"I'm so done with all of this."

Natalia stood staring out the window of her brother's home, watching her brother run off with Yao into the darkened city streets. She knew her brother didn't love her, but some part of her kept wishing that he would. But now…her love was lost.
No really. She didn't love him anymore.
"I'm so over it. I'm done."
Yao always had her brother's eye. She would never admit it, but she was truly fascinated by his culture. Her brother, however, was fascinated by Yao himself. So it was obvious they liked each other.

"Whatever. I'm done."

The more she told herself that, the more she truly believed it. She was so foolish. But now the winds changed, and along with it went Natalia's decisions. It created a strong impulse in her; an urge to leave. Just leave.

She gathered up her items in a suitcase. The girl had been planning this for so long that she had all of her belongings with her. Any trace of herself in her brother's house was taken with her, so no one would ever know that Natalia had once dwelled there.

She didn't even know where she was going. She didn't even care. As long as it took her away from the past.

Once Ivan disappeared from view, Natalia ventured out of the house and headed in the opposite direction of her brother.

"Where is the last stop for this train?"
"Before it heads back? That would be in Rome, Italy."

"And how much does it cost to get there?"

"Let me see," Natalia bit her lip nervously as the ticket salesman glanced at a computer screen, "That would be about 4346 Rubles."

"Oh," Well that was pricey, "Umm…here." She handed him the Russian equivalent of one hundred and forty dollars and the salesman ripped off a ticket and handed it to her. She was now on her way.

"Thank you." She tucked the ticket into her purse as she left the line and glanced at the clock. There had been about an hour before the train left; Natalia decided it was better to get on the train early and get a nice seat rather than waiting for the last minute and sitting next to someone unpleasant. However, she had a hard time pushing through the crowds of people in the busy train station while lugging the suitcase behind her, though she managed to squeeze her way over to her train.

"This is it."
She didn't even know why she was going to Rome. She had never been there and everyone talked so much about it. Natalia supposed it was because it was the farthest she could go at the current moment, since the train to Madrid had left a long time ago, and she didn't wish to wait too long for another train.

"Ticket please."
"Here." She handed the cheerful conductor her ticket, to which he stamped a hole through it and gave it back to her. Natalia picked up her suitcase by the handle and somehow tugged it up into the train. Being a train that went long distances, there were compartments for the passengers, which caused her to let out a sigh of relief.

Making her way to the very end of the train, she chose to sit in the last compartment in the caboose. The idea of compartments was wonderful to her; it was private and she had the window seat all to herself. No one would take the time to travel all the way to the end of the train, so she felt that this peaceful solitude would last for a while.

She slipped her luggage underneath her seat and glanced around the room. There were faux leather burgundy seats, and though the room was large enough to fit six people, it seemed even larger since it was only her. She glanced out the open window at the passerby, and for the first time in a while she felt something unusual.

Anticipation. Or was it excitement?

Natalia sighed. It was probably both. She was going on an adventure. She was on her own. She had the entire world to see and she could do whatever she wanted. "Maybe I can go to South America…" The girl smiled to herself. She used to read about all of the interesting things there, like the ancient ruins and interesting people. Now that she thought of it, she really wanted to go see a lot of places. Different cultures really intrigued her.

Oh, and then travel the Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean…and the Caribbean. They both seemed like such romantic places. Maybe it was just her though; she had seen so many chick flicks and read so many romance novels that took place there. It made her wish she could go there and see what all the excitement was about.

As she was lost in her thoughts, however, she missed the bright blond ahoge bobbing in the crowd of people.

Author's note: I love BelarusxAmerica (NataliaxAlfred). There are some really cute fics for this pair out there, and I just want to put this one out there too. Hope you like it, and I'm sure the next chapter will be up soon!

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Hetalia. Or any character associated with it. But it would be nice to meet a guy like Alfred…*sighs pensively*