Ch. 1 -Broken Feelings

"Al...I'll be right back."

"O.K. brother"

Ed walked from his brother and headed towards the colonel's office. He had a bone to pick with him.

"That Bastard, does he think he can get away with this."

Ed stomped his way past Riza Hawkeye's desk, "Oh, Good morning Edward" Hawkeye said with a smile.

Ed ignored her, walking straight towards the colonel's office.

He knocked as hard as he could, then stormed into the office.

"Colonel, you damn Bastard, why did you remove me from the assignment in Leore!"

"Nice to see you too FullMetal, what's your problem?"

"Don't be fucking stupid, colonel, you know why I'm here!"

"No I can't say I know, nor that I care as to why you are here"

Mustang placed his elbows on the table and placed his chin on top, giving Ed an annoyed glared

"I asked you why you replaced me with Armstrong on the Leore assignment!"

Roy took out his pocket-watch and looked at the time. "12:45, lunch..." The colonel stood up, walked right passes Ed and went to Riza's desk, "Riza, could you order me two sandwiches please, and ...some milk" The colonel looked over his shoulder and smirked at Ed. "Yes Sir!" Riza replied.

'What the heck is wrong with this guy...I'm trying to talk to him and he's thinking about food...bastard...' Ed thought while glaring at Mustang.

"Now FullMetal, take a seat and wait for lunch to arrive, the we'll talk"

"Lunch?...ugh fine whatever" Ed gave in, not happy about that fact though

Riza came back within 10 minutes and brought Mustang the sandwiches, along with a scotch and some milk.

"Thanks Lieutenant" "No problem, Sir"

Mustang handed Ed a sandwich and the glass of ...milk

"Whats with this crap! You know that I hate this white cow juice!"

"Yes Ed, but it will help you grow, and everyone knows you need to gain a few inches"

"Shut-it Colonel Fuck-face" Ed knew a short-joke was coming...

"Now tell me! Colonel! Why did you replace Me with Armstrong!, Al and I work way better together than Armstrong and Al will!" Ed stood up and slammed his hands onto the colonel's desk.

"I need to get information on the Philosophers Stone! Not to mention the Homunculus that are after us!" Ed just kept getting more and more angry. " I am not a fucking child anymore, I can handle this crap!"

" can handle yourself, FullMetal" Mustang said with a sign of anger, and understanding along with...worry? in his voice.

'I can't let him know why I replaced him with Armstrong...' the colonel thought.

"WTF! If you know that, then WHY!, this is why I can't fucking stand you lately! Recently you've been removing me from the most important assignments!" Ed kicked the colonels desk, knocking his papers to the ground

"You...could...get..." The colonel mumbled, hoping FullMetal didn't hear him

"I could get what! WHAT!" Ed asked, almost getting ready to punch Mustang

"You...You...YOU NEED TO GROW UP!" Roy said angrily, hiding his true intentions and feelings.

" I AM GROWN UP ENOUGH! I have been through things that have forced me to grow up! So stop treating me like a god-damned child Mustang!"

"Been through things that MADE you grow up! Hahaha That's fucking hilarious Kid, considering your at fault for all of those Experiences, your childish actions forced you to go through all that! YOU CALL THAT GROWN UP!"

"I...I..." Ed didn't know how to respond.

"Your mommy died, so what! So you decide to risk you precious little brother and yourself to bring her back! CHILDISH! You were a fool then, and still remain a fool even now!" Mustang didn't know what he was saying. He looked down at Ed, and...

".a.F-f-oo-l" Ed's face was looking down, hiding the fact that he was crying

"I am useless. I hurt Al. I don't deserve too...L-l-llii..." Ed collapsed on the ground and began to weep.

"FullMetal...I...did...n't.." Mustang walked around his desk, towards Ed, he couldn't believe what he had just said. To...Ed

All of a sudden, the colonels door swung open and Riza and Al ran in.

" Brother you were taking so long so I..." Al stopped talking and saw his brother on the ground curled up.

"BROTHER!" Al ran over to Ed and Picked him up off the ground.

"Al..I'm sorry, I am a ba-a-d Ol-d-e-r Bro..." Ed tried to stifle his sobs but couldn't.

"Colonel What did you do to my Brother!" Al ran to Hawkeye and then out of the office.

"I...I..." Mustang put his hand to his face, covering his eyes, in dis-belief of what just occurred.

"Sir, What in the world did you do to FullMetal?" Riza said staring at where Ed had been laying.

Mustang didn't hear her, he kept replaying what he had said to Ed in his head.

"Why did I say that...something like of all people..Ed?" Mustang said aloud, unintentionally.

"What! What could you have possibly said to make Ed respond like that!" Riza said with a little more urgency in her voice.

Mustang still wasn't paying any attention to anything.

"SIR!" Riza slapped the colonel across the face. Hard.

Mustang stepped back, as he felt the jolt of pain from the lieutenant's slap.

"Sir, what did you say to make Ed act like that?" Hawkeye calmed herself down.

"I..I said..."

Mustang told Riza everything that had been said.

She slapped him, again, harder.

"How..How could you!" Anger clearly present in her voice

"Ed's still a child, your right, but How dare you pick at the few things that bother him, just because he didn't like your decision about Leore!"

Riza ran out of the colonel's office to go find Ed and Al, so she could help Ed calm down.

"I didn't...I didn't mean to make him cry" Mustang fell back in his chair, covering his face with his hands.

He was ashamed at what he had said to FullMetal...He didn't understand what he was all.