Hey guys! I know it's been a while since you all have seen me and I gather you're all like – "What about the other stories you started?" … Well I'm no quitter, but when I started going over my original works, I thought that I could do much better. So I'm rewriting the entire thing from scratch! This means new characters, new plots, more steamy love scenes, etc.

However I must warn you guys ahead of time that I will keep some of my favourite scenes, so you may find some scenes that are exactly the same as the previous version. Of course…a tad more detail may be added.

I apologize for my lengthy absence and thank you all for taking the time to read this. Now onto the story…

Rated: 'M' for mature content. Sensitive readers I suggest you skip the italics section, and you needn't worry for it doesn't contain any important information that is needed for further chapters, other than the strength of their physical connection…okay?

Disclaimer: Sorry guys, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, it would suck if I did.

AN: Enjoy!

Dedicated to my number one fan that I swore I would write this for. This is for you Sis.

Chapter 1

When did it all begin? When exactly had her once icy cold world, turned into a tropically warm paradise… only to fall victim to an ice storm? Perhaps it all began the moment she stared into his fiery red eyes, the colour of a rising sun from behind the hills of an African safari. Or was it his warm, dry touch that melted away the ice around her heart?

She had no idea.

All she knew was that she didn't want it to end, that she would do anything to hold her world's falling pieces together, even if that meant her death…

Her dazzling azure eyes opened softly as she awakened, catching an enchanted glimpse of a bright full moon that hung heavily and alone in the dark velvet night sky. Nighttime.

Usually she was afraid, for with the retiring of the sun and the ghostly appearance of the moon, brought whatever hid in the light, out to rejoice in the darkness, a place where she felt powerless and vulnerable. The dark brought out the monsters that tormented man since the beginning of time, yet also forced them to confront their fears, sometimes fears that were scarier than the thing that lived in the closet.

Her father was one of those things.

His face peered out of the shadows, sneering down at her with a grotesque expression that made her feel sick and weak, but always terrified. And when the light came, he disappeared, but she always feared the night, for his last promise to her was that he would come back. A promise she knew he would keep.

Yet, as she lay snuggly in the safe embrace of her protector's arms, wrapped strongly around her slim waist, the everlasting fear that she had had of the darkness no longer consumed her…

Turning her gaze onto his godly perfect face, she once again gasped in awe of his beauty, still not used to his darkly angelic perfection that far outweighed any human's. With his beautiful eyes tightly closed and his face completely relaxed, he seemed to be in a deep sleep, but she knew that his senses were instinctively alert for any signs of danger.

She could have watched him sleep forever and never grow tired of it. While watching him, her mind went over their sinful acts that had taken place earlier that night, arousing her yet once again…


He gently brushed a few rebellious strands of hair away from her eyes, staring down into them with a controlled intensity that seemed to burn a deep hole inside her soul. It was in that simple, yet powerful moment that she knew that she loved him.

'Take me- just take me,' she silently pleaded to him with her thoughts, the only place where she ever dared to say anything intimate or passionate to him. She could have sworn she saw his eyes glow for a short second, before he reluctantly, but gently brought his lips to hers.

Although she had never been a stranger to kisses, she had only read about the explosive sensations that flamed through her the moment their lips touched, taking her completely by surprise. He bit down on her bottom lip gently, sliding his tongue over its surface before suckling on it. He was such a great kisser…

She felt the heat of his passion warm her as she deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue into his, finding him as delicious as he looked. She pulled herself closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck a little roughly, feeling her body react positively to his.

She felt him shudder as his control began to slip away to a point of no return. He had only meant to take it lightly, but what was happening between them was quickly brewing into something less innocent. He could feel his body heating with intensity and swelling in his lower regions as her body molded perfectly into his.

Her skin felt hot against his, and before he knew it, an uncomfortable needy ache that was hard to ignore swelled below his belt line. He hastily broke the kiss and with much effort pushed himself away from her, though the desire in his eyes was as evident as the fear in them. This was a very dangerous line to cross, though it pained him to resist.

"We shouldn't," he whispered huskily, attracting Tea even further to him. She breathed in heavily as she tried in vain to gain control over her body, which would have crumbled into a pathetic puddle if he hadn't held her as securely as he did. "Why?" she whispered in a gasp, as though she were short of breath. "It's too dangerous." He whispered softly, but deep down they both knew that he would never hurt her.

Something stirred within her then that she had never felt before, a powerful feeling that warmed her from within. She shook her head as a new spark of confidence pulsed through her, allowing her to go further than she had ever dared or dreamed. "Not when I'm with you Yami."

(Pausing Flashback)

Those same words repeated over and over again in her mind, filled with undying strength and truth that had come directly from her heart that continued to race in her chest. She stared at him affectionately while he slept, warmed by his presence that kept her oblivious to the cold breeze that wrapped around their bare bodies that were only half covered by a silky white linen sheet.

He made her feel safe and more loved than she had ever been in her entire existence, and when he held her, danger simply didn't exist…

(Continuing flashback)

He gently pressed her up against the wall, dragging his hands up along her sides while they shared a steamy kiss. Gripping his shoulders, she hoisted herself up so that her legs could wrap around his waist, feeling how hard he was when she brushed up against a rather noticeable bulge in his skintight biker leather pants, earning a low grow that escaped him through clenched teeth.

She could feel his pulse racing in time with hers, and knew that there was no going back now, not that she would have ever found the will power to stop. Heat and erotic sensations pulsed through her body, pleasurably coursing to her lower regions which were rubbing up against him as they rocked in an up and down motion.

She felt her hands move automatically run along his broad shoulders, taking short breaths of admiration by how iron hard his muscles were. The discovery sent shivers of excitement through her and she simply had to see all of him.

She hastily began to pull at the hems of his chest-hugging black tank top, impatiently lifting it over his head in a swift jerky movement and found herself frankly flabbergasted. Nothing that she had ever seen, or ever read about, at what was thought to be a perfected male body, could have prepared her.

His abs were so perfectly chiseled that would have easily mistaken him for a Greek god statue, not to mention he had an eight-pack that would have even made the Terminator-guy jealous. She couldn't help but gasp in awe and run her hands along them, feeling their iron-hard strength that turned her on fiercely.

Noticing her shocked and awed expression, he smirked amusedly. "Like what you see?"

She smiled encouragingly at him, her eyes glazed over in lust. Feeling herself securely held in his strong arms as he carried her to the bed, which offered a more comfortable setting for their 'deed.'

He didn't throw her down roughly like all the other guys in her past, or fall on top of her like she had been too heavy to carry…Instead he took her by surprise, and carefully laid her down on the silky sheet spreading with cautious eyes that held hers, obviously searching for any signs that she wished him to stop.

She clutched his hand and pulled him on top of her, purposely grinding herself against him suggestively; kicking whatever thought he had of backing out, completely out of the apartment's window, seven stories high from the concrete sidewalk below…killing it instantly.

She swung their bodies around so that she was on top of him, straddling his hips with her knees. It was the only time she had ever felt powerful enough to have control over him. Smiling down at him seductively, she began to undo her buttoned- up white top, in slow motion, while rocking gently up and down over his bulge.

She could see the desirable effect that was taking place in his dazzling crimson orbs, and yet saw the desperate control that fought to keep its place. She briefly wondered if she was causing him pain, but he reassured her by giving into a low moan and closing his eyes as his body rippled in pleasure.

She tossed her shirt aside with blissful ease and loved the look of lustful awe that formed on Yami's face as he took in her exposed, natural beauty for the first time. She truly was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on, making the moment even more perfect.

She slid her hands over his chest, making her way down to the almost unbearably aching part of his body. Making him shiver in ecstasy. She first tortuously traced her fingers over the buckle of his studded belt, before beginning to undo it, watching delightfully as she squirmed beneath her touch. She resisted the urge of her old habit to say one of the cheap lines that she had been taught to say, to all her previous 'boyfriends,' like, "Wow you are really a big boy aren't you?" after deciding that Yami wasn't that type of guy…

The thought relived her. He wasn't that type of guy!

She semi-roughly gripped onto it torturously, massaging the tip with her forefingers, ripples of excitement dancing gloriously through her body as her lower regions too, ached for attention.

Yami let out a stifled moan, gripping onto the bed sheets, his eyes closing as ripples of electrifying pleasure coursed through his aroused body.

It was time for her to take the next step as she lowered herself down and took his length into the warmth of her mouth.

His body jerked at the sudden contact, but soon fell into waves of passion as she began to bob up and down, speeding up her actions as she went. He arched his back as he came close to reaching his limit. It had never felt like this before, as his sensations seemed to be intensified.

He was surprised to see that Tea didn't spit him out, but instead swallowed every bit of him, which was quite remarkable really, but he wasn't about to let her spend another second unattended, and pulled her under him, giving him all the power he needed over her…

(Pausing flashback)

A light blush spread over Tea's chalky pale cheeks as she remembered how he looked at her. His eyes that had once been so cold and angry, and overall frightening, had warmed into hers as though she were the ultimate prize he had ever won. He didn't look at her with scorn or just lust. In fact his eyes at that moment barely held lust at all. What she saw was…dare she even think it…love?

(Continuing flashback)

He trailed butterfly kisses along her collarbone, making his way to her perky breasts that were just too irresistible to resist. He flicked his tongue over her right nipple before suckling on it; pleased with himself when he heard her low aroused moan that gave him all the encouragement he needed to continue.

Skillfully running his hand down her side, he was able to grip the waistline of the short mini skirt, that had practically driven his hormones racing against his better judgment all evening long, and tugged it off without the slightest of difficulty, revealing an even sexier enemy, lacy black underwear…naturally begging him to yank them off.

It wasn't long before they disappeared too…

However, in spite of the unbearable need for her, he felt uneasy about going further than what he already was… Glancing down into her lovely blue eyes one final time, he found the trust and eagerness that he needed to precede.

With his heartbeat racing and the sound of her own thundering heart, he continued onward, sliding his tongue into her delicious tasting tunnels, feeling her squirm beneath him and moan loudly as she reached her climax.

Before he could do anymore, she gripped onto his shoulders and pulled him down for another heated kiss.

He secretly heard her thoughts before she was even able to say them. 'Stop teasing me!'

"Very well then," He whispered huskily into her ear, aware of the shudder that coursed through her body by his words. He climbed out of his leather pants and positioned himself at her entrance. This was it, there was no going back after this, yet somehow he knew that he would never regret this.

He was somewhat glad that she wasn't a virgin; it made it easier and far more enjoyable. He didn't know how he would have handled it if Tea had started crying like most virgin girls did because of the pain in the process. He shuddered to even think of it.

Sliding into her was smooth and pleasurable, and both moaned in ecstasy as an overpowering sensation consumed them. She slid her nails along his back, which broke skin, but healed before the lines were even visible. However neither of them even noticed as they stared passionately into each other's eyes. He began to thrust into her quicker, picking up speed as the need between them grew vigorously.

She moaned loudly, burying her face in his chest, her climax reaching close. He held onto her as tightly as he could without hurting her, resisting every natural instinct that told him to bite her. He couldn't…and he definitely wouldn't.

They reached a mind blowing climax that left both of them breathless, collapsing into each other's arms as a cool breeze drifted in from the window. Tea held onto him as though he would float away if she didn't. He breathed in deeply, staring into her eyes warmly, with a soft smile curled warmly onto his lips.

"You're amazing!" she gawked, taking in his amazingly handsome features, as though she had seen him for the first time.

"If that's true, then I have found my match," he whispered through a tired grin, as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

(End of flashback)

As Tea remembered the passionate love she and Yami had made, she once again became aroused. No other guy had ever made her feel the way Yami had when he touched her. She felt safe in his arms, like he would never let go of her or let anyone hurt her.

Shifting closer to his sleeping form, she gently planted a kiss on his lips, fighting back the urge to force herself on him. It wasn't a second's later that he returned the kiss, clearly not asleep after all. His richly red eyes opened once again, and she found herself sinking into their dazzling depths that made the world she seemed to leave, a boring and empty place.

He pulled her closer, skin-to-skin, fire and ice, all mixing into something wonderful and passionate.

It was hard to believe how they came to be, yet Tea's mind played over the previous days events, and how much knowledge she had been forced to absorb in such a short amount of time, but it didn't matter because she was with her true love and nothing could tear them apart…or so she thought.

Not much has changed in the first chapter, except some minor added details. I'd be pretty impressed if you actually re-read (dodges flying objects) the entire passage again, a big thank you for that.

The plot of the story is actually going to change quite drastically from here, but don't worry you can expect many appearances of our much loved Yu-Gi-Oh characters, especially Yugi and Kaiba…but you'll have to be patient.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a nice day. Meet you in the next chapter!

(Dodges another object)