AN: First off I'm going to apologize, seemingly part of the routine whenever I post something. Well, my computer died again and then once I got it back, I had no clue what to write. But I finally got something. I really hope you guys enjoy this and I'm so sorry for the wait. I feel terrible about this. I'll try and update more frequently. I'd like to apologize in advance for any out of character-ness. Well, enjoy my lovelies~ And please don't forget to review~!

Kyouya Ootori's POV

I'll be the first to admit, I was being a stupid selfish child. There were other ways to go about this, other ways this could've been handled. But my stupid ass thought that practically dragging you to my house, completely unannounced to anyone, was simply the brightest of ideas, and here you sat, on the couch in my bedroom, wiping your eyes on the back of your hands.

I sat next to you, trying my hardest to come up with some words to soothe you; words that would take all the pain away. I could be quite the wordsmith, believe it or not. But now I was at a complete and total blank. I just wanted to wrap my arms around him. I just wanted to lie to him and tell him that every thing would be okay, that no one would ever hurt him like that ever again. But as I sat there wordless, thoughts of taking advantage of him crawled into my mind. How could I protect him when I was just as bad as his brother, but I was only being selfish, wanting him all for myself and settling for no compromise?

The red-head made muffled sobs as he continued to cry, ducking his head. I sighed, angry at myself, fiddling with my glasses.

"I-I'm sorry..." he said through the tears.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why are you apologizing?"

He drew his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them, "...I'm so sorry..."

I couldn't think of anything better to do, so I wrapped my arm around him slowly, "...You don't need to be sorry..."I could feel him shaking beneath my touch, "...You can stay here tonight...I-if you want," I turned away, knowing I was blushing.

"...R-really?" he kept his head ducked, eyes covered my his long bangs.

"Of course. I'll have the maids set up a room for you."

"...Could...could I possibly your room...I-I don't want to be alone tonight..."

I know he felt me tense up at that thought. Me...and the same bed. I wasn't sure if I would be able to control myself.

"T-that's a stupid suggestion. I'm such an idiot for even bringing that up," he laughed nervously, wiping away more fallen tears with the back of his hand.

I tighten my grip around his shoulders, "That's not a stupid idea. I'm perfectly fine with it."

He relaxed a little more.

I shouldn't have said anything. I should have just let him cried, happy he was even in my arms. But no. My bright idea was to bring it back up.

"...I'm sorry that he does those kind of things to you."

And he sobbed harder. I wanted to bash my head into the nearest wall. I really should've seen that one coming.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, my voice actually sounded sincere for once.

I wish I could've kissed him right there. Maybe that would've stopped those tears from flowing, messing up possibly the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I never wanted to see you cry. And I couldn't seem to understand the exact reason...

He finally calmed down later on that night. The tears finally stopped, the shaking and the constant apologies, finally ceased. But I was so worried that he would break down crying again at any moment. So instead of risking saying something stupid again, I just kept my mouth shut, which was probably equally as stupid as bringing up the subject. I had dinner brought to my room, because in all honesty, I didn't want anyone else to see you this delicate. After dinner he showered and I sat waiting for him to emerge. I sent him in with a pair of pajamas, not wanting him to come out with a towel wrapped around his waist, asking if he could borrow some clothes. I would have lost it most definitely. I showered after him, not meeting his eyes when he came out, towel draped around his neck. After I came out, I found him sitting on the couch, crying very softly.

"I'm sorry I left you alone," I sat down next to him.

"K-Kyouya-senpai...I didn't hear you come in..." he wiped his eyes again.

"...Is there anything I can do to help?"

"...Why would he do those things to me?"

"...I don't know why...But if he obviously doesn't love you if he's willing to hurt you this much..."

"He's my brother...There's...there's just so much wrong with it..."

"I know, I know. He shouldn't have done that...especially if you were against it."

"He's my brother! Of course I wouldn't want it!"

"...Are you going to be okay?" I wonder if he could tell how terrified I was that the answer would be no.

"Y-yeah...At some point...just...not...What am I supposed to do?"

I wanted so dreadfully to have an answer. I wanted to tell him that there was some easy quick fix and that he could be happy again and that things would go back to normal in no time. But that was fantasy.

"I-I don't know..."

"...Kyouya...that's the first time you haven't been able to answer one of my questions before..." he finally looked up, meeting my eyes.

I said nothing again. There was a battle going on in my head on whether or not I should kiss him. And luckily before it was over, he turned away again. I could see a very apparent blush on his otherwise pale cheeks.

"...I'm sorry."

"It's okay..."

"...Do you hate me?"

I jumped and furrowed my eyebrows, "Whatever gave you that idea?"

"Do you?"

"No, of course not."

"...Do you hate Hikaru?"

"...Yes, I do."


"Because he touches you like that."

His voice got defensive suddenly, "Why does that matter to you? What does that have to do with you? Why...why do you even care? What am I to you Kyouya?" he grabbed my shirt and looked up at me almost desperately.

Its was now or never.

Kaoru Hitachiin's POV

I felt disgusting. I needed someone to prove to me that I wasn't. And...judging by Kyouya's eyes... I thought he would be the person to make me feel that way. I wasn't very sure what made me do it in the first place. Maybe it was because he was the only willing to comfort me during a time like this. Maybe it was because I thought I was the only person he'd let in this much. Maybe it was because the way we simply looked at each other.

He leaned so close to me, so close I could feel his breath on my lips, "So much."

He pressed his lips to mine almost hungrily, his hand moving to my side. I moved against him, pushing back slightly. He parted his lips slightly, probably a reaction to me responding positively to him. He slid his tongue into my mouth, a heat behind it. Sure I'd been kissed before, but never like this.

I let a moan escape my throat, feeling Kyouya dig his fingers into my side. This wasn't Kyouya at all. I pulled away, gasping for air, only to have the dark haired male take advantage of my open mouth and engage us in another fervent kiss. My hand moved from his chest to his shoulders, then to his neck, and soon I had tangled my fingers in his hair. I was loosing myself. He was making me forget everything. And I would cling to this for as long as I could.

He pushed me down, him now looming over me, not even breaking the kiss. He moved one hand down, beginning to undo the buttons on my shirt. He broke the kiss, licking down my neck. I couldn't help but gasp nervously and become tense. Suddenly, Kyouya stopped. All the heat was gone.

He pulled away from me and stood, looking down and away, dark hair covering his eyes, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't meant to do that..." he turned and began to walk away.

This was my last chance.

"Kyouya..." my voice was nervous, almost shaking, though he turned and looked at me "Kyouya ...please...make me feel beautiful."

Well? How'd it go? What do you think? Gonna kill me? Hopefully not, cause living is kinda fun... Anyway, please tell me what you think. Thank you~!