Ship: Amanda & Simon {what else is news? :P}

Set: Post Series but not far. Just past Memento Mori.

Spoilers: None.

Summary: Drabble. Amanda and Simon get busted.

AN: I said I had to have something happy up, so here. I wrote it in all of ten minutes, so I hope it's okay.


They're less careful with Layla than they are with the rest of their co-workers. She didn't seem to read anything into it the first time she found them laughing at his desk and him picking a crumb of muffin from the corner of her lips, so they relaxed around her. Simon thinks it's the innocence of youth that kept shock from her face that day. Amanda thinks she's psychic and the reason she didn't seem surprised is because she already knew. The answer comes out, though, one day when they're in the kitchen - Simon saying things that press her buttons like crazy and Amanda leaning up about to kiss him. The office is empty but for them and Layla, so they think nothing of letting their guard down – admittedly they didn't mean to let it down quite this much. Layla walks into the kitchen, skimming a letter and heading for the teabags. The pair jump visibly and Simon begins the cover up operation.

"So, my point is, even standing this close there's no way he could've accidentally injected her in the leg with – "

The brunette rolls her eyes, pouring water into her teacup. "Guys, give it up, everybody already knows." The couple gapes at her wordlessly. "Well, we're not blind." Layla stated matter-of-fact-ly before taking her tea and leaving the kitchen. Amanda and Simon's eyes meet, a silent conversation playing out between them.

Eventually Amanda calls out across the office: "So, when you say 'everyone' – "

"Everyone." Layla calls back, not even letting her finish. Amanda looks back to Simon. There's nothing they can do but laugh.