
Hinata whirled around to face her daughter Misato smiling at her. It had been six years since she had been seven years since she had give birth to her two lovely twins. Hinata couldn't believe how fast they were growing up. Especially Ren, he was eleven now and was already the eight grade. Sasuke had said he had developed Itachi's genes when it came to education. Another prodigy in the Uchiha clan.

"What is it?" Hinata wiped her hands on a dish cloth.

"Gaara spoke to me!"

Hinata stared at her blankly. "What?"

"She's right!" Tatsuya exclaimed. He had run into the room. Red dye was dripping from his hair onto the floor. "We were paying our respects when he said he missed us."

"Tatsuya! What did you do to your hair?" Hinata gasped. 'They must've still been half asleep.'

Tatsuya blushed. "I wanted it to look like Gaara's."

Hinata sighed. 'I wouldn't be surprised if some of Gaara's DNA rubbed off on them.'

"Morning!" Sasori walked in the room. He looked at Tatsuya and began to laugh.

"What did you do? Am I that popular?"

"I wanted to look like Gaara, not you." Tatsuya said coldly turning Sasori into a white ghostly figure who sat in the corner.

"Mommy, when is daddy coming home?" Misato whined.

"Uh, pretty soon." Hinata smiled. 'Geez Sasuke hurry up. These kids keep bugging me.'

"I'm home!" Sasuke called. It was like he had heard Hinata's plea.

Sasuke appeared in the door way to with Ren beside him.

"Oh so that's why Misato wanted to see Sasuke." Sasori smiled mischievously. "It's because he had Ren."

Hinata laughed. "They might be close but not that close."

"Ren!" Misato ran up to him.


"I've missed you!" Misato planted a kiss on his lips.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAA?" Hinata, Sasori, and Sasuke looked at them. "What's wrong?"

"You do not kiss your sister like that!" Sasuke scolded.

"Why not? She's a girl. I kiss all girls like that." Ren retorted.

"Well we know that Ren has Sasuke's womanizer genes." Sasori laughed ignoring the glares Sasuke shot at him.

"M-Misato." Hinata pulled her away from Ren. "You don't like Ren like that do you?"

Misato rolled her eyes. "No way mom. That's gross. The Hyuuga clan might do that but I'm an Uchiha."

Sasuke looked away so Hinata couldn't see him laughing silently.

"You're apart of the Hyuuga clan as much as you're apart of the Uchiha clan Misato." Hinata said.

"Yeah but I want to be apart of the Uchiha clan and marry who I want to marry."

"And who is that?" Sasori asked.

"You Sasori!" She smiled.

Sasori bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "That's right. When you're eighteen I'll marry you, I promise."

"Sasori." Hinata pulled his hair. "Don't promise her anything!"

"Ow ow ow ow ow!" Sasori cried.

"Hey Ren, want to play with my new DSI mommy bought me?" Tatsuya asked.

Ren nodded his head. "Sure."

"Wait Tatsuya!" Hinata said. "Wash that die out of your hair before you go and play."

"But mom…"

"Now." Hinata lowered her voice.

Tatsuya groaned. "Fine." He slumped his shoulders and walked out the room.

"Ren how is your mom?" Hinata smiled at him.

"She's fine Okasan. She's getting married in January."

"Really? To who?"

"This lazy guy. His name is Shikamaru."


Tatsuya hugged Sasuke. "But, he will never replace daddy."

Sasuke smiled and stroked his head.

Sasori whined and leaned against Hinata. "Why can't I find a lady?"

"That's because you're too gullible." Hinata and Sasuke replied at the same time.

"What do you mean?"

"You believe everything they say and end up getting your heart broken."

Sasori's eye began to twitch. "I would appreciate it if you guys didn't say everthing in synch."

"It's true."

"Aagh! Stop it!"

"Sasori, do you want to hear the new song I made?" Misato tugged on his shirt.

"You made a new one? Really? Cool, yeah I want to hear it." He smiled.

"Okay! Come on Ren." Misato grabbed both of their hands and pulled them away.

Hinata sighed heavily. "Thank God they're gone."

Sasuke gave her a peck on the cheek. "Sorry I was so late. Ren's flight was running late."

"It's alright." She moved towards the fridge. "You know, Misato and Tatsuya said they saw Gaara today."


"I know it's weird."

Sasuke shook his head. "I told you not to tell them those stories about you guy's secret love affair."

Hinata laughed and slung him in the arm. "We didn't have a love affair."

"Uh-huh." he rolled his eyes.

Hinata winked at him. "You know you're the only one I love."

"That's not what I heard from Naruto."

"What did Naruto say?"

Sasuke chuckled and said nothing. All he did was stare at her.

"Sasuke tell me!"

"I'll be in my room. You have to give me something in return."

Hinata blushed. She still wasn't quite used to Sasuke's seductive side. She watched him slither around the corner like a snake and started laughing. Sometimes she wondered if he was sane.

Before she followed him she peeked outside in the garden to see if Sasori was still playing with Ren and Misato which he was.

"Excuse me mom." Tatsuya pushed past her and joined them.

"Well, they should be fine for a few minutes." She turned to go when something caught her eye.

There he was standing beside Sasori listening to Misato sing.

"Gaara." She whispered.

And as if he had heard her, Gaara looked at her. He gave her a smile and was suddenly gone.

Hinata took a step forward. "Wait!"

"Mommy?" Misato had stopped singing. Everyone was looking at her confused.

"Sorry. Go ahead and finish." Hinata said and turned around to leave. That was when she saw a white lily on the table by the door. It wasn't there before so how was it there now? She hadn't heard Sasuke come down stairs again.

She picked it up and noticed a small piece of paper that was under it. It had Gaara's kanji written on it.

Hinata smiled and brought the lily to her nose. 'Thank you Gaara.'

'You're welcome. Take care Hinata.' A voice that sounded like Gaara answered her.

Hinata glanced back outside at Sasori who was being tackled by the kids. He looked at her and smiled. She smiled back. He had seen Gaara too. It was the last and final time they would see him and this time none of them were sad about it.

A/N: Thank you all for reading my first fan fiction! I'm so happy I got so many reviews :]

I will say I'm kinda sad for making Gaara died but now that I've actually finished the story I'm too lazy to change it. Sorry. Well anyway I promise a whole lot of more fanficts will be coming from me! And they probably won't be in the same category like this one. Some will probably be in the line of ninja's of course or vampires… :\ well anyway see you guys really soon. Thanks again!

Yours truly,

SasukeXxXluver :]