Yep, I was inspired. Pinklady, I owe it to you. This isn't stealing by the way. It's pretty similar to iJust Wanna Live but it's NOT the same thing. I hope that's okay…

Carly's POV

The news reporter told us not to go there. He said the abandoned carnival was dangerous. But did we listen? Nope. We let our desire for adventures cloud our common sense. Sure, a few people were found dead (and dismembered) just outside the carnival, but it was obviously just animals right? Right?

Sam, Freddie, and I were sitting around like tubs of lard one day, while the news flashed across the TV screen. Nothing exciting ever happens in Seattle. Maybe a serial killer here and there but that's old news. I was so bored I just wanted to sleep. My eyes drooped lazily as I drifted off to sleep. I was having a great dream where I was in the world's largest mall buying as many outfits as I could possibly carry when suddenly, someone was rapidly poking my shoulder. I jolted awake, glaring at the person responsible for the interruption. Sam was still poking my shoulder even while I glared at her.

"What!" I yelled at her. She wordlessly pointed to the screen. Even Freddie was captivated by the words flowing out of the woman's mouth.

"Four teenagers were found dead and dismembered last night near an abandoned carnival. No word on how the teens died. Investigation is currently on standstill."

I stared at the screen wide-eyed, my mouth gaping open in shock. I glanced over at Sam. A grin was slowly spreading over her face. She literally shook with excitement over the news.

"Sam, why are you so…excited looking?" I asked her. Sam ginned at me.

"Nothing, just thinking how Freddie couldn't last a single minute in a place like that." Sam said casually. Freddie broke out of his trance.

"What? Yes I could!" He said angrily. Sam laughed and punched his arm.

"No way Dork." She said, "You'd be running home to mommy in five minutes." Freddie hopped up off the couch.

"I bet I COULD stay in that carnival. ALL NIGHT." Freddie challenged. Sam stood up too.

"And I bet you COULDN'T." she said in his face.

"Do I see a bet here?" Freddie said.

"Yeah," Sam smirked, "The person who chickens out first has to buy the winner the new PearPad."

"But those are six-hundred dollars!" Freddie spluttered.

"Then you better not lose." Sam yawned. "We leave at 9:00 p.m. SHARP." She strode out the door without another word. Freddie sat back down grumbling to himself.

"Do I get a say in this bet?" I said. Freddie looked up.

"You don't have to go Carly."

"Yes I do." I sighed, "If I don't, you two will kill each other."

"Well, bring someone along." Freddie suggested, "I'll see you at 9:00." He closed the door behind him. I reached for the phone and dialed a familiar number. It rang a few times before a male voice answered.

"Griffin? It's Carly."

8:57 p.m.

Sam, Freddie and Griffin all showed up around eight. We packed all the things we would need for the night. Flashlights, water bottles, Fat Cakes, sleeping bags, and a pocket knife just in case something went wrong. We piled into Griffin's Jeep and rode through the night. Spencer was somewhere in Tacoma visiting Socko's brother (the one that makes clothes) Taylor. Everyone was in high spirits and the adrenaline was pumping. I couldn't help that feeling in my stomach that said "turn back now." We pulled up that carnival. It was creepy as anything. Dark, foggy, and there was an eerie wind blowing. Things were so quiet. No bugs were chirping or anything.

"Well," Sam said excitedly, "The bet begins."

Okay, Chapter 1 is done. This is gonna be freaking awesome! I can't wait to get started on the plot! Please review! I love those things.