I just can't do it

Ring rriiing!


"Arthur Kirkland."

"Bonjour, Arthur~"

A sigh. "Francis."

"Enthusiastic as always, mon cher."

"...If you have something to say, say it. Don't waste my time."

A chuckle. "Oui, oui. Always straight to business, that's how you have always been. ...Mmm... Always~"

"S-shut up! If you haven't anything appropriate to say, I'll hang up."

"Fine, fine... I would just ask whether the world meeting was on 14th or 15th."

"On 14th"

"Ah, merci."

Short silence.

"Was that all?"


"Well then, I'm-"


A jump, whispered curse.

"Mon Dieu, Arthur! What are you romping there?"

"...It seems that we have a thunderstorm here."


A sigh. "Yes, again."

"It sounds very strong."

"It is."

"And you are there all by yourself, petit lapin..."

"...What's with that tone?"

"You must be trembling there, alone..."

"I am not."

"...wishing me to hurry there..."

"I am perfectly fine by my own!"

"...and take you in my arms..."

"Ha! In your dreams, perhaps."

"Oh no, Angleterre, my dreams are much more-"

"I don't want to hear!"

Soft chuckle from the other end of the line.

Blush. "A-anyway..."


Sigh at the other end. "Why is it always storming there when I'm calling you?"

"Well, I'm sorry for the weather."

Laughter. "Don't get me wrong, Arthur. I love your storms. It's just that I can't hear the thunder over your loud voice properly."



"...Bastard. Well forgive me, please let me make it up for you -I'm hanging up!"

Long silence.


"You didn't, Arthur." Smirk.


"Don't worry, petit lapin. I know that in reality you don't want to end this conversation with me." Smirk. For sure he was bloody smirking.

"Oh, do shut up, frog! I just... Gave you the opportunity to listen to your precious storm, about which, for some reason, you complain whenever you are here, by the way."

"Of course, Arthur. Of course."

A swallow. "Anyway, I have work to do..."


"Yes. So... Good bye."




"Yes, Arthur?"

Short silence.

"You didn't hang up."

A chuckle. "You neither, cheri."



"Yes, you have still something to tell me, Arthur?"

Would you like to come here, for me? "No..."

"You shouldn't hang on the line for nothing, then. After all, I'm the one who is calling."

"Oh. Of course... Sorry. Well... Bye, then."



"You are still there, Arthur."

"I- I know."

A chuckle. "You're so cute how you try to hang up but just can't do that."

"No! I- You didn't say anything so I thought there was still something you wanted to say, and-"

"Or then you are trying to find excuses to not end the call."

"Bloody hell I am."

"Stop pretending~"

"...Don't you have anything better to do than stick there bothering me?"

"Non. Oh, but now that you mentioned, I actually have something important to do, too."

"Then go and do it and stop wasting my time like this!"

"Well, if you insist... Bye, Arthur!"

"B-bye..?" So fast? So easily?

"See you soon~"

"Wait, wha-"


Mutter. "Bloody frog..."


And a smile.


AN: Something very random. xD It wouldn't have happened without my friend. ^_^