
By: Kary G.

Chapter 1

A/N: A new story! Yay! I decided to do this story because I was watching a soap opera and yes! Nia Peeples was in that soap opera [Y&R] so this crazy idea came to mind and I'd love to share with you! To make this interesting I made a small trailer of this story… my first video, is not long enough just 20 seconds, but the dialogue showing in the video will be in the story.

2nd NOTE: When I publish the story, and try to see the preview I noticed that the link to the video is broken so go to my profie, and I'll post the whole link so you can watch it/

[In the video the title is "Secrets" but I thought "Mommy" was way more fitting for the story, so…Enjoy!]

Magazines, TV shows, Soap Operas, books, newspaper, on the street they were everywhere, and it was frightening for her. This guilt was consuming her every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every year! Beautiful faces, laughter, they were everywhere!

Babies with their mothers playing around, giggling, and yet she couldn't become a mother… Yes, she was married and had a wonderful husband but after trying for years she couldn't become a mother. She knew the reason is just that…she didn't want to share that with her husband.

Was it fear? It was something beyond fear. Everyday it was the same…wake up, go to work, greet your friends, and at the same time trying to put a happy face when in reality she was breaking inside, crying, shouting, something that she couldn't show only when she was alone…

"Sydney?" A male voice caught her attention. It was her husband Gage who saw her lost in her thoughts that made him wondered what was going on with Syd.

"Sorry. What did you say?" She asked waking up from her thoughts.

"Are you ok? You've been a little distracted this past week," his blue eyes showing concern for her.

"It's nothing; I just have to do a lot of paper work. It's nothing serious," she focused her gaze on the table, the floor the colors of the walls around her, but didn't focus on Gage's gaze.

"I wanted to remind you that Julie called, she'll have a small baby shower, and wanted us to go to her house. She's very excited, and can't wait to show all the nursery details, and wanted some advice on baby names," he smiled to her. Julie, Gage's little sister married two years ago, and was now expecting her first child.

She blinked twice, and trying to process the words in her brain. "Yes, of course. I'll take a shower," she replied kissing Gage's nose. She stood up, and began to walk only to be stopped by Gage who spun her around.

"Honey. If you don't feel ok, then I'll call Julie and we'll stay home," but Sydney cut him off.

"It's ok, really. We'll go and help, and celebrate Julie for her baby…" the last word was barely audible by Gage's ears. Sydney took a deep breath trying hard not to cry in front of Gage, but he knew what she was going through. He embraced his wife, and talked softly as a sob made its way out of her throat.

"Ok…" she whispered to herself, and wiped her tears. "I'll be right back. I love you," she kissed Gage one more time as she disappear from his sight, and all he could hear was his wife heels fading away…

Sydney found some clothes and went to the restroom; she closed the door, and took off her clothes stepping in the shower. There was a small mirror, and she stood for a moment contemplating her reflection. "Oh, my god. If only he knew…" she whispered as silent tears made its way down her cheeks.

P.S: It's 2:36 am and I just made the first chapter for this story. Ha! So, watch the video, and let me know what you think of this chapter[ plus the video] I guess I'm so excited that I decided to do this story.. I know I have a ton of stories to update, and to finish, but for now review, and let me know what you all think. Good night.