Heeey, people! This is the prologue for another story we're working on. This time, there was no posting without permission, so ChickenHax can't get mad at me. HA! I win!

Disclaimer: We all know this by now. We own nothing at all. We swear it! If we did, the world would be under our rule.


"Hey Arthur?" The American boy asked the older boy next to him.

"What is it Alfred?" The elder responded, slightly miffed that Alfred broke the comfortable silence that was washed over them. It was a nice day really, both where sitting on a bench in the park, watching the sun set, nothing else to do with there time. Arthur could say it was kind of romantic really. The thought made the Brit blush.

"Why is that Indian chick staring at us?" Arthur brought his gaze to what his friend was gesturing to, spotting their fellow classmate, Nuna.

"First of all Alfred, she's Native American, Indians come from India. She's from Arizona. Second of all, I have no clue." Being the gentlemen he is, the Brit waved to her politely. Nuna, beamed at the sight of Arthur waving, and took it as the initiative to get up and walk over to where they where sitting.

"B-but it's creepy..." Alfred whispered as Nuna drew closer to them.

"Hi Arthur," The girl smiled sweetly at him, hands behind her back, pushing her breasts out. She sent Alfred a quick glare. Alfred was disgusted by the girls display to get his, his best friend. But the glare? Didn't bother the American. He was used to that treatment from her. "I've been having some trouble with some embroidery I've been working on." Nuna sent another smile Arthur's way. "Would you take some time to help me with it?"

Arthur, being a gentlemen and ecstatic someone else was into the art of embroidery agreed quickly. "Of course."

Not wanting to listen to the conversation nor having to see Nuna throw herself all over his Arthur, Alfred stood up and streched. "Well, I'll let you too lovebirds do your thing. I'm going to wander the park. 'Till your done of course."

Nuna took the chance to snatch Alfred's old seat and give him a scowl before she looked at Arthur sweet smile back.

Two-faced bitch.

"Alright, duckie. I'll just be a few minutes." He smiled an adorable, irresistible smile at him, making Alfred's heart rate increase, (and urging him to jump the Brits bones. But, hey, what could he say? He was a teenager in the midst of puberty, his hormones where wild). Yes, he was in love with the Brit. Make fun of him for it, Alfred didn't care, as long as you didn't touch his Arthur.

Although girls where the exception, such as Nuna, who every one knew (except the Brit himself) was head over heels for the boy. Alfred knew Arthur was gay( even though Arthur didn't exactly know it yet, but hey! He screamed gayness!), so he didn't protest as much, even if her displays of affection where beyond disturbing.

With a flash of a glare at the girl and a wink and a smirk at his friend ( which Alfred saw he blushed! Blushed! Score!), he slowly started walking away. Once out of sight of the two, the sun was almost behind the horizon, darking the sky. Walking silently, his musings keeping him company, when he heard an strange noise.

Meanwhile, while Arthur was helping Nuna, not noticing her attempts to flirt with him, was worrying about Alfred. It was getting quite dark, and knowing the 'secret' fear that Alfred has of ghosts, Arthur could only imagine what horror story, was running through the American's head right now.

He, after a minute or two, didn't notice that the girl wasn't even paying attention anymore. Clearly she was thinking about something else.

Alfred on the other hand was starting to internally panic. He knew he was good looking, hell even down right sexy for a 14 year old, a great target for creepy predators. The thought made him look around in a frenzy, he saw no one. Strange...he keeped walking adrenaline already pumping into his veins.

Suddenly, a large rough hand lid over his mouth, an arm pulling him into an large male body. Paronia and panic set in. Alfred eyes widening started to flail and squirm all to no avail; no escape.

"S-sir Arthur..." A small purple fairy, by the name of Opal whispered in Arthur's ear," Somethings wrong..." Arthur didn't verbally respond, heavens no, he didn't want Nuna to think he's some freak that needed to go to an Asylum. So instead he gave an unnoticable nod, showing that she had his attention.

Opal continued, whispering nervously;fearfully," Alfred's in trouble."

The words set Arthur in motion immediately, he quickly stood up dropping the embroidery ring, not hearing as it clang to the ground. This action shocked Nuna out of her deep thoughts, looking at him wide eyed.

"A-Arthur what's wrong?" Nuna asked, worried.

" I-I'm worried about Alfred. It's getting dark and we need to get home, I-i'm sorry, I hope I helped...g-goodbye!" Arthur stammered, running off into the direction Alfred went. Not noticing the dark look in Nuna's eyes. He hoped to find his best friend, safe and sound.

Alfred, currently at the time, was fighting as hard as he could. As soon as he had the chance to escape the strangers grip, a fist came down on his head, knocking him out, enveloped in darkness, not hearing his name being echoed throughout the park by his crush.

Arthur kept searching, calling his name, ignoring the shouts of Opal trying to get his attention. Only wanting to hear Alfreds voice, his Alfred's voice. Hear him, see him, pop and cry out,' You should've seen your face!' and him ccurse the boy out, like usual. A-Alfred couldn't be in danger! R-right?

"S-sir Arthur!" Opal squeaked out, finally getting his attention."He's...He's gone. You won't find him!"

Arthur shook his head, not believing her." I-I have to find him! I-I...!" He looked around, praying, to see Alfred.

"Listen! H-hes been taken! Taken by something not Mundane! His presence is gone, I can't feel him anywhere! I-Im sorry Sir Arthur!" Arthur slumped to the grass below him, knees giving out.

"No...god...No..." Arthur begged," He cant be! I have to find him!"

Opal watched in sadness wiping away Arthur's teas with her tiny hands," It's alright...you'll find him...I promise, Sir Arthur."

'Yes," Arthur thought, sobs racking his body,' I'll find you Al. I Promise...'

So, whaddya think? Huh? Huh? It's good, right? Right?

For every person who doesn't review, Arthur cries another tear! Please, for the sake of my heart and yours, don't let that tear fall! It's too adorable!