Title: The Hidden Truth

Sequel to Here and Now

Timeframe: set 5 years after my version of TPM

Summary: Obi-Wan is sent to a planet in order to protect a king in danger. But he discovers a hidden truth and becomes the hunted. Can Qui-Gon and Anakin save not only him, but discover the secret? AU

Disclaimer: I don't make any money with this story. George Lucas is the owner of this wonderful universe with all its' characters. I only own Kyah Tara, King Draju

** Hello! The LittleGreenTroll strikes back! You convinced me write a sequel. Don't forget I'm still German and make many grammatical mistakes...**

Chapter1: the beginning of the end

Obi-Wan slowly descended from his starfighter. It had been a very long journey to the planet

Dakona V. He had almost been travelling for 9 days, when the signals in the cockpit began to

beep. Dakona V is known for its' rough climate. During the summer the whole planet turns into a rainforest with tropical temperatures, very pressing heat and with thunderstorms and rain at night. During the winter the planet was an ice block. It was a nasty cold, that ruled over the planet. Obi-Wan was glad, that he grew up on a planet, where the weather could be controlled. It seemed to be summer now because the heat made Obi-Wan, who wasn't used such weather conditions, sweat almost immediately. His blue eyes tried to take his surroundings in. Soldiers gathered around his ship and a red carpet made its' way to the landing platform. A fanfare, and the king surrounded by his adviser, bodyguards and his 3 wives came into view. Kenobi raised a brow and had to swallow very hard to suppress a grin. That was ridiculous! The planet was known to be a very poor one and this king was wallowing in all his wealth. He even had his own landing platform in his palace!

"Ah, Knight Kenobi! We were expecting you!", with that king Draju stepped in front of the knight. "I hope that you have been informed about the circumstances of your visit.", the king said worriedly. He was a very short man with black hair and brown eyes. His weight reflected his wealth because had the stature of a ball. He wore robes out of the finest material of the whole galaxy. He was decorated like a Christmas Tree. Gold was hanging all over him.

"Yes, your Honour, I know everything. There was an attempt to assassinate you by your opposition. Now I shall protect you until a truce can be formed.", he stated calmly. "WHAT? A truce. The Republic should have sent me a loyal bodyguard and not a negotiator. I will not be save until the last one of those rebels is dead! I arrested a few of them and they even testified their deeds proudly! Do you need more proves? Do you need my dead body to believe in the danger of my situation?", the king cried so loud, that Obi-Wan was sure, that the king could even be heard on Coruscant.

" Your Honour, please compose yourself!", Obi-Wan demanded," I will take care of your safety, but I will take care of peace, too. This whole scenario could result into a Civil War. I have a bad feeling about this!"

" Elá, take Knight Kenobi to his chamber!", the king clapped into his hands and a boy stepped before the Jedi. The eyes of the boy were full of devouring fear.

The young Knight didn't want to argue with the powerful king, but he sensed, that there was something else behind all this, but he couldn't get it right. With time and observation he would get it....

"Do you think, that this was wise you Highness? Lying to a Jedi could have catastrophic consequences! What if he detects ...."? His adviser couldn't finish to make his sorrows public because the lanky man was cut off harsh by Draju. " Nonsense! I didn't fake the attempt of my own assassination only to confess it to the Jedi! Do you know how long it took me torture one of the rebels and to force him to sign a confession, that confirmed their failed attempt of killing me? And tomorrow Kenobi will be the witness of another failed assassination. This will convince him of the rebels' threat and then we will be allowed to hunt them down legally. The senate won't sanction our actions! At last we will get rid of my worst enemies, at last I will get rid of my niece, of Kyah Tara." He laughed out loud. The sound of his evil laughter echoed through the whole palace...
