IMPORTANT consideration: I'll use the following time line:

Day One: March 2, 2004 (Primary Day of the 2004 election, Super Tuesday)
Day Two : September/October 2005
Day Three: September/October 2008
Day Four: March/April 2010
Day five: September/October 2011
Day Six: April 2013
Redemption: January 20 2017 (President Taylor's inauguration)

Day Seven: March 25 and 26 2017 (It was stated that it takes roughly 65 days after President Taylor's inauguration)
Day Eight: May 20 and 21 2018 (this was stated by Fox)

In this story, Renee was born in 1980, making her 38 in May 20, 2018. I know she's supposed to be 36, but that didn't fit with the back story I had created for her.

Spoilers: up to and including season 8.

Disclaimer:I don't own 24. It belongs to fox, Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran and Howard Gordon.

SERIES: Everything went downhill from there

PART ONE: A total eclipse of the heart

Summary: Jack and Renee meet again a year after their one day together. She is damaged. He's cursed. But their strong feelings very soon take them somewhere unexpected and scary for both of them. Takes place between day 7 and 8 (Spoilers: up to and including season 8.)

For the people following the story since the beginning: This will be the first half of my original story, except that I will take the opportunity to edit the chapters. Some dialogues will probably be added and other could get changed.



Bethesda, Maryland – Walker Manor

Year 1985 – July 4th

The little girl with strawberry red hair, two neatly done braids and a pink bath suit was getting tired of playing in her swing as she waited for her daddy. She wanted to get into the pool. It was such an extremely hot day and the pool was fun, and it was right there in her back yard. Her daddy had promised to take her to the pool once he finished talking with mommy. Daddy was supposed to be teaching her how to swim. They had already practiced several times. But the little girl was not allowed to swim without an adult. She knew that very well. She wasn't allowed to just jump into the pool. She had to enter the pool only with her daddy holding her as if she were a baby.

She hated that only because she was five years old there was an immense list of things she couldn't do. And what was forbidden always happened to be what she longed to do the most. She was so tired of waiting for her daddy. She wanted to get into the pool right at that second. The water looked so nice. And her parents weren't looking at her anyway. So she ran fast and jumped into the 4-metters deep pool, landing on the water with her two feet first. She felt as if she were being pulled down until her feet hit the bottom. She hadn't expected that. But she started moving her arms and legs fast like her daddy had taught her. As soon as she reached the surface she could hear her mother screaming horrified as her daddy jumped into the pool quickly and held her tight.

"Renee, what did you do? You scared the hell out of me and mommy" her daddy scolded her. And for the first time the child saw that powerful and strong man in near panic.

"But I wasn't scared, daddy. I really wasn't scared" she said proudly. And her dad softened.

"I know, my princess, you are fearless. My little girl is fearless"

January 1991

Bethesda, Maryland

Her coach had assured Renee was up to the challenge. The teen walked towards the edge of the platform. The pool was seven meters below her. She was feeling a bit anxious since it was the first time she ever competed jumping from that height. But the twelve year old had been training really hard for this competition. She desperately wanted to do great. Nothing but perfection was good enough for her. What if she failed? Everybody was watching her, including her dad. He was the person she would most hate to let down. But Captain John Walker was smiling proudly. Renee exchanged one look with her father and suddenly all her fears were gone.

She stepped back to take momentum and then jumped with all her strengths. She made one full rotation in the air, and dived into the pool flawlessly. When she came out the water the first thing she did was looking for her dad. He was clapping his hands prouder than Renee had ever seen him. She smiled. That was all she needed.

That night Captain Walker took his wife and daughter to a special restaurant for a celebratory dinner. It was a celebration for the great daughter he had, who had won the first place. His wife, Abby O'Carroll Walker, had been terrified thinking it was too dangerous to jump into a pool from seven meters high. But John had raised their daughter to be tough and he was very proud of her. He congratulated the teen for the tenth time. "That was amazing, princess. You were fearless up there"

"Thanks, daddy" To Renee those words meant the world coming from her dad, her hero.

Then husband and wife exchanged a look, knowing it was time for a more difficult conversation. The Captain asked his child "Renee, do you know what's happening in the Persian Gulf?"

The pre teen had always been smart, even managing to skip third grade. She was an avid reader of any kind of books and newspapers. She told her father what she knew, "Well, a small country called Kuwait has been invaded by the President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein"

"That's right. And now, our President wants to send our troops, so we can make the Iraqis leave Kuwait. So, as a captain of the US air force, I'm obligated to go there and fight"

"Are you saying that you are going to a war?" Renee asked trying to pretend she wasn't terrified.

"Yes, I have to. You know it's my duty to defend our country from our enemies"

"But who cares about Kuwait?" Renee protested sounding almost like a child now.

"Look, there is so much more at stake than Kuwait. This is about defending our ideals. It's about achieving peace and freedom. And it's about making the law triumph over a crazy dictator who has done horrible things. Don't you believe that evil must be stopped?"

Abby disagreed completely with that over-simplistic way her husband had to explain things. But she knew there was no point in her giving her input during any political discussion. People always said that Renee was a younger version of her mother because they both had Irish red-head, little freckles and light blue-greenish eyes. But Abby knew her daughter had always been a daddy's girl. Renee had always belonged to John.

"But you could get killed" Renee said to her dad with her voice breaking, but trying to hold back her tears.

"Hey, princess. Everything will be fine. Don't be scared while I'm away, okay?"

"Okay, I promise I won't be scared" she said trying to put a good face.

"Just be the fearless young woman you can be, and remember what do I always tell you?"

Renee remembered perfectly and she chorused along with her dad: "A Captain's daughter never cries"


Manhattan – West Village

05: 12 AM

Renee woke up, looked at the time and groaned. It was so early. She tried to go back to sleep, but soon realized it was a lost cause. She was too anxious to sleep. So she got up from bed and went to the kitchen to make herself more coffee. She compulsively ate a chocolate cupcake brought from the Magnolia Bakery downtown. Then it hit her that she would definitely have to learn how to cook now. There would be no way around it. She stared with a smile at her gorgeous engagement ring, actually looking forward to the role she was about to play.

She had graduated from high school at the age of 17 and then gone to Princeton University. By the time she was 20, she had successfully completed the certificate program with a double major in "American Studies" and "Russian and Eurasian studies". Now she was a 21 year old student in Columbia Business School, going for a MBA (Master of Business Administration) and a MIA (Master of International Affairs). She had spent a lifetime devoted to nothing but books, swimming and going to church. She had never cared about romance until the day James Barrington walked into her life. He was her ideal type of guy: older than she was, sweet, charming, smart, and blonde with blue eyes. So when he asked her out on a date she had accepted in a New York minute. Now, two years later, she was engaged and living with him.

After eating a second muffing, she went to the living room. A bunch of carton boxes were still lying around. She had moved in with James only a few days ago and still had to finish unpacking. She opened one of her boxes and began organizing some of her many books. Her most precious book was an old copy of "The Art of War" her dad had given her when she was 12, right before leaving to fight and die as a hero in the Gulf War. Luckily, James had installed a second bookshelf in their study just for her. All her books could fit in there.

"Looks like someone is having an early day"

Renee smiled at the familiar voice and turned around. James was by the doorway looking adorably at her. "Just organizing the books" she explained casually.

"Good luck with that, darling. It looks like we'll be living at the public library after all"

"looks like I need my fiancée's help"

"Gladly, soon to be Mrs. Barrington" James said before kissing her sweetly. As James helped his fiancée with her books, he couldn't help to feel a little surprised by some of the material, he asked in an awe "Who owns six Ronald Reagan biographies?"

"Your future wife, my love" Renee replied nonchalantly. Then she placed on the bookshelf books such as: "The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire", "Making the World Safe for Democracy", "Presidents' Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations Since World War II" and "Battleground Berlin: CIA vs. KGB in the Cold War".

"Honestly, darling, if it wasn't for you, I would have never known how fascinating the Cold War was" James said teasingly. He liked to playfully mock Renee's fascination with Russia, even thought he did it lightheartedly.

"Hey, I won't be judged by a guy who reads books about Wall Street for fun" she mocked back pointing with her finger at the endless collection of books James had about the stock market and speculative finances.

"Do you know what else I like to do for fun?" he said as he pulled her closer and kissed her passionately. She kissed him back and then they headed to the bathroom as they took their clothes off. Their favorite place in their apartment to make love, for some reason, was inside the shower.

Renee adored those rare occasions in which their both could take time to simply be with each other. James was a native New Yorker who at the age of 34 had become a successful stockbroker. And Renee was a young college student. So the couple couldn't simply relax and connect with each other very often. But whenever they could, it was something truly amazing.

After sharing their especial moment of intimacy, they both in fact had to get ready to start their days.

06.30 AM

James emerged into the kitchen looking gorgeous in a dark blue suit and his light blonde hair perfectly combed. After a little while of silence she asked him, "So, aren't you gonna wish me good luck?"

"Good luck for what?" he asked feigning confusion.

"Jimmy! You forgot? Today it's the interview!" She turned around as to show him the fact that she was wearing what she liked to call 'a power-suit', which basically meant a suit that made her look professional, smart and grown up. In this case, it consisted in a navy blue blazer, with a matching skirt and a white shirt. This interview represented such a big opportunity for her. She had applied for an internship in Morgan Stanley. It was a big start for her career. She was hurt that James didn't remember something as meaningful for her.

Except he totally did. "Oh, today is that interview of yours? That must be why I have this in my pocket" he said handing her a little box from Tiffany's.

She opened the box and as soon as she saw the gift she threw her arms around him in a tight embrace and began showering James with kisses all over his face. "It's so beautiful! I love it! Thank you, my love"

Then she pulled away from her fiancée to take a better look at the present: a beautiful rosary made purely of sterling silver. James was such as devoted Catholic as she was. They always went together to Saint Patrick Cathedral for Sunday morning mass.

"You are welcome, my darling. It's just a little something to remind you God loves you and has blessed us both"

"Thank you. Although I'm not nervous about the interview" she said trying to hide any sign of weakness.

"Ok, because you shouldn't be. You are brilliant and I love you so much"

"I love you too". She kissed him with passion one last time before he had to leave for his work.

08.46.30 AM

It was such a beautiful autumn morning, with the leaves just starting to change their color and not a single cloud could be seen in the blue ski. So Renee had decided to walk from their apartment in Bedford and Carmine Street to the Morgan Stanley headquarters in Broadway and 48th street. It would be a very long walk, but she had plenty of time anyway. She had made it to Washington Square when she was suddenly surprised by the sound of a loud crash and an explosion. She turned around startled and as she looked up saw tick and black smoke coming out the north tower.

She froze for a moment not giving credit to her eyes. James worked at the 84th floor of the south tower. Instinctively, she began running fast downtown towards the disaster area. As she got closer, she could see ambulances, firefighters, and patrols from the NYPD arriving quickly to the place. The rescue teams hurried to evacuate the buildings as the police tried to control the crowd that had gathered around the World Trade Center, staring in disbelief. A several blocks perimeter was quickly being set around the towers.

"What happened?"

"Must have been an accident" said someone simply because it was the only explanation one could think of.

Renee could hear in a daze people talking to each other; they all felt so perplexed not being able to figure out how such accident had taken place. All she wanted was to see James, so she kept running towards the South Tower.

09.02.59 AM

Another plane. Another crash. Another explosion. Renee suddenly stopped dryly and looked up again.

This isn't happening. This isn't happening. It can't be real…. DENIAL.

She stood there helplessly paralyzed in horror. She was merely a block away from the South Tower, which was now burning above her. The scene became more and more blurred. She could hear someone yelling her to run away. She saw some people who had managed to leave both towers in time running desperately uptown. Not James. But somebody kept yelling at her to run. However, she was absolutely paralyzed. She couldn't run away without James. She was prepared to run into the tower and search for him. But suddenly, she heard a little girl crying desperately for her mommy. The kid had to be around three, and was all alone standing in the chaos seeming so scared. Renee instinctively picked her up and carried her while running at least seven blocks away from the disaster area, trying to get the kid to safety. She stopped when she ran out of breath.

"Mommy… there" was all the kid could say with uncontrollable sobs as she pointed at the burning towers.

Renee held her protectively. "We'll find her. But we should stay here"

About twenty five minutes later, a woman ran towards them. "Sandy! Are you ok?"

"Mommy!" the kid exclaimed. And Renee handed her to her mother who had her face covered in tears.

"It's so crazy there! I can't believe it!" The woman worked at the twentieth floor of the south tower. Her kid was supposed to be with her only until Sandy's aunt could pick her up. "After the explosion, I tried to get us both out, but I fell to the ground trying to run fast. Suddenly, she wasn't there anymore" the woman explained as she cried uncontrollably holding her baby tightly.

Renee didn't truly know what to say. They were total strangers but suddenly had so much in common: they were both terrified and in complete shock.

09:59 AM

Renee kept looking to the burning buildings hoping James would run to her arms at any second. Since she didn't know what else to do she held tight the silver rosary she still had with her and prayed with her entire soul. Please, get him out. Get him out. God, if you get him out I'll do anything you want. Please, get him out, Lord. I promise I'll become the best wife and Christian in the entire world. BARGAINING.

Suddenly the South Tower collapsed right in front of her eyes.

07:23 pm - Renee's apartment

"We are under attack"… "Nothing you can do now"… "You have to go home"… "The country is under attack"… "Just go home, you can't do anything"… "Madam, let us do our jobs" "just go home, nothing you can do here"

Renee couldn't remember how many times she had heard those words before she finally gave up and went home. Police officers, paramedics, doctors and firefighters. They were heroes doing so much good. Instead, she was nothing. With no training, and being in a truly desperate mental state she had become nothing but an annoyance. She had never felt more useless and worthless in her entire life.

She walked in her apartment feeling numb. She hadn't even been able to shed any tears. On a chair, she saw his t-shirt with the Knicks logo. It had always been his favorite for sleeping or exercising. He had been such a fan of the New York Knicks. She realized she had to call James's parents in Florida. They were probably going crazy trying to contact him. In fact Mrs. Barrington picked up the phone after only one ring, "Jimmy! God, Jimmy! Are you ok?"

"It's me, Mrs. Barrington, Renee. I'm sorry…"

On the other side of the line the woman began crying hysterically realizing what it probably meant that her son hadn't called himself. Mr. Barrington trying to be strong for his wife picked up the phone. "Renee, is that you? We been trying to call all day, but the fucking lines wouldn't work. Are you ok?"

That had been the most repeated question of the day. People all around the country trying to call their loved ones in peril had asked it. All around the city people had asked that question to each other. Are you ok? Are your people ok? When Renee thought about those questions she couldn't help to wonder… God, would someone ever be ok?

"I'm fine, Mr. Barrington"

"What do you know of our Jimmy?"

"He is… I'm sorry. He's missing."

And endless moment of unbearable silence passed, until Mr. Barrington began to ramble desperately in denial, "They'll find him. I bet. They are taking people out alive as we speak. He's going to turn out alive. Do you hear me? He has to. Now… now I have to hang up… They'll call you to tell you in which hospital he is. And if the line is busy… I just... I have to go now"

Then he hung up, understandably too distressed to keep talking.

Renee wished with all her heart she could believe what Mr. Barrington had said. But she couldn't. She had seen people jumping in desperation from the upper floors of both towers. She had seen all the suffocating smoke. She had seen the towers collapsing suddenly and strangely in one free fall. How could a person who at that very moment had been in one of the highest floors survive that?

She could still smell the disgusting smoke. The strong smell was impregnated in her clothes. She felt a sudden wave of nauseas and ran to the toilet. But since her last meal had been breakfast there was no content in her stomach for her to vomit. She ripped off her clothes, threw them on the bathroom floor and stared at them with a look full of mixture of sadness and loathe. The navy blue skirt he had once said made her legs look sexier. Now she knew she would never be able to wear it for him again, she suddenly hated it. Just like the feminine low cut tight shirt he had once said made it impossible for him not to stare at her breast. And her blazer, also in navy blue which was a color he had always said matched her eyes perfectly. In a rage, she also took off her high heel shoes she had always wore only to match his high and threw them fiercely across the bathroom doorway, making them land in living room floor. ANGER.

She got in the shower as if her own life depended on it. Water always made her feel safe. Only hours away she had been right there in his arms. They both had been happy looking forward to their future together. Then he had gone to work on a beautiful Tuesday morning. But then a plane had appeared out of the blue ski, crashed against his office window and, just like that, Jimmy would never see another morning.

Renee couldn't even try to be strong anymore. She collapsed in her bathtub crying a river. She was crying for James and the wedding that would never be. She also cried for all the people on those planes and in those towers. She cried for Jimmy's beloved city, a city she had grown to love so much and now had its heart ripped out of it. But she also cried for how unbelievably useless she felt.

YEAR 2012 - February

Washington DC – FBI Headquarters

FBI director Larry Moss had met Renee Walker around three years earlier, in 2009, when he was promoted and transferred from Seattle to DC. When he first shook hands with Agent Walker his first thought was that her red hair was spectacular, and that she looked good in a professional business pant suit. A little bit masculine for her delicate and feminine features. But she totally rocked that boyish look, something so unusual in a female agent. He liked her instantly. However, he and Renee had never gone any further than being good friends. After all, he was a married man incapable of cheating on his wife, no matter how bad his marriage had gotten recently.

But he had always felt a great deal of respect for Renee and considered her a good friend. He still remembered clearly in his mind their very first conversation back then.

"Please, close the door, have a seat" He said as he set up the electric coffee maker he had in his office. "So, Agent Walker, if I recall correctly, you joined the FBI in 2003 and completed the program in record time, first of your class, specializing in foreign languages, right? You also have a MBA from Columbia University, and a Master in International Affairs, in addition to your double major from Princeton" he said with admiration in his voice.

"Your memory is flawless, Director Moss. What I fail to understand is why you wish to talk about things you can easily read from my file."

"Well, Agent Walker, Don't you enjoy talking to people?" he asked casually as he offered her some coffee. She nodded accepting a cup. The first thing she noticed about Larry is that he was very nice and sweet, almost naïve.

"Why don't you tell me why you decided to join the FBI?"

"I wanted to serve my country" She replied solemnly in a heartbeat.

"Don't we all?" he asked rhetorically "but why the FBI? All citizens serve their country in a way by doing their jobs honestly, don't you think?"

"Yeah. But I wanted a position in which I could prevent our country's enemies from hurting us again."

Back then, Larry had been impressed by the fact that she seemed not intimidated at all by him, her new boss. But he had also sensed in her something that worried him: she wanted so badly to be a hero that she was a bit reckless when it came to her own life. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted when Renee herself wandered in his office.

"Hey, Larry, you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah. Look, I wanted to talk to you about an undercover mission you have been highly recommended for. I take it you have already read about Vladimir Laitanan"

"He's the leader of a Russian mob operating in Brighton Beach, New York. Apparently, he's involved in transnational money laundering, drug trafficking, weapon smuggling, and murder. My only question, Larry, is why isn't this guy serving a life sentence in a federal prison?"

"Well, the FBI agents in New York are having a hard time getting enough evidence to do that"

"I'm not surprised. Those Russians are one extremely paranoid and close group. Getting someone truly inside might take years"

"You have always been quite an expert in Russian intelligence, right?"

"Not really. Sure, I've been in Moscow a couple of times for study purposes. It's fascinating. But I have only learnt the theory. As I said, nobody can get truly inside a Russian mob unless they spend a lot of time working with them and earning their trust first"

"And apparently, that's where you come in, Renee"

"Excuse me?"

"There's an undercover agent in NYC, Leon Craig. He seems to think Laitanan is prone to trust someone like you"

"Oh, they figured out that the best man for this job is actually a woman? And it took them this long? Come on, Larry, all men cave in when they find a lady attractive, Russian or American. It's a human nature thing. And it's been true since charming Mata Hari"

First Larry couldn't help to crack a smile, he himself found Renee charming. But then his expression became somber, "Renee, let me state clearly, nobody is asking you to be Mata Hari. Nothing of the sort"

"I know! I would be insulted and outraged if someone even hinted otherwise. But the point is that I can get Vladimir's trust. I can get the necessary information to send this guy where he belongs"

"If you think you can get the information and keep the Russian on a short leash…. I'll let to you go on this mission. But as your friend, my advice would be that you don't take this job"

"I can take care of myself, Larry"

"I know you can, but..."

"Good, then I'll start preparing this thing" she said interrupting him and heading to the door. But Larry stopped her by taking her arm and forcing to look at him.

"Listen to me carefully, Renee. The second, and I mean it, the very second things get out of hands you call and we pull you out, understood? I don't want martyrs on my team. Did I make myself clear?"

"Crystal clear. Now if you excuse me, I have work to do."

Year 2013, August

Manhattan - Beth Israel Medical Center

Dr. Amy Whitman looked at the woman lying in the hospital bed. It was heartbreaking. As a doctor she watched human suffering day after day, but that didn't mean she had stopped caring. "I'm truly sorry Agent Walker; I don't know what else to say"

Renee was looking down trying fiercely to fight the tears. She wouldn't cry. She couldn't cry. She shook her heard on denial. "Don't say anything, just… just don't say anything…" she took a few deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down. It was useless. She unleashed all her fury by pushing the nightstand right next to her, knocking it down to the floor as she yelled at the top of her lungs "damn it!"

The doctor startled, taken a bit by surprise. But as a woman she understood perfectly. She would have probably reacted the same way if such a horrible thing had happened to her. "Again, I'm sorry, Agent Walker. If you need professional help to cope with this…"

But Renee automatically dismissed the idea. Therapy was the last thing she wanted. Now she only had one concern in mind. "Does the FBI know what you just told me?"

"Your medical records are personal. As my patient, I have to respect your privacy. But unfortunately I have to report that there was evidence of…"

"Please, don't" Renee's plead was very firm, interrupting the doctor sharply. She didn't want to hear that word.

"I can't conceal evidence of a crime, Agent Walker. That would be obstruction of justice"

"My body is not evidence! Please, I don't want people knowing what I let him do to me. It won't make a difference for the case anyway. And I personally won't press any charges"

Dr. Whitman had seen many abused women who refused to tell their story because they were scared or too blindly in love with the abuser. But this clearly wasn't the case. Renee seemed simply too ashamed of herself. "It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong".

But Renee had suffered the ultimate humiliation in Vladimir's hands. And on top of all, she had now received the most horrible news since James's death. It had all been her fault. She had let things go too far and was now being punished in the most awful possible way. "Please, doctor… I'm begging you. From one woman to another, let me keep this private. Even without people knowing it's terrible enough that …" then she broke down in tears. She had tried hard not to cry, but it was impossible. The pain she felt inside was too strong.

Not knowing what to do, the doctor simply allowed her to unleash the angst. It became impossible for Amy to go against her patient's wishes. She felt so bad for her. Once Renee calmed down a little, the doctor suggested gently "What if you settle this with the agent in charge of the operation first? He's right here, waiting to see you. We can work something out"

"Leo is here?" Renee asked nervously, but glad that she was gonna see a friendly face. She took a towel that was on the nightstand and tried to erase traces of having cried. "Please, send him in"

A few minutes later, Agent Leon Craig walked in with a bouquet of light pink tulips on his hands. First, he looked at Renee and felt like an anvil falling heavily over his head. He stayed by the doorway not daring to walk in. It was his fault that she was there, with broken ribs and a busted cheekbone. Not to mention the other atrocities she had suffered. How could he let that happen to her? He approached her tentatively. "Hey"

"Hey" she replied, not showing much emotion.

A bit awkwardly, he gave her the flowers. "You… you never told me what kind of flowers you like… I thought…"

Renee managed to curb her lips in a small smile. "Thank you, I like tulips… oh, and there is a card" She opened it. "Let's see, it says… 'To Renee, from Leo'"

"Yeah… and I truly meant that", he said mocking his own lack of sentimentalism. But then he looked down sadly. He summoned the courage to say what was in his heart. "It's that they don't make cards that say… I'm sorry I made you work undercover with that son of a bitch and I'll never forgive myself for letting things get this ugly"

He was getting all chocked up. And Renee felt herself about to fall into another river of tears. She could not let that happen. "It wasn't your fault. It was my decision to work undercover and then stay. You wanted me to leave the mission but I didn't listen to you"

But that didn't ease his guilt at all. "Still… if there's anything… anything… that I can do for you"

She could definitely think on one thing. "Tell me, as the agent in charge of the operation, you got full access to my medical records, didn't you?"

"Yes, I know everything… and I'm so sorry…"

She interrupted him drily. "I don't want anybody to know the whole truth. I need you to help me keep as much as possible private"

The next day, Renee got a visit from Larry, who had traveled from DC to see her. He also brought her flowers and looked at her with a lot of sadness in his eyes. That was exactly why she had to act strong and absolutely in control. She didn't want people to pity her. She wanted desperately to hide how weak, devastated and helpless she actually felt. She wanted to forget forever everything that had happened in the past sixteen months. Managing to fake a tiny smile as she took the roses he had brought for her, she greeted him "hey, Larry… thank you"

"You are welcome. So, how are you?" Nobody would tell him much. But he could see the sadness in her eyes.

"I'll be fine. Broken bones heal" she tried to sound as casual as possible.

Larry smiled a little. "That's right. And I wanted to say that you can take as much time as you want… you don't have to go back until you absolutely…" But he was suddenly interrupted.

"I can be back in DC next week" She said hastily. All she had left to do was get some mug pictures taken to stage the arrest of the woman she had been for the last sixteen months.

Larry looked at her like she was crazy. "Yeah… in DC… but you don't have to go back to work so fast"

"I want to… I mean, I won't be able to do field work… But I'll do whatever I can"

"Renee, seriously… take as much time as you need". He wasn't very worried about her physical injuries, which seemingly would heal. But even though he didn't know the full story, what he knew was plenty to realize she would need more time to recover mentally as well.

"I don't need time. I need to get back to work as soon as possible" She had to get as busy as possible as soon as she could. Focusing on her job would keep her mind away from everything she wished to forget.


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