A/N: A few things to note before trying to cross this river. 1.) This completely and utterly ignores not only the fandom I set up with Angel Della Notte, but it also flips the middle finger in the face of canon. 2.) Since the likely hood of number one has been assured, number two hear by discounts and erases several aspects of Mai-Otome , namely those that imply the conflict or any relationship between Rena Sayers or Shiro of the Aswad. Blan made it to Windbloom without hassle and became Rena's master. 3.) In the matter of the Otome, Una Shamrock was dismissed from her position as Headmistress for a different reason. Maria Gracebert stepped up to fill the role temporarily still, but no successor has been selected by the Shinso as of yet.

All of that being said. Now I can stop being tormented by muse and write something up.

(Windbloom: Fuka Castle: Quarters of Meister Sayers)

The sky over the city of the desert started out orange as it always did. The transition was that of a slow rolling sun. Even though it was early in the morning hours, light still shone into the lavish room of the Blue Sky Sapphire. The room matched it's occupant in several ways. One of the most prominent was in the subtle power of the furniture and decoration. The desk, table. chairs, curtains; they all reflected the the soft yet commanding presence that filtered through the room. The bed however, presented something quite different.

"I have to get up, Elliot." The occupant said to the other, who was wrapped around her in such a way that a pretzel maker would be jealous.

"Rena... the sun's not even up yet." Elliot spoke as she nestled her head more into Rena's left breast.

"Elliot, let go Elliot." Rena said as she tried to break Elliot's grip around her waist.

"Don't wanna..." Elliot said as she murmured happily.

"For heaven's sake let go!" Rena said as she still tried to pull at Elliot's arms. This always seemed to happen if she tried to get up before the sun was up all the way.

"I bet you the Headmistress isn't even having her coffee yet. You're being ridiculous." Elliot said in retort as she pushed her own bust into Rena's side.

"Elliot! Let go!" Rena pulled away hard. After her second pull, Elliot unlocked her fingers sending her lover off the side of the bed, and onto the floor.

"Ouch..." Rena said as she stood up. She then rubbed her right hip. "I'm gonna get a bruise now. No thanks to you!" Rena said as she pulled one of the pillows from a nearby chair and threw it right at Elliot's head. The former blocked its attack with her arm.

"You do realize that pretty nighties also rise when you spin? Right? I got to see your pretty butt." Elliot said with a smirk, after having propped herself up on her elbow. Rena's blush after her statement was enough to make her early rise worth it.

"If you wish to continue seeing my ... butt. Or any other part of me, you'll be thanked not to make me do such things." Rena said in hand with another flushed face.

"Aww Rena-chan, I'm not trying to be 'difficult'. It's just that I love you so much!" Elliot said, her cheerful grin on full display. Rena sighed and then turned to the armoire.

"Elliot, just because I share my bed and heart with you doesn't mean you get to play pranks on me. I got enough of those when we were in school. And you know, I haven't forgotten about the bra thief who always seemed to strike before PT." Rena paused as her uniform hit the bed. "Funny, my bra was always back in with my uniform clothes when I returned." Rena said with a sarcastic grin as her white slip fluttered on top of her uniform dress.

It was soon followed by stockings, garters and a rather sheer set of underwear. The grin turned into a smile as Rena could almost feel the heat coming from Elliot's cheeks as she closed the oak doors.

"You are finally wearing the set I ... um…bought for you?" Elliot struggled to keep her wits about her. Just the thought of Rena in 'that' was enough to cause her to plug her nose.

"Why yes I am, Elliot." Rena said with a smile as she leaned down onto the bed. "Now, vamoose."

"H-Huh?" Elliot said trying to still digest she was being told to leave. "W-Why?"

"It's not 'W-Why?' It's 'Yes, my love'." Rena said now pulling her knees up onto the bed as she leaned in Elliot's face. "I'm well aware of the fact that if I drop this nightgown you won't be able to help yourself. Therefore I am asking you to leave. Don't ask questions. It would only serve for me to put all the 'good stuff' back and take out regular clothes. Now, Elliot, wouldn't you much rather take off something pretty and arousing then something ugly and plain? It's a rhetorical question. Now..." Rena paused as she traced Elliot's shoulder with her finger. "... I want to make it up to you for being too tired last night, so I suppose ..." she said again having slipped into pause as she looked around.

"I suppose I could take a shower with you before work. Would that be okay?" Rena finished with a smile as Elliot rocketed out of the bed and pulled on the panties that she had discarded last evening. She quickly scooped up her clothes and then opened the room door with Rena following behind her. At least she was until the doors closed and the distinct sound of a lock was heard, twice. Elliot couldn't drop the clothes fast enough as she stood at the door.

"You tricked me, Rena! It's not fair!" Elliot cried having remembered that Rena had her own shower. It's just that she had gotten so used to being taken to the Princess's bath.

"You can still use 's bath. She's likely already having breakfast and I should be at her back. Sorry Elliot, it was the only way I could get out of being late. You'll have your chance tonight." Rena said with a certain amount of sultriness.

"Will I ever." Elliot said with a slight smirk as she picked up her clothes and headed for the back route of rooms that would bring her to Sifr's private bath .