I think this is the last chapter. I don't know about a sequel.

Sorry this chapter took so long I had dance dailey double. Basically two practices a day for two weeks. Not fun.

Review please!

I do not own anything.

Fang POV

"I cannot believe I have wings! This is so exciting I will fly everywhere and then I can fly away when people bully me and oh Fang! You have to teach me to fly and then we can teach Angel and Gazzy and then we could all fly together! This will be so much fun and we could fly to Paris, you know I have always wanted to go to Paris and-" I cut her off with a hand to her mouth and looked at Max. She looked at me sympathetically from across the table where she was sitting with Angel.

"Sorry." Nudge mumbled as I took my hand away.

So here we sat in a diner in Texas. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Texas? Well I do. It is hot and Hot and not fun. (No offense Texans, but He needed to be grumpy about something.) I gave Max a look that said how I felt and she just nodded in agreement.

"Okay guys we need a place to stay permanently. Any ideas?" She said in her leader-ly voice.

"Paris!" Guess who?

"Alaska!" That was Angel.

"Yeah Alaska!" Yelled Gazzy.

"Alaska is fine with me." Stated Iggy. Max looked at me to see if I was on board.

"Yes." I said thinking about all the fun things to do in Alaska. I didn't come up with much. Max just nodded and asked for the check. Nudge sat in her seat and pouted, but I don't think anyone really noticed.

"So we are going to Alaska!" Yelled Gazzy.

Oh this was going to be interesting.

The END!

Well that was short.