The Gods visit...not good..

Summary: This took place after the TLO as the gods think about Percy's words about claiming their kids earlier. So Zeus decided that they should visit their kids at camp half blood. Thats big news and what happens if Poseidon and Athena catches Annabeth and Percy talking, hanging out , …...kissing. Also Thalia has a twin brother...what will happen to all the kids and the kids pf the big three.. ( No one is dead)

Disclaimer: Look do I look like Rick Riordan...Do I have brilliant ideas? Do I have the imagination to create Percy and the Olympians? NO I DON'T SO DON'T SAY I OWN ANYTHING!

Percy's POV

I was walking down to the Athena cabin to see my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, when the Stoll Brothers ran up to me.

" PERCY!" They both yelled running to me.

"What?" I asked alitlte curious since the Stoll Brother never looked so ….scared.

"We overheard Chiron speaking in an Iris message!" Connor spoke first.

"Yea and?" I asked again. I should of figured they were listening in.

"The Gods! Our Parents! Their coming! Even our mortal parent that tried keeping us safe are coming!." Travis replied more scared.

"Oh this can't be good." I said running to the Athena cabin.

Inside the Athena Cabin...

Annabeth's POV

weird my boyfriend was suppose to come over right now..I wonder whats taking him so long just to come visit me. Oh Hades I'm becoming a lovesick Athena girl.

I heard a knock on the door and made sure my siblings didn't get it. I opened the door to see...a tired Percy panting as like he heard bad news and came running towards here.

"Annabeth! Our godly parent and mortal parent are coming!" He told me.

" Oh Hades no..." I said dumbfound.

Thats when the trouble began...I heard the conch horn calling us the cabin leaders to a meeting.

At the meeting table.

No one's POV

"Chiron whats wrong?" Beckendorf asked.

"Yea me and my siblings had to stop doing our make up cause of this meeting" Silena said polishing her nails.

Thats when everyone got out of their seat and ready their weapons well...everyone except Silena who was hiding behind Bekendorf.

"Now Now campers lower your weapons...Hunters of Artemis you also." Chiron called as he wipes away the smoke.

There was an Iris message that made quite a entrance.

"Mr. Grace nice entrance I suppose." Chiron said.

"Sorry about that Chiron when it comes to Dad he doesn't waste time in a entrance." Mr. Grace replied.

"Isn't Grace ...Thaila's name?" Percy asked

"Oh Hades I gave away the surprise." Chiron said.

"What surprise Chiron?" Thaila asked walking up to the Iris message.

Once the smoke cleared the Iris message showed a boy that looked like Thaila. He had short spiky black hair. He was wearing a gold Greek armor that hid his black shirt. He had the same lightning blue eyes as Thaila. No one saw his bottom half.

"Thaila meet your twin brother , Skylar Grace." Chiron said.

"I-I have a t-twin brother." Thaila stuttered which was the first time.

"Well older twin Whats up lil sis?" Skylar asked.

"Wh-Why aren't you here on earth?" Thaila asked.

"When we were born dad took me with him to Olympian as lieutenant so here I am." Skylar replied calmly.

"Wait I'll explain everything to you later. Chiron tell everyone what to do tomorrow. Uncle Hades is calling bye!" That was everything he said until the mist disappeared.

"Well I'll tell everyone what to do tomorrow. Please take your seats." Chiron said nervously.

Everyone took their seats and began whispering.

"As you all know you godly parents and mortal parents well...their coming here for a visit until for 2 weeks. So I'm telling all cabin leaders to get their siblings ready and ready to meet their parents and teach/show them what we do in camp. Also try not to kill each other if your parents dislike each other already." Chiron announced staring at Percy and Annabeth the most.

Lee raised his hand. " What happens if any fights break out?" He asked.

"The cabin leaders must settle it or duel it out." Chiron replied.

"Meeting dismissed..." Chiron spoke then trotted out.

Percy and Annabeth walked over to Thaila who was standing where the mist was.

"I can't believe that I have a brother who I might...actually think of as family..." Thaila said.

"Can't wait to meet my new cousin." Percy chuckled earning a punch from Annabeth.

"Thaila get some rest...we will see your brother tomorrow when the gods visit." Annabeth said leading her back to the Artemis cabin with Percy close behind.

Well that was alittle intense...What will happen to Thaila if she meets her bro? Whats going to happen during the visit? OMG WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF APOLLO PUTS A CURSE ON SOME PEOPLE DURING THE CAMP TO MAKE THEM SING! and What if Silena didn't like Beckendorf? Will I ever end this short rant!

See ya~ Nya~
