Hello, and welcome to what I believe will be my very favorite fanfiction (written by me) ever! Why, you ask? BECAUSE I LOVE THIS PAIRING SO MUCH! I just think it'll be so fun...

Tails: GAH! Where am I? Who are you?

*chuckle* Why, Miles, you are in my bedroom. I am purpledemon21, but you may call me by Daniel, Jaykob, Joseph, Kristoph, or Nathaniel.

Tails: Why so many names?

Well, I will be posting this on the internet, so I don't want to give away my real name, and, quite frankly, I don't like my real name. Take your pick from the names I told you before.

Tails: Um... I guess I'll go with Kristoph.

If you want, then, you can call me Kris instead.

Tails: Okay, then, Kris. But, why am I here?

You are going to star in a little fictional story I am going to write and, as I said before, post on the internet.

Tails: But I still don't get why I have to be here...

Well, I'm going to need you here for the pre- and post-chapter entertainment, which is a big review-drawer, by the way!

Tails: Okay, maybe you should explain this to me later... Well, while I'm here, can you tell me what the story's gonna be about?

Oh, not much other than you falling in love with someone.

Tails: Who?

Shadow the hedgehog.

Tails: *jaw drops* So I'm going to be... gay?

Oh, don't be upset! I am a bisexual, and look at how I turned out to be!

Tails: I barely know you...

Oh, you'll know me before too long. You will be hanging around with me a lot.

Tails: Okay... well, go ahead and get this over with...

Oh, the first chapter will have nothing like that in it. Anyways, this is boring! Let me get to writing! However, before I begin I must say: none of the official characters in this story are under my ownership. Give that credit to SEGA and Sonic Team Incorporated. I will notify you if I add in a character that I have made up at the end of a chapter.

(Throughout the story I will write random words that will form page breaks like this inside of parentheses because nothing else I've tried works.)

Miles laid, asleep, in his twin-sized bed, cutely hugging a stuffed rabbit to his chest and snoring ever so lightly. The sun had risen and had just escaped its confinements below the horizon when, suddenly, music begins blaring from a digital alarm clock which laid upon the young fox's dresser. The fox's favorite song, "She Had the World" by Panic! at the Disco, began blaring out of a digital alarm clock on Miles's dresser, filled the bedroom and trailed a small ways out of it, awaking the fox rather quickly. Miles flicked his twin tails to the calming music as he abandoned the stuffed animal and revealed his naked body to the rest of his bedroom. The fox, feeling a draft, began searching through his dresser drawers for a pair of underpants and, upon finding some, put them on.

"I don't love you, I'm just passing the time. You could love me if I knew how to lie," Miles sang happily as he searched his closet for a shirt suitable for the horrid day he knew was ahead of him. After a nice bit of searching, he finally found a good-looking yet comfortable outfit: a pair of jeans and a yellow The Killers T-shirt whose color matched the fox's fur. The fox forced his tails out of a hole he had cut into the jeans before he walked back to his dresser and turned off the alarm clock.

Miles walked out of his bedroom and began to descend the stairs in front of the door, smelling pancakes. He walked into the kitchen to find two plates, upon which were two stacks of the breakfast he had smelled, one of which was being devoured by his adoptive brother, Sonic the hedgehog.

"Hey, little bro! How'd ya sleep?" Miles's brother asked.

"Fine. You?" Miles replied simply before cutting a piece off of the food in front of him.

"Alright," Sonic said.

A moment passed, the only sound being the clinking of forks against plates, before Sonic said, "You ready to go back to school?"

"Sorta... I don't really want to go back, though," Miles said glumly.

"Why not?"

"Well, I'm just gonna be at the bottom of the food chain again, being in sixth grade and all. I liked being the top in fifth."

"But you'll still have your friends and your bro there to keep you up and running."

"Yeah, I will, I suppose."

Sonic, at this point, had finished his pancakes and was rising to put his plate up. Miles followed not too far behind, rinsing the traces of syrup off in the sink before putting the dish in the dishwasher. Miles walked out of the room and up the stairs to the bathroom. Sonic was brushing his teeth when Miles walked in, beginning to comb his hair into his favourite style (A/N: same as in the games). Tails quickly brushed his teeth before bolting down the stairs and to the front door, outside of which a yellow bus (A/N: STOP THAT TWINKIE!) was parked. Miles grabbed his messenger bag, which he had spent half of last night filling up with all of his supplies, and put his hand upon the knob of the front door before being pulled into a tight hug from behind.

"Have a wonderful day at school, Tails," the voice of Miles's adoptive mother, Amy Rose, said from behind him, the nickname referring to the twin tails poking out of the fox's jeans. Miles turned in the arms of his loving adoptive mother and returned the gesture.

"I will, Mrs. Rose," Miles said. Amy had told Miles not to call her mom; he was, after all, only there because of his and Sonic's immense friendship.

"See you after school."

"Okay, goodbye." And with that, Miles escaped the loving arms and walked out of the door, running up to the bus hastily, wanting this day to go by as quickly as possible.

(page break: WAYNE'S WORLD! WAYNE'S WORLD! PARTY TIME! EXCELLENT! Yeah. That's the theme song to a weird movie. My friend likes it.)

Tails: Okay, so I'm going to school. What an exciting story.

The first chapter was just for an introduction to shit! The next chapter will involve some romance between you and a certain sexy black hedgehog! Not much, though.

Tails: Whoopee...

Trust me, you'll enjoy it. You will enjoy it! YOU WILL ENJOY IT!

Tails: Alright, alright, Kris! I'll enjoy it, whatever, I don't care right now.

Oh, you will. You will, Miles, YOU WILL!



Tails: ...

Sorry, I watched the laser collection last night...

Tails: Obviously...