Allen strained hard, pulling with his nails at the climbing innocence. he swung his long arms wildly, trying to shake it off like a dog. He roared as he felt the innocence burn and inch up to his neck.

He looked around desperately for help and saw everyone was just...watching him. The science lab, Kanda, Krorey, and bookman, who had just arrived, everyone was watching him.

"Do you think this is funny?" Allen's hoarse voice echoed throughout the room. "Do you enjoy my pain?"

"Perhaps" Bookman had moved to stand next to Lavi. "Tell me, do you care for the lives of others?"

Allen growled at Bookman, dragging his legs towards him slowly. "I...don't care at all." Allen spit the words out like venom.

Bookman laid out Lavi, with his hands crossed over is chest. He looked up at Allen and fixed him with a stare. "You deserve your fate."

Allen felt the innocence lick at his jaw as he turned to each person for salvation. All wore a cold look as they stared motionlessly at Allen.

He clawed at his throat as the innocence reached his mouth, flowing down his throat. His head throbbed and he heard the voice talking, shouting, whispering. The line between him and the voice grew weaker. He started babbling. They weren't different, they were one and the same.

"I'll kill every one of you. You damned exorcists." He started walking forward when he felt his legs give out. "Oh god, Lenalee, Komui, Lavi...I'm so sorry." He cried as the innocence covered his nose and started reaching his eyes. "No! I'm never sorry. Sorry is for pathetic losers. I never meant for this to happen! Why did this happen to me?"

Allen's voice grew muffled as the innocence flowed in his mouth and nose, filling his ears and smothering his eyes. Allen's body started jerking and shaking. He is surrounded by innocence, it's like air and water together, intoxicating like alcohol. His world started spinning black until it faded to white.

Allen sat in the middle of a small white room. It wasn't really a square room. It was rounded so that there were no corners. He stood up and walked only to find that gravity kept him walking on the rounded surface. There was no up or down, a never ending sphere of blinding light. Allen looked down and saw his body was same as it was before he Mana except he was older. His deformed hand hung curled at his side. He confusedly ran his hands through his red hair, over his two clear eyes. Allen saw the room expand as another person appeared in the room.

"Hello?" Allen's voice echoed in the empty room. He walked to the person, who was standing with his back towards Allen. The person's clothes were shredded and leaned forward listlessly.

Allen took hold of the person's shoulder and turned him around. Allen jolted back to see himself. His hair was white, but falling out. The flesh on his body was roting and the cold glint of metal rested eerily. A poor substitute for bone. The body creaked and the head slowly lifted.

Allen backed away as the leering face drew closer to him. The body took shuddering creaking steps and threw it's long arms forward, trapping Allen's arms in front of him in a cold embrace. Allen pushed but the metal body was unrelenting. He struggled until he felt a puff of air on his ear.

"Hehe, and so it ends." Allen tried pushing on the mannequin's chest, drawing back his head. "Oh come on, we were through alot." Allen felt the grip tighten as he saw dust fall to the floor. "Too bad it had to end so soon. See you on the other side." The figure whispered as his head started to crumble. The metal body started to rust and trickle to a fine powder which spread through the room. The dust was slightly warm to the touch and it flowed smoothly over Allen's arms and legs.

Allen was left standing in a field of dust. Suddenly it started swirling and forming faces that mouthed indecipherable words at him. He saw faces of men, women, and children. There were his friends and the Noah. He saw the Earl and Mana in the tumultuous storm.

The sand swirled and grew darker till it was black. In the darkness there was a single voice. The voice grew and another joined it. The voices grew louder and louder until they drowned out Allen's mind. Every voice in the world flowed through his mind. Words of love, hatred, sorrow, and some of simple stupidity. Allen started to laugh, then cry at the magnitude of life.

As his vision blurred he saw he was standing in a graveyard. In front of him was a simple grave reading "Mana Walker". Allen looked up beside him to see Mana and his dog. They joined hands and started walking out of the cemetery. Allen smiled broadly as he saw that the way ahead was clear and bright.

Allen never noticed the girl eating a lollipop while she skipped through the tombstones, carrying a pumpkin umbrella. She stopped at a cross and tossed her lollipop on the grave. It was en-scribed " Allen Walker."

The End

AUTHOR"S NOTE- It's finally done! It took roughly two and a half weeks, no beta reading, no blood, sweat or tears but plenty of writter's block and creativity. Thank you all for reading this, your reviews are my drug.

I'll be taking a break for a week or two then writing a new Man fanfic. I'll see you then.