HEY GUYS! You know what this means.

The last chapter of the story:"CAMMIE THE CHAMELEON".


Non-regrets: that i was able to make something for people who appreciate it.

That i got 70 reviewrs! Oot oot!

Regrets:that i only got 70 reviewers.

That i didn't update often. And to that i am truly sorry.

Last minute thank u's: i wanna say thanks to god for helping me block out my writer's block.

And all my people who actually reviewed my story.

Last disclaimer of the story:

Gallagher girls:Bex: you did good bunniez. You might even be tougher than me to make this story this good.

Macey: and you've given this story a style even i couldn't find in any magizine anywhere.

Liz: and you're pretty smart from my research.

Cammie: and you've totally given a story an invisible aura of greatness that even i couldn't hide.

Me:thnx guys. But really, thank my reviewers and god.

GG: ok! Thnx reviewerz for being awesome!

ME: (rolls eyes)

Here it is now! My final chapter. Luv ya guys!

It was a desperate attempt. But we had to back down. I thought we couldn't fight. I thought we couldn't unless we wanted one of our real friends to die for it. And if any of us moved. Then I would regret it.

I thought we would never be able to save Macey.

I thought we would never be able to "save the day".

I thought we would never become a hero.

I was TOTALLY wrong.

I heard a distant footsteps. But i didn;t see anyone. But then I saw my dad in invisible form(I can see invisible people if i wanted to. Durr i'm a invisible girl) heading towards Macey. Then I yelled "now!" and I saw my dad push macey with the knofe skidding across the floor. The fight begen. Only me and Bex were here.

But then when I saw the sky was raining gallagher girls.

Literally. It literally was raining gallagher girls. I guess that I knew that Liz was proably maybe the most dangerous one of all. Even if she was small, she had a BIG idea for things.

For example:

The ablility to make people turn into rain, and when they fell on the ground you would see the rain turn into gallagher girls. Result: and you get the entire sophmore class of the gallagher academy for exceptional superheroes (to us at least).

And that's why it was raining gallagher girls that day.

I saw Tina run in, do a black flip, land on her feet, run towards the 50 guards, and jump and spin kick him, causing his to do a 180.

Then i saw her look at us, wink, and say "charge!" and 50 gallagher girls came in. I saw liz use water, wrapped them around abput 20 guards, but more guards came in and i saw liz make an ice shield and start to run. I saw Mick&Bex fight off a guard while Macey was still held ransom. I saw my dad fighting kiwi while Kim Lee was tripping guards and spin kicking guards while Courtney Bauer was streching in the middle with her arms out wide and punching guards from across the room (did i mention that Courtney is a rubber band? She can stretch anything, even her hair. EPIC). I saw Tina turn the walls into blackholes and several people "dissapeared" while Grant was kncking people out by punching people, I saw Zach and my dad work together as my dad was fighting Kiwi and Zach was using her nads to untie Macey until Macey was free and Macey starting flying aroung and picking people up and dropping them to uncouiciness. I saw Anna Fetterman reading people's minds and use it against them, while I saw Jonas was controlling people to punch each other into uncousiness. Everyone was fighting everyone. (everyone fighting everyone I mean gallagher girls v.s. guards).

But then I saw my dad fall and I knew he was uncousiness.

Then I saw my vision turn into rage. I sent a power message to my mom saying we needed help and that she needed to heal dad. I saw my mom appear before me and I pointed to dad and dad was at my feet. Then i saw my mom's hands fill with electricity and I saw my dad and my mom dissapear.

I saw my vision turn to Kiwi laughing evilly and start to run.

"Hey! If you're no coward then fight me yourself"I heard my self say.

I ran towards Kiwi and I saw her run towards me and the fight was on. I turned invisible but she read my mind and she doged my kick. Then she tried to punch me but then I knew.

My dad told me when I was little that every hero's power only grew if she was calm. Calmness grows into a new power.

I started to put my shield into a bubble. I grew calm. I saw my energy growing. Even after I was exausted with the day, I grew calm. I saw my energy rise and I noticed that my hands tigled with electricity, Literally. I knew my new power, and I saw my hands glow with purple energy until my hands were a bright light and I popped my shield bubbble and pointed my hands at Kiwi. I shot a lighting bolt at her and she slammed against the wall as it hit it's target. I walked towards her and i made a decision. I grew a bubble shield aroung her of lighting and when she tried to escape, she only shocked herself.

"Bye bye Kiwi" and I shot the (surprisling light) lighting bubble to the sky and she dissapeared as a shot of lighting marked her disssapearence. I heard I scream from the distence and a flash of lighting as Kiwi yelled "NO FAIR!" and I smirked. Then I ran off into the fight to save my friends and as the COC saw thier leader was missing they fled and I saw my friends turn towards me and I was squashed my my sisters and bretheren. I was safe. Everyone was safe.

I felt like a hero truly then. I guess turning invisible is quite a talent.

Ten days later...

I saw everything go by, people walk by saying hi as usual. Everyone was back to classes, my dad was in the infarmy. Everyone was back t normal. There was a few scratches here and there. Zach finally asked my to be his girlfriend and i said yes, i seemed like a glow was raidiating off me (and it's not because i'm a lightning hero now ).

I was heading back to my dorm room and there was only 4 beds now, like the way it should be. The day after the fight bex, macey, liz, and I snuck out, caused a fire (courtesy of liz), and burned any trace that Kiwi was even alive.

I was happy. Everyone was safe. Everything was happy.

I was Cammie the Chameleon.

And I was finally proud of it.

So that's my story! REVIEW, just this last time! Please! Thank you! And now more announcements:


I'll be making new stories, and i'm gonna make a brand new crossover (again) called:

"The spy who couldfly". It's gonna be about all the gallagher girls being children of gods (actual god children, not half like demigods, full like as in thier fully gods) and how they join Percy and Annabeth and pose as demigods who grew up in the Gallagher Girls, and they don;t know that thier god's children until they go to camp half blood that, of course, Grover find them in the blackthorne school looking for zach and the gang. I'll make a percy jackson and clique crossover too!

Also: go to my poll on my page (BUNNIEZ) and you'll finda poll where you can vote if I should make a sequel to this story! So vote if you want a new story sequel!

And if you vote yes, if you have any ideas, then please feel free to PM me.

And so this announcement, like this story, is over.

I luv you guys! Thnx for reading!

Goodbye for now, Bunniez. :D