at her as they began walking. "Sorry." He apologized.

"No, it's fine. I got a lot of stares about your bag, though." Lenalee laughed.

Allen smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry." He replied.

"Nah, it's fine." Lenalee waved off. She put a hand out, stopping Allen from walking. She looked ahead. "Oh my god, it's Mr. Mikk! He's so hot!" She squealed. Allen sighed, and he looked ahead, spotting the teacher a few feet ahead. As he came close, Lenalee chirped, "Hi Mr. Mikk!" She gave him an excited wave.

Tyki walked by, hands in his pockets, and smiled at them. He gave them a wink as he passed.

"Kyah!" Lenalee squealed. She took Allen by the hand and dragged him further down the hallway. "Allen did you see that?" She asked excitedly as she shook his shoulders back and forth roughly, gazing down the hallway, looking for Tyki. "He winked at me!" She squealed. By this time, she took Allen's left hand and began jumping up and down excitedly.

Allen, who was feeling dizzy from all the shaking, held his head with his free hand to steady himself. "Yeah, yeah…" He replied in a trance. The bell rung loudly next to them.

"There's the bell! I'll see you at gym!" Lenalee said as she ran down the hallway to her next class.

"See you," he mumbled back, as he stumbled into the classroom, taking a seat and finally managing to steady himself.

. . . . . . . . . . .

A few classes passed throughout the day, and soon it was time for gym class. As soon as class was over, Lavi was waiting for him out the door. He slung an arm over Allen's shoulders and asked, "Are you ready for gym?"

"Yeah I guess so." Allen replied back as they made their way to the changing room. Quickly they changed into their standard gym clothes and headed out to the doors to the gym to meet up with the girls.

"Can everyone hear me?" Cloud Nyne's strong voice echoed throughout the gym. She scanned her eyes over the crowd of students. "Alright. First sport we're playing is basketball. I want everyone to grab a partner and a ball. We'll start off the class by simply passing the ball to each other. Increase your distance every so often to see how far you can throw the ball. Now go."

Lavi and Allen nodded to each other immediately. The plan was simple: They were going to partner up, and position themselves perpendicular to Lenalee and her partner. Allen would 'accidentally' throw the ball and hit Lenalee's partner in the head. He would exaggerate the accident, and take the person to the nurse, while Lavi would partner up with Lenalee. It was simple enough.

Lavi went to grab the ball, and Allen watched him go. Lenalee appeared behind Allen and placed a hand on his shoulder and asked, "Are you partnered up with Lavi?"

Allen inwardly flinched inside, feeling very bad for his friend. "Y-yes." He replied guiltily, hoping Lenalee didn't take it to heart.

"Oh okay then." She replied easily. She didn't seem too bothered by it, Allen noticed with relief. Instead she turned around and said, "I'll just partner up with Johnny."

"J-Johnny? Wait, but—" Allen was cut off by Lavi, who tapped his shoulder.

"Ready?' He asked, as he scanned the room for Lenalee and her partner. Spotting them, he pulled Allen along, and stood nearby Johnny. "Pass." Lavi said, as he got into a wider stance, getting ready to 'receive' the ball.

Allen clutched the ball nervously, knowing this was not going to go down well. After a moment, he passed the ball lightly and easily to Lavi's hands. Lavi raised an eyebrow at this, but he just assumed Allen was getting warmed up. He tossed the ball back to Allen.

Each time, Allen passed the ball with little force directly to Lavi's hands. He could almost see the confusion rolling off of Lavi, and he was practically sweating under the pressure.

"Pass pass pass! Pass!" Lavi called, bouncing side to side lightly, a determined look on his face. His eyes pierced Allen questioningly.

Allen gulped. He wasn't sure if he could do it. Johnny was his friend. He has never judged him or been afraid of his abnormalities. He was a good guy, and Allen really didn't want to hit him with a basketball.

"Pass!" Lavi's voice called again, a little louder this time, as if he was getting Allen's attention.

Squeezing his eyes shut nervously, he thought to himself, I'm so sorry Johnny! And with that, he threw the ball with all his might, his left arm adding considerable strength. He kept his eyes shut as the sickening thud followed soon after.

A gasp filled the air, and Allen peeked between his bangs to see what was going on. The knot of anticipation in the stomach tightened, and he realized with a sinking feeling that he hit Lavi.

Allen ran over to Lavi's crumpled figure on the ground. Lenalee and Johnny looked over him in concern. Soon, the rest of the class followed suit.

"Alright, alright, make way." Cloud's voice said loudly as she pushed her way through the crowd. She peered over Lavi, then squatted next to him to get closer. "How are you feeling, Lavi?" She asked.

"Like shit." Lavi mumbled. He sat up, blinking furiously, with a trail of blood dripping from his nose. He looked like he just rolled out of bed in the morning, what with the 'Where-the-hell-am-I' expression on his face. He blinked a few more times, to adjust his vision. A small gasp came from somewhere in the crowd.

"What happened?" Cloud asked.

Lavi paused, as if he had to think hard about it, then his gaze shifted to Allen, almost accusingly. Allen felt like Lavi had just stuck a knife in him. He sweated, as everyone shifted their gaze to him. A few whispers ran through the crowd, and he looked at everyone guiltily.

"I tossed him the ball, a little too hard, and it hit him in the face." Allen admitted reluctantly.

"I see." Cloud said. She paused, thinking for a moment. "Alright then. Lavi, you are excused to the bathroom to clean up that blood dripping from your face. Walker, you are to go with him."

"Yes ma'am." Allen replied dutifully. Lavi struggled to get up, still slightly disoriented, and began to make his way to the door. Allen jumped a few steps and fell in pace with Lavi.

It was silent as the boys made their way down the hallway. Finally get sick of the silence and the guilt weighing on his shoulders, Allen apologized, "I'm sorry, Lavi. I didn't mean it. Really."

Lavi sighed, still holding his nose to prevent more blood from spilling. "It's not your fault. Well actually, yeah it is." He paused. "Who the hell passes a basketball 100 mph with their eyes closed?" He asked, sounding a little annoyed.

Allen flinched. "Sorry! I didn't expect Johnny to partner up with Lenalee, and he's my friend, so I didn't want to hit him." He mumbled.

Lavi rolled his eye. "So that's why you took so long? Are you saying it be easier for you if she partnered with someone else?" Lavi narrowed his eye expectantly.

Allen sweated under the gaze. Lavi had a point. He probably wouldn't have the guts to hit anyone with a basketball. He swallowed nervously. He wasn't exactly on good terms with everyone right now, or rather, they weren't on good terms with him. The class, or everyone really, tended to stay away from him due to his abnormalities. There were only a few exceptions to this rule, and Allen cherished anybody who acknowledged him. He didn't hide the fact that he was pleasantly surprised that Lavi seemed to accept him, and even make a deal with him, despite the white hair, the scar on his face, and his mangled red left hand. Perhaps, they could even be friends? Well, if they were, he was doing a terrible job on his part.

Allen sighed defeatedly. "Okay, fine. Maybe I'm just not so good at intentionally hurting people."

Lavi huffed, muttering something about 'intentional' and his face. Suddenly, he stopped, causing Allen to bump into him. Allen looked up confusedly, peering over his shoulder.

They ran into Tyki Mikk, again for Allen. Tyki smiled at them pleasantly, and Allen felt Lavi's shoulder tense.

"Hey, aren't you boys supposed to be in a class right now?" Tyki asked.

Lavi gritted his teeth, his hand still holding his nose ever so obviously. Allen stepped in front of him, and elbowed him softly in the gut. What was his problem?

"Er, hi, Mr. Mikk. We're going to the bathroom because Lavi has a nosebleed." Allen replied, gesturing to Lavi's face.

"Really? What happened?" Tyki asked, taking a relaxed stance. Lavi noticed this instantly, and sighed impatiently.

"Well, we were in gym practicing basketball, but then I accidentally hit Lavi in the face with the ball." Allen shrugged sheepishly.

Tyki laughed easily, and this seemed to make Lavi more irritated. "Well okay." He looked like he was going to continue walking, then he stopped himself and said, "Oh hey, is Lenalee Lee in that class?"

Lavi looked at him, suspicion clear on his face. "Yeah, why?" He asked defensively.

"Oh it's nothing. I just wanted to thank her for the tea she gave me the other day, but I haven't caught her since this morning, and I didn't have enough time. Could you pass on the information?" Tyki asked, smiling softly.

Lavi continued to glare at Tyki, and Allen sighed, seeing as he'd have to do the talking. "Sure, no problem." He replied light heartedly.

"Yeah." Lavi said, piping up. "No problem, Mikk."

Tyki looked between the both of them, noticing something awkward in the situation. He found both of the boys incredibly attractive, but at this point he was liking Allen a whole lot more then Lavi. Lavi seemed to be glaring knives at him, for whatever reason. He nodded towards Lavi, and gave Allen an especially warm smile, before taking off.

"That guy is such a creep." Lavi muttered as the boys rounded into the bathroom. Lavi hunched over a sink, washing his hands and wiping his nose.

"What was your problem with him anyways?" Allen asked as he handed Lavi a paper towel.

"He wanted to talk to Lenalee! Did you see that weird expression on his face? He's way too old for her." Lavi muttered. He paused, thinking back. "Did you see the way he was looking at you?"

"What?" Allen asked confusedly. "What way?"

"I don't he was checking you out or something…" Lavi furrowed his eyebrows in thought.

"I think you're overreacting, Lavi." Allen laughed nervously. Actually, he had felt somewhat odd under Tyki's stare, but perhaps he was just blowing this out of proportion. "Besides, all teachers talk to students, this isn't that unusual."

Lavi folded the paper towel and dabbed his nose. "Yeah…alright. I overheard you and Lenalee talking this morning."

"Talking? About what?"

"Well actually, I saw the whole scene, with you, Lenalee, and Mikk. She likes him, doesn't she?" Lavi asked sourly.

"Oh that." Allen replied. "She just thinks he's hot, don't worry." He said, waving away the doubt in Lavi's eyes.

"Well, that makes him my enemy. We'll have to find a way around that bastard."

Allen rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say."

. . . . . . . . . . .

Later that evening. . .

Allen sighed tiredly, as he hunched over the table, finishing up Lenalee's bag. He sat up, his back cracking as he stretched out his arms behind his head. "Finally finished." He breathed, as he leaned across the table. He held up his work to admire it. "What do you think, Timcampy?" He asked the yellow bird in the cage that sat on the table.

Timcampy chirped, looking at the bag with mild interest. He hopped around on his ledge, fluttering his wings around.

Allen smiled. "Everything okay, Timmu?" He poked his finger, wiggling it softly between the cage bars. Timcampy pecked his finger eagerly.

"Ow!" Allen said as he stuck his finger in his mouth, tasting a drop of blood. "Geez, hold on, lemme get some food." He dug around in his bag, pulling around the remainders of his sandwich. He opened the cage door, and dropped it in, where Timcampy began to peck at eagerly. Allen rolled his eyes. "I'll be right back, I'm going to take a shower." He said as he stood up and walked to the bathroom.

He walked to the shower and turned on the water. He began stripping off his clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor as he stepped into the hot shower. He was barely in there for five minutes when he heard Timcampy chirping madly. Allen could even hear Tim's wings fluttering loudly.

"Geez Tim, I just fed you! You couldn't have finished my sandwich that quickly!" Allen scolded softly. He turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist as he stepped out of the bathroom. "What is all the fuss about…" Allen muttered as he rounded the corner.

Allen shrieked as he saw a figure rummaging through his fridge. The figure, startled, fell backwards with a sandwich in his mouth, and the fridge door swung close slowly, revealing Lavi.

A moment of silence seemed to stretch on forever as Allen and Lavi stared at each other.

"You're out of mayonnaise." Lavi said lamely.

"Lavi!" Allen shouted, breaking out of his shock. "What the hell are you doing in my house?"

"I came by to say hi to my little buddy!" Lavi beamed.

Allen struggled for the right words. "I…wha…." He stumbled, at a loss for words. "How the hell did you get in here?"

"I pried open the window of course." Lavi smiled. He stood up, and wrapped an arm around Allen's shoulders. "I just wanted to say that I totally forgive you for today. And we need to start working on our next plan." He looked around Allen's house. "Kinda small." He commented.

"That's because I live alone." Allen muttered irritably, as he pried Lavi's arm off. "And I oughta call the police on you, for breaking into my house."

"Yeah…as fun as that sounds, you need me to get close to Yuu, remember?" Lavi smiled brightly.

Allen huffed irritatedly. "Tomorrow's Saturday, can't we have a break?"

"Break?" Lavi asked, like it was the more outrageous thing in the world. "We need to plan!"

Allen sighed, and he dragged a hand down his face. He stomach growled loudly, distracting Lavi from pestering Timcampy's cage. Allen mumbled something about the police before muttering, "Alright alright. Lemme put some clothes on."

Soon after, Allen found himself digging through the fridge. Huh. We are out of mayonnaise. He thought to himself. He pulled out three sandwiches and closed the fridge with his foot, retreating back to the table.

He began to start his first sandwich when he noticed Lavi staring at him. "Huh." Allen grunted.

"No, no it's nothing." Lavi replied. His stomach growled loudly.

Allen let his head fall to the table, banging it loudly. "Here." He said, holding out the sandwich without looking up.

"Thanks buddy!"

Allen could almost hear the smile in his voice. Begrudgingly, he began to work on his other two sandwiches.

"Is this all the food you have?" Lavi asked between bites.

Allen nodded.

"Do you always eat sandwiches for dinner?"

Allen nodded again.

"Wow, no wonder why you're so short." Lavi commented in wonder. Allen began to choke on his food. "Well," Lavi said as he stood up from the table, brushing himself off. "I'll see you tomorrow then. I'll meet you in front of your house tomorrow morning."

Allen's mouth was so full he couldn't reply before Lavi jumped out the window. He swallowed loudly.

"That idiot could've taken the door."



If there are any mistakes, feel free to tell me. And if you have any ideas or wanted pairings, I'm open to them. I'll try to incorporate them into the story, as long as they don't ruin the plot or what I already have planned. :)