Here it is the very last chapter I just wanted to say thank you all for the amazing reviews you have given this being my first long story the help and encouragement I have received from you all has been wonderful.

I am gonna miss writing this story but I am glad so see the response I have gotten from you all thanks again and I hope you enjoy this chap.

Love through phasing

Chapter 20

Bella paced back and forth in the living room waiting for the guys to come out it had taken some convincing but the elders finally did agree to her idea. Sam was now showing the guys what the plan was whilst Bella had explained to Emily.

She decided to make herself useful and started helping Emily in the kitchen no soon had she started she heard the boys laughter she glanced outside and saw them all emerge from the woods.

She quickly ran out the door "well what do you think?" she asked as she nervously waited for them.

Paul smiled at her as he wrapped his arms around her waist "it's a great plan Bella" he whispered causing her to smile she looked to the other guys.

Embry, Quil, Jake and Jared all smirked at her "who knew you could be so evil" quipped Jared as they all walked past her and into the house.

Bella sighed with relief as she followed them inside the boys started talking adamantly about her idea until Leah rushed in "she's coming this way".

Everyone jumped into action the guys all ran out of the back door into the forest Paul gave Bella a kiss that took her breath away before helping her get on top of Leah. He also helped Emily onto Sam before watching them ride off into the trees.

Paul didn't have to wait long before there was a knock on the door he walked slowly to answer it knowing it would irritate Michelle to no end.

He finally opened the door with a smile which left his face immediately upon seeing her "what do you want Michelle?"

She smirked at him "I came to see Bella" she said as she pushed her way inside Paul gritted his teeth before following her.

"she's not here" Michelle spun around with the smirk still in place "you told her didn't you I cant believe it was that easy now we can finally be together" she sauntered up to him swaying her hips before wrapping her arms around his neck.

She was just about to kiss him when he gripped her arms and pulled them away from his neck and pushed her back she stared at him a little shocked before covering it with the smirk.

"I haven't told her anything she has gone for a walk with Leah and Emily in the woods some fresh air to help her get better" he moved away from her and started to walk to the back garden.

"I was just about to set off to find her so you can see yourself out the front door and do me a favour never return, I love Bella and no matter what you do that will never change" he didn't even glance back at her as he walked out the back door and into the woods.

He slowed his pace to see if she was following him and smirked when he heard her heavy footfalls trying to keep up with him. He made sure she could always see him but was far enough away that she assumed he didn't know she was there.

He finally came to the clearing and smiled as he saw the three girls chatting away "oh Paul there you are we thought you had gotten lost" Bella smiled as she walked up to him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him both pretended not to noticed Leah and Emily slink off into the forest.

Paul broke the kiss and smiled he whispered in her ear "she's almost here" he chuckled in her ear "what's so funny?" she asked.

"I can hear her from miles away she's not exactly dressed for a trip in the woods" Paul explained Bella started laughing under her breath.

She kissed Paul again before they both heard a cough and broke apart the looked behind Paul and smirked Michelle stood with a hand against a tree for support. She was breathing heavily gasping for air as she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"What do you want Michelle?" Bella asked with as much venom in her voice as she could which caused Michelle to smirk at her once she got her breath back.

Michelle finally after what seemed like hours walked towards them "I have come to tell you something Bella" she stopped a foot away from the pair.

She looked at Paul quickly before gazing back at Bella "Paul didn't want you to know this he wanted to keep you in the dark but I know how sick you are and I just couldn't live knowing what I know" Bella rolled her eyes at the dramatics of her story.

"I know this will hurt but in the long run you will be better off I couldn't live with myself if I went along with Paul sneaking behind your back and all I wanted t..."she was cut off.

"You can stop there Michelle I know what you are gonna say and I also know the truth I know Paul didn't cheat on me he cant its physically impossible for him to" Bella responded as Paul tightened his arms around her.

Michelle smirked "oh but he did Bella the very night you came back home from the hospital" Bella put her hand up to stop her.

"Michelle I know what happened that night I know you drugged him" Bella smirked back at her as Michelle's smirk lost some of its edge before going back.

"let me guess he told you I drugged him right oh Bella how naive can you get I mean come on seriously I can get any man I want whenever I want I have no need for drugs" Michelle sounded very proud of that fact.

"No Michelle you cant get any man you want I know of several men that wouldn't touch you if you were the last woman on the planet" Michelle looked pissed "come on then Bella where is this proof? Huh where? I'll tell you where its no where you just want to believe he wouldn't cheat on you because you could never get a guy like him again so you are willing to believe what ever shit comes out his mouth".

Michelle had expected Bella to look hurt but was taken aback when Bella started laughing she soon stopped and nodded to Paul who kissed her on the cheek before running back to the edge of the forest.

"You want to know how I know Michelle well here is the proof" she moved to the side so Michelle could see seven giant wolves emerge from the tree line.

Michelle gasped in fear as they slowly made their way towards them all but Paul stopped several feet away Paul walked closer and stopped as Bella moved back into place.

She leaned against Paul and stroked his fur Michelle foolishly believing the wolf was tame stuck her hand out to stroke the wolf.

She quickly moved her hand back as the wolf growled at her she looked shocked as Bella smiled at her whilst stroking her hand up and down the wolfs head.

"I take it you have never seen Paul like this Michelle" Bella smirked at her Michelle managed to shake her head out of its trance.

"You think this beast is Paul now I know your physically sick Bella didn't realise you were mentally sick to" Michelle spat back without the usually venom in her voice.

Bella laughed Michelle was about to respond when the wolf phased back into a man back into Paul right before her. She stood with her mouth wide open as Bella stood in front of a very naked Paul who quickly found his spare cut offs beside Bella put them on.

"As you have seen Michelle Paul is a wolf he and the rest of the guys can transform into wolves to protect us from the cold ones" Michelle was about to stopped her when Bella held up her hand.

"You don't need to know what the cold ones are this is all you need to know" she stepped closer to Michelle.

"The thing with the wolves is that when they have phased into the wolf the memories of that wolf is shared with the rest of the pack so whatever Paul has seen or done or said is known by the rest the instant he changes, are you with me so far" she asked with a smirk on her face.

Michelle slowly nodded causing Bella to smile "good so the morning after you did what you did Paul phased to show Sam and the guys what had happened and they saw through his eyes and felt what he felt so they know you drugged him they felt his strength go they saw you and heard what you said".

Bella smirked at the dumb founded way Michelle looked at her "I think it was 'This is just to relax you don't want you getting too excited yet if you do you'll wake Bella and I'm sure she doesn't want to see this' so you see I do know what happened last night" Bella smirked at her.

"oh and Michelle remember when I said it was physically impossible for Paul to cheat on me" Michelle again dumbly nodded "well that's another you need to know about see cause the guys are wolves they also do what wolves do when they find their mate".

Michelle look confused Bella and cover her mouth before she laughed out loud "when they find the one that they are gonna spend the rest of their life with they imprint. Its like an invisible thread gets attached to the wolf and the imprint they cant be separate from each other for too long before the pain comes".

Bella walked up closer to Michelle "and the idea that Paul would touch anyone else let alone a skank like you is impossible the idea of fucking anyone that is not me his imprint makes him physically sick".

Bella moved back to Paul who stood smirking as he wrapped his arms around her again "so you see Michelle no matter what you do you can never break us apart I will be with Paul forever, I will marry him, I will have his children and I will grow old with him that is a certainty" Paul tightened his hold on her in response to her words.

"so don't fuck with me Michelle because all of these wolves has volunteered to rip you to shreds if you try any shit like this again, though I would suggest leaving town it would be safer for you" Michelle looked pale as she bolted away running for her life.

Bella smirked as she watched her run as the guys laughed "man Bella that was even better then I thought it was gonna be" praised Quil as he high fived Embry.

Same even chuckled "yeah it was good lets go back to Emily's I don't know about you guys but I am hungry" all the boys agreed and ran of towards her house leaving Sam and Emily walking slowly behind.

Bella and Paul remained where they was "did you mean what you said Bella" Bella smiled and the uncertainty in Paul's eyes.

She wrapped her arms around his neck "yes Paul I want to marry you I want to have your children I know now that it is what I am meant to do".

Paul smiled as he lifted her up bridal style and kissed her as he carried her back to Emily's he had never been more happier in this moment than he had in his entire life he couldn't wait to start his family with Bella.

There you go that's it the final chap please review and let me know what you all think please.