This is my third fanfiction. sorry if it's not that good. please review! =D also looking for a beta! PM me if your interested! this chapter is a prologue (ish)

Chapter 1: What have i gotten my self into?

Mikan POV

I looked out the window and saw that it was cloudy outside. I had no problem with that, it matched my mood perfectly. I felt like I lost all of my energy when Hotaru left. Like she took a part of me with her. She was my best friend, there wasn't a day I hadn't seen her before. Even though she looks cold and emotionless, I know that she cares for me and that was why her leaving was unforgivable. She left her best friend for some stupid rich school. I could feel the tears prick my eyes and closed them. I suddenly remembered Hotaru saying that I looked even uglier when I cried. I couldn't help but laugh a little at the memory but as soon the smile came to my face it left just as quickly. Hotaru was gone, she was never going to come back home again.

I wasn't naive, I heard all the adults talking about how the Alice Academy was like a jail and nobody was allowed to have any kind of contacts with the students. My mind came up with all kinds of torture sessions, I knew I wasn't like that but I didn't know how the school worked so my mind couldn't help but imagine the worst possible scenario.

Riiiiiingg. I jumped, suddenly yanked out of my thought by the loud and horrible bell. I packed up my things and dragged myself to the door. I wasn't deaf; I could hear whispers about me as I walked out of the classroom. I knew I was acting unreasonable but I just couldn't help it. Everything about me was on auto. Everything ran by schedule and there was nothing to change it. everyday was the same, get up, brush my teeth, get ready for school, eat breakfast, walk to school, sit in the classroom, walk back home, eat dinner, do my homework, take a bath, then sleep. And the routine repeats itself. I was acting like a living zombie.

I sighed for the hundredth time today. I was walking down the road to my house. I didn't need to think about where I was walking, I've walked down the same path for 3 years and I practically knew every bump in the road. What I wasn't expecting was a guy to roughly shove into me. I looked up at the boy. He was looking all around like he was looking for something or someone. He suddenly looked down remembering that he ran into someone. I was pretty dazed from the fall but one look at the boy's face left me even more dazed. To say the boy was hot would be an understatement. He had warm chocolate colored hair and stormy gray eyes. He had a light tan and thin lips that were set into a frown. He had about 3 piercings on each ear had a lean but slightly muscled body. I could tell because he was pressed to me.

He suddenly looked alerted and his eyes, those mysterious orbs, slowly melted into red. I gasped. I never saw something like that and it frightened me. I suddenly felt the need to run away from this boy, hot or not. I wiggled and shoved him. He looked surprised but got of me in a second. He scanned the place once more like he was searching for someone.

I stood up on shaky legs and started to walk backward, away from the boy. His eyes snapped towards me as I made the first step and suddenly widened. He yelled 'duck' and as a reflex I did as he ordered. Then I heard the sickening crunch of bone breaking and a loud thud. I opened my eyes and saw the boy in front of me looking past my shoulder. I looked behind and saw the body of a large man lying sprawled on the ground, his head at an odd angle.

I was about to scream my head off when the boy seemed to notice my opened mouth and quickly covered it with his hand jus in time. My voice was muffled by the hand as I tried to scream unsuccessfully.

The boy suddenly stiffened and "damn" was all I heard before I was grabbed by the hand and was dragged away from the street into an isolated alleyway.

He slowed down when he thought nobody was there and let go of my hand. He turned around and said, "Okay, look, this is really bad way to meet and all but I have an explanation-shit! These guys never give up" about 10 men appeared in the alleyway that was previously deserted.

They were dressed in all black and had creepy white masks covering their faces.

Oh my freaking god, what have I gotten myself into!

please review! and also LOOKING FOR A BETA! PM ME IF YOUR INTRESTED! =D