Hello! Okay, so while this may not be the first fanfiction I have ever written, it IS the first one I have published. Rating is subject to change. Please read with an open mind ^_^

I do not own Freakazoid. It is owned by Warner Brothers. I do not own Death Note either, nor Bleach. Basically, the only thing on here that I DO own is Onyx and the computer I'm typing it all on, and the story idea. But if I did… ;)

Super teen extrordinair! Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
Runs around in underwear! Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
Rescues Washington D.C.! Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
Unless something better's on t.v. Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
His brain is overloading! It has a chocolate coating!
Textbook case for Sigmund Freud! Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
Check out Dexter Douglas, nerd computer ace.
Went suurfing on the internet and was zapped to cyber space!
He turned into the Freakazoid, he's strong and super quick!
He drives the villains crazy, 'cuz he's a lunatic!
His homebase is the Freakalair! Freakazoid! Fricassee!
Floyd the Barber cuts his hair! Freakazoid! Chimpanzee!
Drives arund in the Freakmobile! Freakazoid! Free Kazoo!
Hopes to make a movie deal! Freaka-me! Freaka-you!
He's here to save the nation, so stay tuned to this station!
If not we'll be unemployed! Freakazoid! Freakazoid!

Dexter Douglas walked into his first period class and sat in his usual seat, and yawned. It was 7:30 am, 35 minutes before class was supposed to start. His teacher muttered a hello before going back to her notes, getting ready for the day, then walking out to the office. Dexter sighed, and pulled out a piece of paper and started sketching. He wasn't really that good, but still better than most of the brain-dead jocks and the chatty preps at his school. It wasn't long however before he heard the door open again. Passing it off as another teacher, he ignored it and continued sketching, until he heard a voice over his shoulder.

"Wow, your pretty good at that." A female voice said. The voice startled Dexter so much he jerked and scratched the pencil across the paper. "Oops, sorry…" the voice said. Dexter just pulled a big eraser out and got rid of the mark before turning around to see who it was talking to him.

"It's okay, it's a crap drawing anyways, I'm just passing time." He told her while erasing the mark. Looking up, he was confronted with a pale girl with long blood-red hair. And I mean long, as in, she was standing, and it reached her knees. No one in all of Harry Connick High had hair even close to that length! Her eyes were a very dark brown, almost black, much like his own. She was about his height, maybe an inch or so shorter, skinny, moderately-sized bust, and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. She also had a purple and black tote bag with Light from Death Note on it. There was another thing about her that Dexter noticed – he had never seen her before.

In Dexter's head, Freakazoid was watching. "Ooo, pretty girl!" he squealed. Dexter agreed, but was silently grateful as well that he and Freakazoid could communicate without being heard by others. Just now would have been embarrassing if the girl could hear the Freak.

"Umm, are you new here?" he asked a little shyly. She sat down in the seat behind him.

"Ya, I am actually. I showed up early, hoping to meet some people and perhaps make some friends before school started, but it's as though the place is deserted, kind of disheartening. Just a few teachers. I was actually kinda happy seeing another student here." She said, and smiled. Dexter melted just a little. Freakazoid turned into a puddle in Dexter's head with a goofy grin on his face.

"Well, if you're looking someone to just hang out with, we still have fifteen minutes till class starts, ten minutes at the least until more people start arriving. My name's Dexter." He said, holding his hand out to the girl. She smiled and shook it.

"Hello Dexter, my name is Onyx." She said, then put her purple bag on the desk and pulled out a laptop. "Does the school have free Wi-Fi?" she asked him, turning it on. Dexter shook his head.

"Well, it kinda does, kinda doesn't. In here, you might get two bars, if you're lucky, and then it's really slow. If you want internet that's any good, you would have to be in the commons or the balcony above the commons. That's where it's based here." He explained. She looked at him blankly.

"Oh, sorry. You know the big area to the west of the Office, the big area with a lot of tables?" She nodded her head. "That's the commons, it's also where lunch is served to those that stay on campus for lunch. There is a balcony above it too, if you go up the stairs by the office just before the doors to the commons."

"Oh" was her reply. "Well, that's okay, I was just going to put on some music anyways. I guess I'll just listen to what I already got on here." She pulled out a wireless mouse and clicked a few things before turning on the laptop speakers, up just one notch so they could hear it, but it wouldn't bother any passing teachers in the hallway. Dexter recognized it immediately, though he wasn't surprised. Being virtually connected to the internet because of Freakazoid, it's really a small thing to be able to place the music he heard.

"Hey, isn't that.." she started to say before she cut in.

"The Bleach Soundtrack? Yup." She said, sliding the computer to the side of the desk so she could talk without it in the way.

"Cool, not many people here watch Bleach."

"Really? That's sad, it's an awesome anime."

"Ya, I know. Aizen has some issues though."

"Ya. Haha, he's like a fortune cookie with a God complex!"

"Haha, hadn't heard that one yet. So, what brings you to Washington D.C.? Where ya from?"

"I'm from Eastern Oregon, actually. I moved here with my sister and her husband. He's in the army, and she needed help around the house while he's constantly on call, so Mom and Dad said I could live with her and help her out."

"Wow. That's a long ways to travel. By car or plane?"

"Car. It sucked though, I get motion sickness really bad…"

"Ouch. Well, you might want to turn your comp off, people will be showing up soon. The jocks might think it's mine and then break it."

"Teased much?"

"Ya, you could say that."


"Stereotypes. I'm a 'nerd' and they are 'preps' and 'jocks'. You get the idea from there." He emphasized the words by making quote marks with his fingers. Onyx smiled.

"Ah. Well, nerds don't bother me, most of my friends back in Baker are geeks or nerds in their own way. I suppose we'll get along just fine."

"That's good to know. One less person to avoid."

Onyx laughed, turning her music off and putting her laptop back into its purple Death Note tote, then stuffing it into the back part of her brown back pack. Just then, a group of jocks walked into the class. Dexter visibly stiffened, before turning around and hunching over his desk. Onyx turned to see what the problem was, and was met with the sight of three gorilla-like figures walking towards them.

"Hey pretty girlie, you shouldn't be sitting with someone like him. Bad for your image! You should come sit back here with us." The one in the middle said. The other two were sneering at Dexter and checking the door. Onyx didn't like that look.

"I'm sorry, but if I cared about my image I would have cut my hair years ago. But why would it be bad to sit up here with Dexter?" she asked innocently. Dexter turned around a little to look at her at the mention of his name. The jock smiled, probably thinking he was doing the right thing by helping the 'new misguided girl', and stepped forward, reaching for her to pull her up and bring her to a different section of seats. By now other people were arriving as well.

"Well Miss, let's just say that there are some people that need to be avoided, shall we?" he said, reaching for her left arm. His hand never made it there however, as Onyx had quickly lunged her own hand forward and caught the jocks hand in a vice grip with her thumb in the middle of his palm and the rest of her fingers at the wrist juncture. Basically she had caught his hand and was bending it backwards without putting very much pressure on it.

"Sorry, but I have an issue with people I don't know touching me." She told him when he winced in slight pain. "I can take care of myself when it comes to dealing with people, thanks. Dexter is a friend of mine now, I think I can handle it." She let go of his hand and turned back around in her desk to face Dexter, who was gawking. The jocks looked at each other before turning around to head to their own seats.

In Dexter's head Freakazoid was watching. "Girl got spark…" he said to himself, though Dexter heard him. He ignored it though. Onyx had pulled out a piece of paper and was writing numbers and symbols on it. The teacher also came in as the bell rang, along with any straggling students. The teacher ran off the list of names for attendance, then got the class' attention.

"Alright ladies and germs and anything in between, I would like to point out a new student to you, my dear if you would introduce yourself?" she said in an annoyingly high-pitched voice. Onyx got up and came to the front of the room, apparently with no stage fright what-so-ever. She did a theatrical bow as everyone gawked at her hair.

"Hello everyone, my name is Onyx Analya, ((A.N. pronounced a-nawl-yah) and I just moved here a few days ago from Eastern Oregon with my sister and her husband." She told them. The teacher moved forwards to ask some questions.

"Thank-you Onyx, you can sit down now." – Onyx went back to her seat – "Now, would you mind telling us where from Oregon you came, and why you're with your sister and not your parents?" Everyone pretty much knew by this time in the year that Mrs. Blank was very intrusive into personal life. Onyx didn't seem to mind.

"I come from Baker City, and like I said, it's in Eastern Oregon. Don't ask why I specify Eastern Oregon unless you want an hour-long rant, please. I moved here with my sister and her husband because he is in the army, so my sister is stuck at home alone, often for months at a time, and she needed some help around the house, especially since she is now pregnant and he can't be home to help out very much. My parents get along just fine by themselves, and they thought I needed to get out of the house some more."

Mrs. Blank thanked her and proceeded to start the class for the day. Onyx turned back to her paper of symbols and numbers, and handed it forward to Dexter when the teacher wasn't looking. He looked at the paper, blinked, and looked again.

|)() '/()|_| ||\|()\/\/ 1337?

It took Dexter a minute to realize what it was. She was asking him if he knew leet. Once he figured it out, he smiled and took his pencil out and made it look like he was taking notes while he wrote, then handed it back to her.

'/35, ! |)(). '/()|_| ||\|()\/\/, '/()|_| 5|-|()|_|1|) 83 [23|=|_|11, 7|-|()53 _|()[|5 \/\/()|\|'7 6!\/3 |_||* 5() 35!1'/...

A few minutes later the paper was handed back to him.

!'11 83 |=!|\|3. \/\/|-|'/, '/()|_| _|31()|_|5?

Dexter blushed a tiny bit. Yes, he sort of was, but he wasn't going to put that down. He replied a little too quickly though, and didn't think out his answer.

|\|(), !7'5 _||_|57 7|-|7 '/()|_|'23 |*2377'/ 6!21, |\||) 7|-|()53 |*27![|_|12 7|-|233 7|-|!|\|| ()|= 6!215 5 |*2()|*327'/, |\|()7|-|!|\|6 |\/|()23…

Her answer wasn't what he expected.

'/()|_| 7|-|!|\|| !'|\/| |*2377'/? 1()1.

He blushed again at that, and went back and read what he had written earlier. Ah nutbunnies. Then he noticed she had written underneath it a few lines.

7|-|7'5 ()|'/. ! 7|-|!|\|| '/()|_|'23 |-||\||)5()|\/|3.

Dexter blinked, then, in a daze, folded the paper up and put it in his back pocket. Class continued on without the note-passing.

Inside his head, Freakazoid was yelling at him.

"Dude, you just met her! Don't fall for her yet! Besides, your still dating Steph!"

"Can it, Freak. I'm not falling for her. Besides, Steph is only dating me because of you. It's you she likes, not me. She doesn't even associate with me when I'm in me-form instead of you-form."

"You have a point there kid. I never really liked her that much. But you can't cheat on her until after you dump her!

"Who said anything about cheating and dumping? Onyx is hitting on me, not the other way around."

"Umm, true! What did I win?"

"Nothing, I was stating a fact, not asking a question."

"Okay, so, you're not going to dump Steph?"

"I was thinking about it actually. Like I said, she's only dating me because of you, not because of me."

Dexter looked across the room at Steph, who was thoroughly involved in a conversation with her girlfriends, most likely about Freakazoid, and ignoring the teacher like most everyone else in class. They always talked over Mrs. Blank, and she never seemed to notice. Sure enough, the two could hear snippets of the conversation, and every other word it seemed was the Freak's name, not Dexter's.

"I'm gunna be honest with you Dex. Even though I'm a super hero, it gets a little annoying to be obsessed over all the time. It was fun for a while, but most everything was based on hormones. We're seniors now though, we've matured a little, I think we need to ditch the ditz.."

Dexter listened to Steph's conversation a little longer, hoping to hear his name. When it didn't reach his ears, he sighed in agreement with the Freak.

"Ya, I think we need to dump her. Even now, she just sees you as an item it seems, a trophy sort of. Not a person, not a lover. Neither of us."

"Righto! So, when you going to start hitting on Onyx?"

"I'm not going to hit on her! By the way, YOU have to be the one to dump Steph."

"Okay. Wait, WHAT?"

"You have to dump her, not me."

"WHY?1? Don't you know how violent girls can get when their dumped?"

"I told you already, she won't even associate with me. Besides, you're a super hero. I think you can take some yelling and a slap to the face pretty easily."

Freakazoid was curled up in a fetal position in a corner of Dexter's head the rest of the class period, mumbling something about "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" or something like that.

When the bell rang to signal the end of that class period, Dexter stood up and turned to face Onyx.

"Where's your next class?" he asked her. She checked her class schedule.

"Umm, a Mr. Hawthorn?"

"Ah, the band room. I'll show you where it is, if you don't mind. You play an instrument?"

"Yes, thank you. Actually, I play the clarinet. I'm pretty good too, but that was back in Baker. I don't know how different the standards for the band is here though…" she said, picking up her bag and following him out of the class. He turned left and she kept close behind.

"I think they're okay, but I only hear them practice. I never hear the concerts, so I don't know what the end results usually are." He told her, maneuvering through people, seemingly invisible since it was like no one looked at him. Surprisingly, Onyx kept up quite well winding around the people.

They went through the commons, then turned left again and went down a long hallway that had glass showcases in the walls with pottery in them from the art classes. There weren't very many people down this hall. Probably a fifth of the people from the main hallway. They went towards a door that looked like it should be leading outside, but once they were in it they turned right, and Onyx found they were in a small low hallway that was carpeted. There were pictures and trophies in another glass showcase, but they were all for band, choir and theatre. Dexter stopped here and pointed at a set of double-doors made of metal.

"That's the band room. Mr. Hawthorn should be inside. Let him know your there, or he might otherwise forget. He has ADHD, bad. About the only things he hasn't spaced yet at one point or another in the past are the concerts and showing up at the school to teach." He said.

"Okay then, thanks. Your next class?" Onyx asked.

"Art. I got time to get there, so it'll be fine. Have fun!" he said, then turned around and headed to his class. He had gotten her there relatively fast, so he actually did have time to get to class on time. The art room was, in reality, all the way across the school in an out-of-the-way hallway that is only used for art, welding, drafting, and auto mechanics classes.

Author Notes: Okay, if you want a translation of the leet notes, you can look it up on wikipedia, you might be able to figure it out then. Just go to wiki and type in the search bar '1337'. Or, if you are a lazy bum, you can wait for chapter two, you will find the translation in the authors notes there.

Okay, so some of the stuff here is based on truth, some of it isn't. Don't ask, because I won't tell you. If you really wanted to find anything out about me, I'm sure you'll figure out how.

Remember, read and review! Reviews to me are like gold pieces and jewels to a dragon starting out its hoard - very precious. I take suggestions for what should happen, and the more reviews I get the sooner another chapter will come out, hopefully.