This is my first Attempt at Teen Titan fan fiction! I hope you guys like it!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Teen Titans or Romeo and Juliet.

Please Read and Review :)

Terra. That's all that went through Garfield's mind these days. He can still remember everything about her. How her hair would always shine like golden honey when the light hit it just right. And how she scrunched up her nose when she giggled. And how she was his best friend….but things change.

It was exactly three weeks ago when Beast Boy found Terra. He had been so thrilled…but that was before he knew that she wanted nothing to do with him, the Teen Titans, or her past.

"Things change Beast Boy…the girl you want me to be is just a memory."

Those were her exact words, and they stung like the flames of fire. No matter how many times Beast Boy replayed the scene in his head, it just seemed so...dream like.

Just a memory….

Beast Boy's head throbbed with the confusion that he still found to be a tangled mess that would take time to figure out.

Just a memory…

But how could this girl not be Terra? She looks like Terra, she acts like Terra, she even laughs like Terra! It just has to be her…it has to be TERRA!

Just a memory…

Beast Boy couldn't take the pain anymore, as much as he hated to do it, he cried. No, he didn't cry, he sobbed. The pain engulfed him till he was reduced to a shivering green sack of sad.

"Today we will be reading Romeo and Juliet. The tragedy of a love that could never be." Mr. White said.

A love that could never be, that was all Terra thought about these days. She wanted a new life, since her last one had ended her in nothing but trouble. Not only did she cause pain and suffering to every town and city she went through, but when she finally thought she had her powers under control, she met the Teen Titians…and most importantly, Beast Boy. He stood out the most, but not because of the green skin, fang, and pointy ears. No, it was the way he looked at her. He looked at her like she was normal. Like she was a person who could be trusted. Like she was already a friend.

"Alright students, I will now assign parts," said Mr. White, "Mark Marshall, you will play Romeo. Terra Molovick, you will play Juliet." Mr. White paused. "Are you both alright with reading these parts?"

"For sure!" exclaimed Mark, "I'm totally into playing Romeo, he seems like a pretty chilled dude." Mark said with a child's laugh.

"Terra? What about you?"

Beast Boy, she thought. Why did she have to say all these lies? She did remember her other life, she just didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. Especially Beast Boy, she didn't want to hurt her best friend.


"Huh? What?" Terra said completely forgetting about her Beast Boy daydream.

"Are you alright with reading Juliet's lines for Romeo and Juliet? Because if not I will give it to Tiffany." He said looking very serious like this was a life or death decision.

She nodded, "Yes Mr. White, I'll read for Juliet."

Raven was very concerned about Beast Boy, not only because he hadn't come out of his room except for tofu and the bathroom, but also because he was the closest thing she had to a best friend. Just hearing the muffled sobs through his bedroom door made her heart break. She had to atleast try to cheer him up.

She gently knocked on his bedroom door,"Beast Boy? It's Raven. Can I please come in?" No answer. The sobs continued like he never even heard her. "Beast Boy, come on, please? I just want to talk. Come on Beast Boy!"

"No!" Beast Boy exclaimed from behind the claimed from the closed door. "Can't you people see? I don't want to talk! I just want to stay in my room by myself, I just need some time on my own! I'M FINE!" Raven could hear muffled cries. She was about to walk away when Beast Boy added, "Just promise you'll come and get me if Terra comes by."

Raven hung her head in defeat and she tried so hard not to cry herself at Beast Boy's breaking heart. "Alright Beast Boy, I promise." That was all Raven could do….for now…

Beast Boy sat up in bed. His eyes stung, and his cheeks were wet, and his heart was sore. But after all this thinking, Beast Boy had made a decision. He was going to get the real Terra back into his life for good. He hopped off his bed and fell to his knees. He had a painful stinging sensation running through both legs. He had been sitting for the past few weeks…no wonder his legs would have to get used to the pain; he'd be walking a lot.

Without thinking, Beast boy Burst out of his room and into the lit up hallway to find a depressed looking Raven standing across from him, about to knock on his door.

"Umm…hey Beast Boy. Are you alright? You finally came out of your room, are you feeling better?" Her cheeks had tiny shiny lines running down them, had she been crying?

"I'm not feeling one hundred percent yet. Maybe it's the pain in my legs, or the brightness of the hallway that is stinging my eyes…or the fact that I've been crying for two hours straight. But I've been thinking, and I have to do something…and it will change my life, your life, and, well the Teen Titans.

With this news Raven looked stunned. "What are you talking about Beast Boy? What are you going to do? Are you leaving us? You know we wouldn't be able to survive without you, right! I wouldn't be able to survive without you." A faint blush came to her cheeks. "Beast Boy, I-"

"I'm going to get Terra to remember her old self and come back to the Teen Titans." He had to catch his breath; his throat was so soar. Like someone shoved a pinecone down it.

"Wait, what? Beast Boy, from your behavior, I don't think that that is a good decision."

"I don't need your approval Raven, your not my mother, and you never will be, stop bossing me around." He felt bad for snapping at Raven like this, she was only trying to look out for him, but he didn't apologize.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and get my best friend back." He ran out with out hesitation, leavening behind a very hurt and frustrated Raven.