Chapter 10: The wedding

The sun was high and the weather was just right for a perfect wedding, except for Kiku who wished that he wouldn`t have to marry. He was waiting patiently in his black military styled clothes, half his face obscured by a black mask. He was standing at the altar, (or they call it altar), his Fiancé had a bit trouble and was a few minutes late. Francis was also nowhere to be found and everyone waited patiently. Everyone was wearing a mask and watched as everyone started to become rowdy and chaotic.

Yong Soo was doing his usual obnoxious actions, while Yao would scold him as he tried to get away from the annoying Russian who keeps saying "You`ll be one with me, Yes?" at his side his sister Natalia would glared at Yao, while their older sister Katsuya would smile at them. Gilbert was already running all over the place while being chased by Elizabeta, Roderich on the other hand tried to control his Friend and wife. Feliciano`s brother Lovino was invited and was struggling and swearing, trying to be free from the bear hug his Companion Antonio was doing to him. His other family members where quietly chatting with each other or watching the show.

He was lost in thought when his fiancé along with her escort arrived, on cue Roderich signaled the orchestra to play. Princes Sesel was wearing a long white long sleeveless wedding dress; her half of her face was covered by a white mask and her white veil. Her companion was wearing a white dress shirt and a black frock, if Kiku wouldn`t have known better he almost looks like Arthur, his mask covered his whole face and only his blond hair was shown. He saw Francis took a seat by the swearing Italian and Spanish companion.

Huh! Everything would be too late. Gommenasai Arthur

The ceremony Proceeded, they did everything from what they practiced so on and so forth, he didn`t really liked it but he was getting married. He felt uneasy with Sesel`s companion, he almost remind him of Arthur, they both have Blond hair and their height and body structure should be the same, Come on I`m getting married, I should try and forget him, he ordered in his head but the pang of pain in his heart just grew.

"Now who among you object to this please, speak now or forever hold thy tongue?" Feliciano asked, at the whole time he also felt sad and guilty, he was the same after all, forced to leave his beloved.

"I do!"

Everyone stared at the person who escorted his Fiancé, they all stared in shock because of the objection, but Kiku was shocked for another reason, he sounded just like Arthur. And on cue Sesel ran away from the altar and ran straight to Francis. The man slowly removed his masked and Kiku started to feel his tears streaming, it was Arthur, Arthur Kirkland, the pirate who kidnapped him, the captain of his ship but most off all the man Kiku fell in love with.

he approached Kiku and took removed the Prince`s mask "Did you miss me Love?" he asked wiping away his tears.

"BAKA! Of course I did!" Kiku yelled as he flung himself to him, he hugged him and Arthur was hugging him back. The moment was everything Kiku wished, he felt like a Princess being saved by the Prince, the mood was perfect until Yao destroyed it.

"AIYA! What the hell aru!" Yao yelled as he pointed an accusing finger at the two. "Let go of my Brother now!" he ordered.

Arthur hugged Kiku protectively, he smirked at Yao "Now why would I do that, after all a Prince has to save the Princess!" he exclaimed, he smile down at Kiku which earned him a bright blush.

"Don`t tough him, you filthy pirate!" Yao hissed, glaring at him.

"Oh you mean like this" he lifted Kiku`s face and gentle leaned down and kissed him. Kiku could hear the gasp and a squeal from who sounded like Elizabeta but Kiku didn`t care. As their lips parted Arthur whispered "I love you"


"Yao why don`t we be like that!" Ivan suggested as he hugged Yao "become one with me, yes?"

Yao`s face turned bright red "AIYA! LET GO!" He tried to struggle but Ivan has a firm grip on him.

"Let go of Aniki he`s mine!" Yong Soo roared as he hauled himself to the Russian.

After which everything became a mess. The Three of them were arguing and fighting, while Natalia was glaring at Yao and Yong Soo. Suddenly Gilbert was annoying Elizabeta which led to them running all over the place. Lovino was struggling (while swearing) from Antonio`s hug. Francis was being behaved and is just hugging Sesel, Sesel was blushing madly. Everything became chaotic again. kiku could only watch as the chaos unfolds.

"Psst~ kiku you should escape ve~" Feliciano whispered.

"Kiku-nii! you better go!" Kaoru suggested as he approached them, he faced Arthur and stared at him "take my brother seriously and take care of him" he said as he bowed.

And on cue Arthur hugged him tightly and jumped off the cliff, they splashed in the water and the ship arrived, they climbed aboard and Kiku watch as they left, leaving his family behind.

After what seems like thirty minutes the chaos stopped and Yao noticed that Kiku and Arthur are gone.

"AIYA! HE TOOK KIKU!" Yao yelled, once he noticed that they escaped his face turned pale "AIYA! MY LITTLE BROTHER aru" he fell with a load thud as he fainted.

Meanwhile as everybody became rowdy again, Kiku and Arthur are already far away. Kiku was looking at the east as they left; Arthur is talking to some of his crew and looking for a change of clothes for Kiku. He felt guilty leaving his relatives but he just loves Arthur so much he just couldn`t accept being apart from him. His smile grew as he remembered that he`ll be with Arthur and Arthur will be with him, his chain of thought was interrupted when Alfred approached him.

"I see that you love Arthur don`t you?" he asked, his eyes are puffy it looks like he`s about to cry.

Kiku noticed this and felt guilty but replied "yes I do love him" he paused "I`m sorry Alfred-san"

Alfred sighed, he turned to Kiku and leaned down to kiss his forehead "It`s alright" he said, he smiled at him and patted his shoulder "if he ever hurts you I will save you for I`m a hero"

Kiku smiled at him "Hai! Arigato, Alfred-san" he said as he watched the blond leave.

"I see he finally gave up"

Kiku turned his head and smiled, it was Arthur. Arthur is smiling at him, hands behind his back. He approached the Prince with a faint blush on his cheeks, suddenly he knelt down and took Kiku`s hand.

"I know this is awkward and well weird" he paused "but I just want you to know that I love you"

He took out his hand, it was a ring, he slid it on Kiku`s ring finger, a perfect fit. Kiku blushed madly as Arthur kissed his hand.

"I love you Kiku" he said as he stood up "I love you and only you"

Tears streamed down Kiku`s cheek and he flung himself to Arthur "I know. Aishteru Arthur"

Arthur smirked and lifted Kiku`s face so their eyes would meet.

"I love you" he said again.

slowly Arthur leaned down to kiss Kiku`s lips, both shared a sweet, gentle and sincere kiss.


OMG! Sorry for the super late update!

I`m so busy these days and writers block doesn`t help!

Anyway umm hope you like it

And also

Special thanks to luna faith90 for the help!

Also please forgive poor plotting and typing errors

Please review and...


I do not own HETALIA/ Axis Powers Hetalia

Thank you for supporting ASAKIKU