Due morning as the sun rose above the heaven skies and the birds chirped among the tree branches of the forest Izayoi indeed thought it was such a beautiful for a wash of clothing. She picked up her clothing and her son's as she picked up her boy's clothing she noticed how deep asleep he was.

"From a frightening story of last night, you sure do know how to sleep peacefully Inuyasha" The princess stated quietly. As she was ready to go outside the stream that laid within the forest she knew that wasn't too far from the hut she noticed Hizuki pacing back and forth. She blinked not once but twice as the young woman continued her activities. 'I'm guessing she's still nervous' The lady pondered as she planned to talk to her later after she finished washing the clothes. Izayoi made her way towards the stream while eyes followed her every movement and walk that the princess was doing. Sesshomaru was just outside the hut debating how to kill the terrain woman. Should he kill her slowly, painfully, or fast, and painless? Deciding to choose the latter Sesshomaru was walking right behind the shadows as he noticed that the terrain woman was walking towards the stream.

"I can drown the wretch" Sesshomaru said smirking in liking the idea. Lady Izayoi just made it to the stream and laid down her clothes to being to wash with soap. She grabbed her son's fire rat robe first and began her business. Sesshomaru slowly started to walk up towards her from behind.

"Inuyasha! I told you not to dirty your robe your father gave you like this!" Izayoi said to herself as she remembered that she told her son many,many,many times before. She grabbed the soap in hand and began to scrub really heard so that all the dirt stains can wash off. The kanzen youkai in the other hand blinked in confusion.

'Did..did she just mention father and a son?' Sesshomaru pondered as he narrowed his eyes. This wasn't making any sense. This was the woman he was looking for right? It had to be! The smell was like the woman he followed 5 years ago, but what's this about a son? Would it even matter to him? No he should just kill the wretch now and get on with his life. As he was about to unleash his poison claw a sudden voice stopped him.

"Umma! Umma!" A young voice yelled. As Sesshomaru noticed the voice coming closer he decided to step back and observe further on. The kanzen youkai stepped back into the shadows and saw the little demon from earlier. "Umma there you are!" The little child yelled in happiness. Sesshomaru continued to stare the actions the two were partaking.

"Inuyasha? What are you doing here?" Izayoi said questioning him. The little dog smiled at her.

"I wanna help umma!" Izayoi looked towards her son and chuckled.

"Inuyasha it's mother, now I know Kanon told you it was umma but it's mother okay honey?" The little hanyou titled his head to the side as if he was thinking and processing every little word his mother just said.

"But I like Umma and Mommy" Inuyasha said as he little doggy ears wagged from side to side. Izayoi could have sworn she that she just pictured a little tail wagging back and forth as well behind her son.

"Alright, alright you can call me Umma Inuyasha you win" The little hanyou jumped up and down happy that he won.

"Can I help? Can I help?" He questioned once more. The princess nodded as she handed him a shirt and he began to scrub softly to make sure he didn't rip it. In the back ground Sesshomaru witnessed everything that was happening, but he made no attempt to kill them both. Why couldn't he? By the way the little demon smelled he was only mere hanyou, a useless little half-wit, but what did the little hanyou have to do with his father? He just couldn't put it all together.

"Umma ...how was appa?" The little hanyou questioned after a little while. At this point Sesshomaru stared towards the two and was actually questioning if the little hanyou read his head in finding out he was connected to him. Izayoi stopped scrubbing the robe for about a fraction of a second as her bangs hid her eyes of her expression.

"Why would you like to bring something like that up?" Izayoi said as a smiled formed on her mouth and her bangs still covered her eyes. A blush seemed to be crawling on Inuyasha's face as his mother questioned him; he felt a little weird talking about a man he never knew about.

"Aunt Hizuki told me that Uncle Kanon was going to be a appa" Inuyasha started "..And... and I felt weird" He finished as his eyes fell upon the clothes in the stream finding them very interesting at the moment. Izayoi's eyes widen in shock.

"Inuyasha.. your-your father was a great dog demon that owned all the lands in the west" Right after those words were uttered both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru looked at Izayoi in dumbstruck.

'My father had another son?' Sesshomaru thought bitterly.

"My appa married you?" Inuyasha asked now excited to know a lot more about his father. Izayoi's eyes glistened this time, maybe perhaps it was time that her little hanyou knew about his family line, well the one she knew about.

"No honey we didn't, we meet under the night of the lunar rainbow as the stars shined as bright as the sun" Izayoi described as if it was just yesterday. "But alas your father died saving both of our lives in battle" This shocked the little hanyou.

"Appa was a hero?" As they both continued to talk about The Great Dog Demon, Sesshomaru was burning with fury how dare his father mate with another a ningen to be exact! His blood was boiling like no end, but for some strange reason he couldn't come further and kill both the half-breed and his wretched mother. Why was this? Why couldn't he bring himself to kill them?

"Do you have someone to protect?" His father s voice rang. Why did his father's voice ring to himself again? He has no one to protect damn it!

"Umma what am I?" The little hanyou's question made both Sesshomaru and Izayoi stare towards the little puppy. Sesshomaru amazed by the way the little half-wit can actually ask such a thing at his age and Izayoi shocked by the way her son can ask her such a thing. The kanzen youkai was interested to find out how the ningen was going to reply to such a question while the princess had no idea how to respond to her own son s question.

"W-why do you ask dear?" Izayoi said aiming a very bright smile. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes, he knew that she was trying to use a failsafe tactic.

"I-I don t look like umma or Aunty and not even Uncle ...I look different" The little hanyou said a little sad, but what puzzled Izayoi was where did he receive such a way of thinking at only age of 5? Was it different for demon years? Dog years? He was half human Did they count at all? There was much Izayoi didn't understand, so how was she suppose to answer her son such a question? Sesshomaru in the other hand smirked as he noticed how hard of a time the ningen was having just trying to answer such a simple task.

"Well you see Inuyasha honey..you are different.." The princess said in very, very careful words. The little hanyou titled his head to the side trying to understand his mother.

"How so mommy?" He asked once more. Izayoi bit her lip, was she going to have the guts to tell her son?

"Inuyasha you are-"

"-Izayoi! Izayoi , Inuyasha where are you?" A voice stopped from having Izayoi finishing her question. The princess thanked kami so much for saving her! She stood up and quickly took a run towards the voice, Inuyasha tried to get his mother's kimono's sleeve.

"Okaa-san!.." The little hanyou yelled after his mother as he sat there alone on the ground. Inuyasha turned towards the water watching his reflection. What was he? He had dog ears, amber eyes, and long silver hair. Were a lot of humans like this? Maybe he was special? All of this thinking started to make his head hurt. Sesshomaru noticing that the ningen wasn't going to come back anytime soon for his so called otouto he finally decided to walk away from the shadows and towards the little hanyou. Though Inuyasha a little too caught up in his little world didn't notice the youkai that was coming closer and closer. As soon as his reflection was seen on the water is when the little hanyou's eyes widen in shock and turned towards the youkai. The kanzen youkai said nothing as he stared at the little hanyou, Inuyasha in the other hand didn't say anything because he was scared like no end. This man what was he doing here? In the middle of the forest for that matter! Inuyasha continued to stare scared shitlessly.

"Inuyasha.." Sesshomaru said finally after a very long time. The little hanyou backed up a bit more, this man knew his name? How did he know his name? He never mentioned it once! Who was he? Was..was he the Nameless Monster? At this Inuyasha's eyes widen a lot wider than he thought he could open them, he had never been this scared his whole life. Sesshomaru noting the little half-wits fear walked closer to insure that he was there to mean no harm for now, he just had to confirm something that quirked him. "Inuyasha I-"

"-Nameless Monster! Nameless Monster!" The little hanyou screamed out of so much fear, he got up and ran through the forest to try to get back to his okaa-san. The kanzen youkai stood there, he just stood there to make sure he was processing this right. He walked to the little half-breed meaning no harm which was A LOT already and the little mongrel thought he was a monster? A demon was used more as an appropriate insult but monster? Wasn't that going a little too far? Sesshomaru blinked not once, but twice staring at himself at his reflection of the water and then back to where the little half-wit ran away.

"Nameless Monster? Did he just call me nameless?" The kanzen youkai stood there somewhat feeling really insulted and amazed by his choice of words. The top part of the robe of the fire rat continued to float among the waters and he decided out of the ordinary to pick it up. He held it up on his hands and stared towards it. He has an otouto, did this make any difference at all to him? No right? Why was he questioning himself? This has never happened! He was the son of The Great Dog Demon and owned all the western lands, but he couldn't make up his mind about a little hanyou? All of his frustrations were coming back, he sighed in knowing all of this research was going to take some time.

With Lady Izayoi

Izayoi ran among the woods towards the voice and noticed that it belonged to Hizuki.

"Hizuki what's wrong?" The princess said very concerned and confused. Hizuki's eyes watered in tears as she hugged her friend.

"It's terrible Izayoi! Minho is on his way!" Izayoi titled her head in not knowing who this Minho person was.

"Hizuki, who is Minho?" Hizuki looked at Izayoi and cried some more. "He's the baby s father! And he's coming in three days! What am I going to do? What about Kanon?" The young woman said freaking out over the whole situation. Izayoi felt sorry for her friend, this was a BIG problem how was she going to be able to help her?

"Hizuki honey, do you know why he's coming over?" The princess said a lot more serious this time, the young woman stared towards Izayoi's eyes and shook her head.

"I don't know why he's coming; his retainer sent me his messenger!" Hizuki responded, just then as the conversation was about to get deeper..

"Okaa-san! Okaa-san where are you?" A voice yelled within the forest. Izayoi looked back almost forgetting that she left Inuyasha on the stream!

"Inuyasha! Inuyasha! I'm right here honey!" The princess yelled back to respond back to him. The little hanyou ran through some bushes and ran towards his mother and hugged her like there was no tomorrow.

"Umma! Umma! I saw him! I saw him!" The little dog cried in the hug, Izayoi in the other hand had no idea what he was talking about.

"Inuyasha honey who did you see?" Hizuki looked at Izayoi and she did the same, they were both thinking the exact same thing.

"I thought you said he was coming in three days" Hizuki Izayoi said worried at this point. How long was this message? Was it old?

"That's what his messenger told me! How am I to know if he's lying?" Hizuki responded feeling very frightened at the very moment.

"Inuyasha, honey who did you see?" Izyaoi asked as she pushed her son a little off their hug. Inuyasha couldn't answer and buried himself right back on to his mother, the princess in the other hand narrowed her eyes towards her son. "Inuyasha! I won't repeat myself twice! Now tell me!" She said in a very stern voice. The hanyou never hearing that tone of voice coming from his mother quickly removed himself and tried to answer.

"I..I was down the stream and and-" The little hanyou said having a very hard time to finish, but as he was having trouble Hizuki noted something right quick.

"Izayoi, it's not use to ask your son!" The princess quickly stared away from her son to her friend.

"What is that your saying Hizuki?" The young woman bit her lip.

"How would Inuyasha tell us if he did see him" She started, Izayoi was trying very hard to put two and two together. "Have you said anything to Inuyasha about the problem?" Izayoi shook her head and then like a deer on lights the idea on what she was trying to tell her was finally sinking in.

"But you told him that Kanon was going to be a dad" Hizuki nodded.

"Though I did not tell him about the situation at hand" Now having it thought through carefully they both stared down the little hanyou boy.

"Honey ..who did you see?" Izayoi questioned to what seemed to her like the hundredth time.

"I saw-"

"I don't think it matters, I mean if he didn't see you know who and even if he did he wouldn't know who he was to being with" Hizuki said butting in before Inuyasha could even reply to his mother.

"But what if he follows Inuyasha to you? What then?" The young woman sighed and breathed in very deeply.

"If it comes to that then let him come. It was bound to happen anyways right? If not now than three days right? No matter what he is still coming Izayoi" The princess sighed in her friends lack of confidence, but knew she was right.

"No matter let us go back to the hut and figure out what to do for our next plan of action Hizuki, or else you re going to have to tell Kanon"

"Out of the question!" Hizuki replied quickly soon after.

"Right, right..let us go back then, come Inuyasha" Izayoi said as she followed her friend who walked right on front. Though Inuyasha graved on his mother's sleeve kimono and pulled her back a little.

"Mommy.." Izayoi turned towards her son, and then towards her left and noticed that she left the clothes she was washing earlier on the floor. She sighed inwardly this time, this meant that she was to go back to the stream tomorrow and rewash the clothes.

"Inuyasha, I dropped the clothes towards the floor, I'll wash them tomorrow" Inuyasha looked at the rags on the floor and simply forgot about them in the first place after everything that has happened throughout the morning.

"No okaa-san, I-"

"Inuyasha can you please pick up the clothing?" Izayoi asked as she continued to walk. This was something unexpecting, no matter what of age you are, you always see the difference of a mother, and it was as if his mother was kinda avoiding him. No, that couldn't be it! It was silly of him to even think about that his mother loves him! So without another thought the little hanyou picked up his clothing. As he ran back to the hut he noticed his Uncle.

"Uncle Kanon! Uncle Kanon!" Inuyasha ran, though as he ran to the young male he noted something different. He looked sad. The little hanyou stopped his running and slowly walked towards him now carefully looking at the young man's eyes. They were a little dim, and dull something that he's never seen before in his eyes. "Uncle Kanon what's wrong?" The little puppy said as he looked up under his uncle, the said man quickly jerked up by not paying attention to when the little hanyou arrived and coughed away his embarrassment.

"Inuyasha my boy when did you show up?" The little hanyou smiled brightly towards him quickly forgetting the questioned he asked him moments ago.

"I just did right now, did you see Umma anywhere?" He asked. Kanon smiled gently towards the little demon child, he was different yes, but he was actually using the word he taught him. Oh for how he longed for a child of his own one day, but it might not even happen for any time soon.

"Inuyasha, can you come here for a bit?" The little hanyou did exactly what his uncle asked. Though he was still holding on the clothes his mother told him to pick up. "Do you know anything going about your mother or Hizuki?" Inuyasha thought for a little, what did he mean? Problems..problems, confusion wait what did Aunt Hizuki say this morning?

"Aunt Hizuki said you were going an appa!" Inuyasha said a very happy voice and sparkly little eyes anyone could ever see in their lives. Kanon in this case did NOT find any joy to this, how long has Hizuki kept this away from him? Why didn t she tell him? Did she barely find out as well?

"Inuyasha..when..when did Aunty Hizuki tell you this information?" The little demon boy titled his head as if thinking.

"This morning" Kanon sighed as he bit his lip, his heart was breaking, how could his one and only love hide anything from him? Did he do something wrong? The rest of the day ended up with everyone as quiet as a mouse. Hizuki was oh to nervous about the messenger and to arriving new on how Minho was going to tell Kanon about their affair. Kanon in the other hand was far too depressed to talk, he felt betrayed and to say the entire house felt either awkward or just depressing. As it was Inuyuasha's bed time and Izayoi covered him the little hanyou stopped her a little.

"What is it honey?" The princess asked. The little puppy looked into his mom s eyes.

"Okaa-san..why does the house feel lonely?" The princess looked at her son a little confused; she didn't know exactly what he meant.

"No honey, the house never feels this way. It's happy, we're all here as a family". The little hanyou was happy with the response and nodded as he fell asleep. Izayoi in the other hand looked back towards the two couple and knew that this was something Inuyasha should never witness or even hear. She just hoped that whatever happened next wasn't going to cause them any pain.

Sesshomaru stayed near the stream, never moving away from it. He sat by a fire that he made and stared into it intensely. A demon was coming he knew that for sure, by the smell about the area was becoming heavy this was no push-over youkai, no this demon wants something sense the smell was coming closer by the fractured seconds. The kanzen youkai narrowed his eyes over the thought that some youkai was going to be near the little half-wit, perhaps killing the freak of nature and the ningen. Killing them? This would save him time, but this was something he had to do not another. He would have to make sure he had a few words to the youkai when his arrival was near.

The next morning

Inuyasha awoke by not the sounds of chirping of birds or the sounds of the wild life, but the voices of yelling and anger. The little hanyou opened his eyes quickly but did not say a word; by the hearing of his ears could be enough.

"How dare you say anything like that?" A female voice screamed which he guessed must have been his aunt Hizuki.

"Me? You re the one who hiding the upmost thing I ever wanted to make with you!" The other yelled and this must have been his uncle Kanon.

"Please it isn't fair for Hizuki" This voice was soft and clam defiantly not angry at all and this he knew too well was his mother, but why were they yelling in the first place?

"Not fair for Hizuki? Izayoi how can you ever say that? You're making it sound like she was the victim! When clearly she isn't!" Kanon continued on. "Inuyasha told me that you were pregnant! How is that any justice! Tell me! Why didn't you tell me Hizuki? Would you think I would reject our child?" Hizuki said nothing, but gasped in dumbstruck by the sudden information.

"Kanon ,Inuyasha.." Izayoi began and then Kanon turned towards her and glared.

"What you're going to tell me that Inuyasha is a liar?" At that Izayoi bit her lip, what could she say? Inuyasha in the other hand felt terrible! Maybe he shouldn't have told his uncle that his wife was pregnant. Fear started to grow within the little hanyou, this was his fault.

"No, you're right. My son is no liar, Hizuki is indeed pregnant Kanon but.." The princess didn't want to continue, she stared straight towards her young female friend but saw no sign for her to go any further.

"But what Izayoi? Tell me, tell me exactly what's going on between you two" Inuyasha finally made his way out of his bed and towards the entrance door, for once he wasn't the one up so early in the morning.

"Mommy..." The little hanyou stated, everyone's attention was moved towards Inuyasha.

"What are you doing up? Did we wake you?" Izayoi said as she came towards to her son.

"Why are you yelling? Aunt Hizuki is having a baby, why are you angry?" No one said a thing, how could they? For a five year old, this kid was no push-over.

"No one's angry Inuyasha, come let's go back inside and have some breakfast how about it?" Hizuki said lending her hand towards him. Inuyasha gladly took it and walked back inside, Izyaoi still stayed outside with Kanon.

"Please reframe from talking about this situation towards my son" The princess stated quite seriously. "He doesn't need to know any of this; he already knows enough of the Nameless Monster" Kanon didn't know what to say, so he stayed quiet. He felt bad enough that his own wife kept the fact that she was pregnant away from him and now little Inuyasha which he considers as a son had seen him in really bad terms. During the afternoon Inuyasha was outside playing with his red ball again since his mother didn't want him inside the house, she said fresh air makes a child happy ...whatever that meant. Though at this moment no one was happy and he knew it, he didn't know how, but he knew for some fact that something was right. The little hanyou kicked his ball, but sadly it landed within the forest once more, he did NOT want to go in there because he knew that the Nameless Monster was just waiting for him and since his mother told him to go inside the hut for a little while who was there to help him out?

To Be Continued! XD

Darkcherry: Now most people have sent me reviews in asking me on what certain words mean, so now in thiss chapter and the next I will ONLY define them XD

Otouto- Younger Brother

Umma- Mother

Okaa-san- Mother

Appa- Father

Youkai- Demon

Kanzen- Perfect

Terrain- Another meaning of Human

Ningen- Another meaning of Human

Inuyasha: Those are a lot of words

DarKcherry: I'm glad to know you know what words are =D

Inuyasha: Shut up! I know what somethings are! =[

Darkcherry: Is that right?

Inuyasha: Of course it is!

*Gir comes in*

Darkcherry: Why are you here?

Gir: Watch the evil monkey show

Darkcherry: There isn't

Gir: awwwww...

Read and review or else Gir won't get his evil monkey show! XD