All I Wanted

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyer has that honor.

Chapter 1

"So, Bella. Have you made your decision? Will you join us?" Aro asked. I thought about it. I mean, Edward obviously didn't want to change me, and he wasn't the only reason I wanted to become a vampire. I wanted to learn. I wanted to live long enough to find true happiness. And being a vampire would grant me those wishes. Edward thinks that vampires are monsters, but they aren't. Humans do as many sins as vampires, maybe even more. Humans kill to eat, too. The cow they eat every time they have a burger probably had a family, too.

"Yes, Aro, I will." I replied. Edward wasn't too happy.

"No!" he roared, "I will not let you damn yourself to an eternal night!"

"This isn't your choice, Edward! It's MINE! I can make my own decisions, you don't own me."

I walked up to Aro and told him that I would like Edward and Alice escorted out. He quickly obliged, nodding to Jane and Alec. I then noticed the blonde vampire in the throne to the right of Aro's was staring at me. I quirked an eyebrow, asking a silent question. He looked away.

Aro addressed said vampire. "Caius, will you take darling Bella to one of the guest rooms?" Caius nodded, offering me his arm. I blushed, of course, and accepted it.

We walked in a comfortable silence for a while. He told me that I was very lucky. When I asked him why, he shook his head and said he'd tell me someday, then observed the artwork with a smirk.

All too soon, we reached our destination. I sighed.

"What? Am I not allowed in?" he asked with a smile.

"Well," I began, and he pouted. "Oh, all right. I guess you can."

I entered a room with dark blue walls and a four-poster bed with lavender sheets. On one wall there was a vanity and dresser, on another there was a desk and chair and another wall had bookcases.

Caius started asking me questions. Simple ones, really, but they held a deeper meaning that I couldn't quite place. Finally, he asked a hard question about me.

"Why do you want to become a monster?"

"I'll tell you one day." I said.