Ch. 26- Forever.

" back..."

Roy slowly woke up, and got the lovely surprise of a back ache.

This was probably due to the fact that he and Ed had been sleeping on the ground, all night.

"...Well...I'm never doing that aga-" His thoughts were interrupted as he felt something press into his chest.

He looked,, and saw Ed, curled up with his back fitting against his chest perfectly.

"Ed..." He whispered, grinning, as he gently ruffled his hands through Ed's hair.

"Mmm...not..yet.." Ed complained.

"Ed...we have to get up..." Roy sat up, and lent his back against the rock behind him, and he slowly brought Ed up into his lap.

"Noo...not yet..." He whined.

He nuzzled Roy's thy with his nose.

Roy stifled the tiny sound of pleasure that he'd made.

They had to get moving.

"Ed, you can't lay in my lap forever, what about...mmm" Ed had quickly got to his knees and had pressed his lips to cover Roy's.

Ed pulled back, not allowing Roy to return the gesture.

"I know we need to get going...but I can't focus...well... when we're like this..." He smiled looking Roy up and down.

They were both completely naked.

Ed on top of Roy.

'Fuck, what if someone see's us?' Roy realized, as he looked at Ed.

"What? think someone saw us?" Ed laughed wrapping his hands around Roy's neck.

"'s to early for..for..." He closed his eyes, Ed had wrapped his legs around Roy's waist, pulling their hips as close as possible.

"You choose the weirdest times this..." He moaned, leaning in to kiss Ed on his lips.

Ed nipped at Roy's bottom lip, sending shivers down his spine.

He kissed him back, gently.

"Mmm...Ed...let's get going..." He pulled back, and ignored Ed's whimper as he looked around for his clothes.

'Shit, they were by the stream.'

Ed laughed as he saw Roy looking around for his clothes.

"Roy, I'll get them" He smiled, and got up quickly.

"" Roy looked Ed up and down as he walked away.

'God...what the hell...he's teasing me even now..." He watched, slightly dazed as Ed slowly turned around, and gave him a feral looking grin, and licking his lips. He reached down, slightly bending over, and got his jacket off of the ground. He draped it over his bear shoulders, and continued to walk over towards the stream.

Roy watched quietly, hoping Ed would quit the teasing and just get his clothes.

No such luck for Roy.

Ed crouched down next to the water and cupped his hand.

He slowly dipped them into the water and dumped the crystal clear water over his head.

The water slightly soaked his golden hair, and dripped down his shoulders, causing his auto-mail arm to glisten with light from the early morning sun.

He grabbed the rest of his clothes from the stone he'd left them on and then grabbed Roy's disheveled clothes from the messy pile that they'd been thrown in.

'Finally...' Roy was relieved, thinking Ed couldn't possibly do anything else to tease him.

Ed walked back over, slipping into his shirt and boxers on his way back to Roy.

"Alright Ed, now please can I have my clothes, they're not still wet are they?" He so was not going to walk around in wet clothes, he'd have to dry them.

"They're dry, I 'll give them to you in a minute, I need to get my pants on." Ed grinned, as he placed Roy's clothes behind him, and he lifted his leather pants over his legs.

"Ugh..." He shifted with signs of difficulty.

"Ed, are you seriously having a hard time with your own pants..." Roy smiled deviously as he got up and knelt in front of Ed.

"Roy...what are you..."

Roy grabbed the zipper of Ed's pants and pulled it up with ease, and he quickly fastened the button above the zipper.

"Uh...thanks Ro-y..." Ed arched his head back alittle.


Roy took his hand and slipped it under Ed's shirt. Stroking Ed's waistline.

"Now...Ed...let's get ready and get to the next more teasing...understand." He smirked and got up from his knees.

Looking down at Ed, he waited for a response., still firmly stroking Ed's waist.

"Mhm..." Ed hummed.


Roy went behind Ed and changed quickly into his clothes, they were a little stiff, but at least they were dry.

He grabbed Ed's hand and pulled him along back towards the train tracks.

"Roy, how much further do you think it is until we reach the next station?"

They'd been walking for a while.

"Hmm...Well I don't think it'll be that much further, we have been moving for quite some time. Why are you tired already?" Roy looked down at Ed and noticed he did look a little tired, it was kind of warm and Ed's automail limbs weren't exactly the lightest things in the world.

"No...I'm fine...Just a little tired."

Roy sighed, Ed never was good at asking for help, or anything similar to it.

"Ed." He stoped and got infront of Ed.

"What? I said I was ..."

Roy interrupted him.

"Just Shutup and get on FullMetal, that's an order."

Roy bent over a little, and back into Ed smoothly.

"What do..."

"I said get on! I'll carry you on my back for a while."

He though Ed was going to refuse, but within seconds of his second order he felt Ed leap onto his back.

"You sure you can carry me? I'm not a light as I look." Ed wrapped his hand around Roy's neck and rested his head on Roy's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm positive I can carry you, luckily your not normal size or this would be a lot ..."


"OW! Ed what the hell was that for!"

Ed had clonked Roy on the head with his left arm.

"You just called me short." He said angrily.

"You Moron, I did not."

"You did so, indirectly."

"Your an idiot."

"And your a perv!" Ed laughed.

"What's so funny?"

Ed laughed again.

"Well..." Ed moved his hands to Roy's head, and grabbed small tufts of his hair into each hand.

"Ed...what the hell are you doing?"

"Well...I just remembered something that I've always wanted to do to you" He laughed once more, sounding impressively childlike.

"What?" Roy didn't like where this was going.

"Promise you won't drop me, or anything?"

"Why would I drop you?"

"Heehee...Oh just basically said I could"


Roy's hair was suddenly tugged, as head pulled it with both hands.

He kicked Roy on the sides with his feet and said...

"Gideeup Mustang!" Laughing hysterically.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Roy wanted to drop him so much.

"I said GIDEEUP! MUSTANG!" He laughed again, bucking his hips into Roy's back.

Roy turned red, and started to run.

Ed laughed out hysterically.

"And I always though I'd never..." Ed started to say something.

"Ed...don't you even think about saying it."

"That I'd ever..." Ed continued...

"I said don't say it!" Roy yelled.

Ed laughed. Pulling Roy hair more.

"That I'd ever get to ride a Mustang!" He broke down in laughter, releasing Roy's hair and softly smacking the side of Roy's shoulders with his hands.

Roy grinned, not at the thing Ed had said, but how he was going to get him for it later.

"Oh so you did think it was funny! Huh Roy!" Ed was still giggling.

"Oh yeah...hilarious" He said sarcastically, Ed didn't seem to notice.

"Are you still gonna carry me..."

"If you still want me to."

Ed nuzzled the back of Roy's neck, causing Roy to stiffen.

'He's cute when he wants to be at least.." Roy thought.

"Of course I want you too..." He kissed Roy's neck.

"I love it when I get to ride my Mustang"

'That's it he's dead.' Roy mumbled.

"Ed, lets just go."

Roy started to walk again along the tracks.

4 hours of walking later...


Roy shifted his shoulders, trying to get Ed's attention.

He heard a snore.

"He's asleep? Ugh..."

They'd finally reached the station, and Roy was standing on the side.

"Ed wake up, we're here." He set Ed on a bench.

He placed his hand on Ed's cheek and tapped gently.

"Ed...I know sleeping helps you grow..but it's time to wake up."


"I'M NOT SHORT!* Ed mumbled.

"Didn't sat that." Roy responded, rubbing the back of his head.

He knew that'd get Ed up. He laughed.

"Wow, It's already this late. Roy you didn't have to carry me all day, you should've woken me up" Ed frowned, feeling guilty that he'd gotten to sleep while Roy had walked all that way with him on his back.

"It's alright, your cute when your asleep" Roy put his hand on top of Ed's head.

Ed blushed.

"Now lets get our tickets and get to Risembool"

Ed's eyes widened, as he rubbed sleep from his eyes.

"Risembool...Al...Al..." He muttered. A smile forming on his face.

"Yes Ed." Roy smirked.

"His body!" Ed jump, grabbing Roy's hand and pulling him into the station.

They both walked straight towards the counter.

"Excuse me m'am, when's the next train for Risembool arrive?" Roy asked, giving the woman behind the counter his usual face of cool and sexy.

Her face turned red, and she looked down at the train schedule in front of her.

"Um...well.. Sir, It" She smile, hoping to meet with Roy's eyes once more.

But all she saw were the two running towards the tracks, and jumping onto the back of the departing train.

"Damn it, We almost completely missed it!" Ed complained, plopping himself into one of the seats.

"Well at least we got on" Roy smiled, sitting in the same seat as Ed.

"There is another seat you know" Ed teased, moving closer to Roy.

"Yeah...I know" Roy lifted his arm and put it around Ed's shoulders, and pulled him closer.

"So, after all this Al might have his..." Roy started.

"His body back...After all the Hell we've gone through these past six years...He could finally have gotten back the thing that I took away..." Ed choked on a small sob as he leaned against Roy's side.

"Ed, you and Al both know, that it wasn't your fault his body got taken, you need to stop blaming lost something too."

"I know I didn't choose Al to lose his body...but I still caused it to happen, I swear I will never let anything hurt him ever again." Ed clenched his fists.

Roy grabbed Ed's shoulders and turned him.

"Ed." He glared into the pools of Gold staring back.

"If Al has actually gotten his body back, I want you to promise me something."

"What?" Ed said stiffly.

"I want you to promise me that you'll keep yourself out of dangerous situations like this from then on."

Ed pulled back, and smiled as he looked out the window.


He grabbed Roy's hand, squeezing it asif trying to communicate without words.

"If Al has actually gotten his body back, I'll never put him or myself through anything like this ever again. That I can promise you. I'd never risk his life like that."

"Roy tightened his own grip on Ed's hand.


Ed turned his head to face Roy, surprised that he'd used his full name.

"Roy? I just agreed to your promise."

"No, you said you'd never risk Al's life, I wasn't just talking about his, I was talking about your life too."

"I know" Ed smiled.

"So you promise."

"I do."

Ed leaned in, giving Roy a loving kiss on the lips.

Roy kissed him back. Lacing his arms together behind Ed's back, he fell backward.

Lying with Ed on top of him his gently moved his hands up and down Ed's back.

They were entranced by eachothers lips.

Both of their tongues intertwined.

Ed moaned, pulling back from Roy's lips.

"Roy...I think we do this way to much on...trains..."

He leaned in for another kiss.

Roy bit Ed's top lip and whispered

"Well this is what you get for earlier..." Roy was now intent on getting Ed back for saying what Roy asked him not to.

"What are you..."

Roy didn't give him time to talk, he silenced Ed with a smothering kiss, guiding his tongue along the top and bottom of Ed's mouth.

They both hummed with pleasure.

Roy lowered his hands to Ed's pants, quickly undoing the button and zipper, and pulling them down about half way.

Ed tried to get to Roy's pants too, but was stopped.

Ed whimpered.


"No Ed, It's my turn."

He pulled Ed's hand back up.

And continued as he stripped Ed of his shirt and jacket.

"Ed..." Roy whispered.

Roy licked Ed's collar bone, while his hands traced the muscles of his abdomen.

He always forgot how amazing Ed's body truly was, not one ounce of it wasn't firm muscle.

He was just amazing to look at.

"Your beautiful..."

"Mmm...So I've heard..." Ed arched his back, his stomach pressing against Roy's hand.

Roy quickly rolled over, causing Ed to hit the floor.


Roy pounced on top on him, eyes glazed over with lust.

"I'm sorry...did I...hurt you..." Roy cooed, stroking Ed's cheek and kissing his neck.

"'s nothing..."

"Lier...let me make it better..." Roy smiled, as he moved lower on Ed's body.

Ed felt the tug of his boxers as they were completely removed.


"Sweetie...Life isn't fair." Roy laughed.

Ed's chest rumbled with pleasure as he felt Roy encircle his mouth around him.

He bucked his hips, and buried his hands into Roy's hair.

"Mmmm Roy...faster...please..."

He felt Roy's head shake back and forth.

"Please...oh Please..." he begged.

Roy's warm mouth was suddenly gone, and Ed was looking into his lover's dark midnight eye's once again.

"Ed...your being naughty now, we can't have you making a mess on the train..." He smirked, as he gently laid kisses around Ed's chest.

"And...besides..from the looks of it..we'll be in Risembool by tomorrow morning."

They both looked out the window, and Ed noticed the familiar looking country side, Roy was right, they'd be in Risembool soon.

" get to strip me and do that to me" He gestured downwards.

"While I don't get to see a single part of you?"

"Yeah...that's right."

"Not fair! Come On Roy..." He pouted, pressing his lips onto Roy's trying to convince him.

Roy kissed back quickly, before pulling away.

"Sorry Ed, as you said before, you already got to 'Ride the Mustang'" Roy suppressed a flinch as he repeated the annoying phrase.

Ed giggled, but then gave Roy a confused look.

"What's that got to do with this?"

"Well...this was my turn to..."

He kissed Ed's neck.

"Ride an Elric." He smirked.


"Ouch!" Ed's head slammed against the door.

He looked out the window and saw that it was daytime.

"Ugh...I can't believe we actually fell asleep like this." He looked at Roy, who was still on top of him.

"Perv." Ed called, shaking Roy's shoulders.

"Come on Roy! Get Off!"

"Ed...what is it..."

"Come on! I think we're here!"

Ed pushed against Roy's chest and stood up.

"Damnit, what's with you and always wanting to take off my clothes?"

He fumbled in the tiny room, trying to get his clothes together so he could put them on.

"Well...if you weren't so fun to look at, your clothes wouldn't be taken off as much." He laughed.

Ed stepped into his boxers, then his pants.

"Perv. Perv. Perv."

Ed went to grab his shirt, but Roy beat him to it.

He placed a final kiss onto Ed's bear chest, before bringing the black shirt over Ed's head.

"Thanks" Ed smiled. "But I can get dressed by myself!"

He pulled his jacket on and opened the door.

"Lets hurry Roy!"

Roy followed.

They walked to the exit of the train, and asked the girl standing there if they were in Risembool yet.

"Yes, We have arrived in Risembool, Is this where you will be getting off?"

Ed grabbed the door, and pulled it open, and jumped out of the train, without even responding to the women.

Roy rolled his eyes. "Sorry Miss, yes this is where we are getting off, thankyou and goodbye."

He jumped out the door.

"ROY! COME ON!" Ed was running down the dirt road.

"Damnit Ed!" Roy chased after him.

"Damn your slow Old Man" Ed giggled, slowing his pace so that Roy caught up.

"I'm not Old."

"Yeah, and I'm..."

"Tall?" Roy laughed.

"Ugh...whatever...anyway, lets move it! Winry's house isn't that far away."

"Alright, lets move!"

They both ran up the dirt road, passing a few people that waved at Ed.

He ignored them, the only thing on his mind now was if Al had gotten his body back.

They both stoped, as they saw the Rockbells house.

The windows were open, and no-one was outside.

Roy looked over at Ed, and saw that he was standing there, his face filled with apprehension.

He placed his hand on Ed's shoulder.

"Ed it'll be ok, no matter what. Let' go."

Ed nodded silently as he stepped forward.

He walked slowly forward at first, then rushed into an all out sprint.

"Al...Al...Al..." He said silently, along with every step.

Roy followed quickly behind.

Ed stepped onto the large porch, and didn't even bother to knock.

He rushed through the door, and ran into the house.

Pinaco was there when Roy went in, her face surprised.

"Where's Ed?" He asked.

She pointed at the stairs.

He quickly ran u the stairs, almost tripping over Den.

He slowed his pace as he entered the hall way, and noticed Winry standing at the edge of a door way. She looked back and smiled at Roy.

"Al! ALPHONSE!" Ed screamed.

Roy rushed in.

Ed was leaning over the bed, his arm's wrapped around someones neck.

"Alphonse, is this really you little brother...!" Ed sobbed.

"Yes, brother it' really me...the real, living me." Al returned Ed's embrace, calmly patting Ed's back.

"Al...Al...your alive...your back...this is you..." Tears were pooring from Ed's eyes, as if all the years Al had spent in that metal prison had been gathered within his tear ducts.

"Yes..." was all Alphonse could say through his own tears.

Ed pressed his hands to both Al's cheeks, as if he were making sure that his brother wouldn't disappear.

Ed turned his head and looked at Roy with tear filled eyes.

" it!" He smiled.

All the emotions clenched at Roy's heart.

He walked over towards the other side of Al, and rested his hand on his head.

"Welcome back Alphonse" He smiled.

"Thankyou colonel."

A few days passed as Ed and Roy stayed at the Rockbells and waited for Alphonse to get better.

Al told them that he'd been sitting under a tree when He felt a warmth within his soul, and that a bright light had engulfed the armor, and the next thing he knew was that he had his old body back and was in bed, with Winry next to him.

Everyone was sitting in Winry's living room.

All called down by Al himself, he said he had something he wanted everyone to know.

"Al, whats this all about, I think you should still be resting"

"Brother, I'm fine...theres something important that Winry and I want to tell you all." He smiled, as he pulled Winry to his side.

She blushed as he looked into her eyes.

"Ed, let him speak." Pinaco said firmy.


A hand covered Ed's.

"Ed it's fine, Al has something important to tell us." Roy said firmly, giving Ed a knowing smile.

"Alright...go ahead Al."

"Well...I know this is sudden...but I've asked..." He coughed, obviously nervous about whatever he was going to say.

"Al, relax." Winry cooed.

"Right, Well...Pinaco..Brother...I've asked Winry to marry me." His smile radiated through the room.

Winry took a step forward, "And I accepted."

There was silence for a minute, when out of nowhere Roy got up and clapped his hands.

"Congratulations, to the future Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Elric." He smiled, winking at Ed.

"Yeah, Al! That's Great!" Ed hoped forward giving Al and huge hug.

And whispered.

"Al, I alway's knew you'd find happiness, I'm sorry it took so long to make it happen."

"Oh brother..." Al hugged him back.

Pinaco was sitting on the couch, crying small tears of joy.

Her and Ed had always known that those two would get together, and they'd finally been proven right.

"Winry, Al...In light of this exciting news, I have something I need to talk to you both about...come with me." The old woman lead the two into a room, leaving Ed and Roy alone in the living room.

Ed smiled at Roy, who smiled back.

Roy looked down at the floor and quickly back at Ed.

He stood up.

"Ed, come with me." He grabbed Ed's hand and pulled him out the door.

"Roy...what is it?"

Roy stopped walking when they both were under the big tree at the bottom on the Rockbells property.


Roy pulled Ed to his chest, surrounding him with his arms.

Ed looked up and Roy smiled.

"Edward...I love you."

Ed blushed.

"Roy...this is really random..."

"Ed...after everything we've been through, and seeing Al and Winry have the courage to confront their feelings made me realize something..." He spoke, his hand coming up to press against Ed's cheek.

"What is it..."


Ed wrapped his arms around Roy's neck and kissed him.

"I love you too, Roy Mustang."

Roy smirked.

"Then...Will you Edward Elric..."

he lowered his hands to Ed's back.


"Ed...Will you...except my Life into yours...forever..."

"You Idiot..." Ed laughed...

"What..." Roy shot a confused look,

Once again, Ed kissed Roy, mouthing the word's

"I'll give you my life...forever..."

Roy smiled..."Your too Edward."

Ed yelped at the sudden squeeze from behind.

"And your too Perv"

~The End~

Thanks for Reading! 3