Disclaimer- I do not own Twilight. Stephenie Meyer does.

A/N- I am starting this six-part project as sort of a grand return to the Fan fiction community. I will be rewriting each of the Twilight books as horror stories. Please note that I will change some things and add others.

A/N 2- You'll find out what I changed as you read the story. I'm not one to give away information about my work, except to my close friends.

A/N 3- If the preceding statements didn't turn you off, sit back and enjoy the first part of my new series.

1. Sightings

Phoenix, Arizona

The Arizona sun beat down on the small yellow taxi as it pulled into the airport parking lot. The back door slowly opened and a young woman emerged, carrying a few bags. "Miss Swann," the driver, a scrawny blond man in his early forties, called out. "You forgot your parka." His passenger turned around and grabbed the gray coat out of the taxi.

"Thanks," she said, her voice a harsh, emotionless whisper. "Say hello to Renee for me." Her chocolate-brown eyes flashed him an evil glance.

"But she's…" the driver gasped.

"Ill," she corrected before walking off. "Excuse me, I have a plane to catch."

The driver watched his passenger disappear into the distance, then his gaze flickered to a newspaper folded on the seat beside him. The headline read "Phoenix Teenager found Stabbed To Death". "Poor Renee," he sighed, "I doubt she'll make a full recovery. What illness could be so severe that she has to give up custody of her daughter to her ex-husband?" He left, the question still unanswered.

Port Angeles, Washington, about four hours later

Chief Swann thought about the letter his ex-wife had sent him a few days ago. Like the taxi driver, he wondered what condition she had. He kept his gaze focused on the planes. Any moment and I'll be reunited with my daughter. I hope Bella can handle the transition well. I even made arrangements with Forks High. He clutched his umbrella in distant sound of footsteps coming toward him made him smile. She'll stay with me for a longer time than she used to. The door leading to the parking lot pushed open and the young woman with the wild brown eyes stepped through it. Her brown hair hung in waves around her pale, heart-shaped face. She wore a black shirt under a gray jacket, and torn blue jeans. She carried her suitcase rather carelessly as she walked up towards him. She didn't seem to care about the rain.

"Long time, no see, father," She murmured.

Chief Swann opened the back of the police cruiser. "You're gonna love it here in Forks, Bella." Bella set her luggage in the back of the car. "I even got you a truck. It's a Chevy." She got in the back of the car, sat right beside her belongings, and put on her seatbelt. Chief Swann folded his umbrella and got into the driver's seat.

Bella stirred as her father drove off. "Dad, how did you get it?"

"I bought it from a friend in La Push," he explained. "It's pretty old, but it runs great. Billy's an excellent mechanic." His daughter sighed, wondering what drove her father to welcome her to Forks with an old car.

"Thanks, Dad," Bella replied, trying to mask her disappointment. She glanced out the window as the car passed an entire forest of moss-coated trees. Slowly, a two bedroom house came into view. The truck that Charlie had mentioned sat in the driveway. It hid its age rather well. Its iron exterior made it seem invulnerable. Charlie parked the cruiser in the driveway right beside the truck. He glanced at the sand-colored siding of the house, then at his daughter as she effortlessly carried the bags out of the car and up the wooden stairs to her small bedroom. Lace curtains hung from the sole window. A desk, a bed, and a child-sized rocking chair were the only furniture in the entire room. Charlie glanced at his daughter, then left.

Bella slowly unpacked her belongings, thinking about how out of place she would be at her new school. Her pallor was unusual for someone who lived most of her life in Phoenix.

Meanwhile, Charlie sat in the living room, looking through his daughter's paperwork. Renee had sent him copies of Bella's report cards and other papers that might interest him. He picked up a yellowing page written by one of her elementary school teachers. Black cursive script bore the words "Doesn't relate to others." Charlie cast it aside. Well, I guess a smaller setting will help her open up.

The next morning, Bella entered the stone and brick building that housed Forks High and made her way down the narrow hallway to the office. She flinched at the sight of the office, with its motley assortment of hanging plants. Her gaze flickered to the cluttered state of her surroundings, then at the heavyset redhead in the purple T-shirt.

"Excuse me, but may I help you?" the woman asked.

"I'm Isabella Swann," Bella informed. The woman fished through a pile of documents before giving her a class schedule. On the back of the schedule was a map. "Thank you." She pushed open the door and walked out toward her truck, just as the other students started to arrive. She scanned the parking lot for a open spot. One thing caught her eye: a silver Volvo. She parked the truck in an open spot, silencing the motor as soon as she was in. She analyzed the map, figuring out where her first class was, then got out of the truck, headed for Building 3.

She then entered a small classroom and watched as the other students hung their coats on several hooks that emerged from the wall. The teacher directed her to a desk in the back without saying a word.

"New girl?" a dark-haired boy asked another student.

His friend, a young woman with braces and over-processed red hair, sighed. "I guess so. I've never seen her before."

Bella pulled out a copy of Jane Eyre and tried to lose herself in the gritted her teeth. I hate being the subject of conversation.

The bell rang, much to her delight. She got up, only to come face-to-face with the dark-haired boy. "You're Isabella Swan, aren't you?" he asked.

"I prefer Bella," she said. "And you are."

"I'm Eric," he answered. "Not to be nosy or anything, but where's your next class?"

Bella memorized the schedule and rattled off the next entry. "Government, in building 6."

"Oh," he said, grabbing his raincoat and leaving.

Classes came and went before lunch. Bella entered the cafeteria, thumbing around in her wallet for enough money to buy a meal.

A short girl with curly dark hair gestured to her. "We have a spot over here." Bella walked over to the table after grabbing a tray and sat down.

The seven strangers bombarded her with questions. "Dating anyone yet?"

"Why are you pale? Aren't you supposed to be from Phoenix?"

"How do you like it in Forks?"

Bella ignored the questions. Instead her eyes drifted to another table where five pallid strangers sat in silence. A burly dark haired boy, a small fairy-like girl, an athletic blond, a gorgeous young woman, and a boyish-looking young man were clustered around this table. Their dark eyes stared back at her.

"Bella?" one of her neighbors, asked. "Are you listening?"

Another student waved a hand in front of her face. "She looks dazed."

Bella gestured to the five people sitting at the far table. "Who are they?"

The bronze-haired young man glanced at the dark-haired girl sitting near Bella, then at her. The dark-haired girl, Jessica, flinched back, then hid her fear as she pointed to each one.

"Those are the Cullens," she said warily. "Alice Cullen, Jasper and Rosalie Hale, Emmet Cullen and Edward Cullen." She shuddered again.

Bella didn't reply; her gaze stopped at Edward as he picked apart a bagel.

"What is she looking at him for?" a boy asked.

"Maybe it's love at first sight," a girl replied.

"Love at first sight doesn't exist," the boy replied, returning to his cheeseburger.

Bella turned to Jessica, "They're… attractive."

"Yes, I know," Jessica replied. "They all live together. And Dr. Cullen and his wife adopted them. The Hales are twins, by the way."

After lunch came biology. One of Bella's new friends, Angela, accompanied her to Biology. "Sorry, but all the tables are filled," she sighed. Bella spotted a seat beside Edward. "Except that one." Bella sat down at the spot. Her neighbor flinched. The teacher presented a lesson on cellular anatomy.

Bella took a pen and pencil and hurriedly scribbled down notes. Every now and then, she glanced at her mysterious neighbor as he tried to avoid her for reasons unknown.

The bell rang, which signaled a transition to gym class. She glanced at a boy with spiky blond hair. He smiled at her as the two walked out of Biology.

"Oh, hi, you're the new girl," he said. "Isabella Swann?"

"Call me Bella, please," she replied.

"I'm Mike. Are you headed to the gym?" he asked. Bella nodded. He paused. "That guy sitting next to you. He looked like he was in pain." Bella nodded a second time. The two walked off to the gym, but her mind still was focused on Edward.

Why is he so magnetic? He just draws people in. She thought. But I feel like I should avoid him.

To Bella's dismay, students in Forks were required to take four years of Physical Education. The coach set a uniform aside for her.

"Don't bother changing into it," he said. "I'll be nice and let you sit out for one class." Bella walked into the gymnasium and sat on the bleachers. She gritted her teeth and crossed her arms; she couldn't stomach the idea of a seemingly endless marathon of volleyball games.

After gym, she went to the office to return her paperwork. She could hear sounds of a discussion on the other side of the door.

"Are there any other classes I could take besides that biology class?" A smooth voice asked.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Cullen," the secretary remarked. "But we need to fulfill the requirements. You'll have to stay there."

Bella entered the room. Edward stared at her with hate-filled eyes. She shivered then put the paperwork on the desk. She then rushed to her truck and drove home.

A/N- I appreciate any kind of feedback on this story, whether it be positive or negative. And Also, I came up with titles for future installments:

Blood Moon (New Moon)

Last Rays (Eclipse)

Final Dawn (Breaking Dawn)

Setting Sun (Midnight Sun)

Rebirth (Short Second Life of Bree Tanner)