Remember the Time

Why does Hermione Granger look so different, why is she acting different, and why is she all of a sudden as stoic and emotionless as Draco Malfoy?


I don't own anything all of the characters are owned by J.K. Rowling

I don't want to talk to anybody. I don't want to talk to my "parents". I just want to go back home to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, where I belong. You see over the summer, I found out that I was adopted. I went through the first six years of school being teased, taunted, and ridiculed for being something I'm not. Makes allot of sense right? Wrong.




"Come down here we have something to tell you!"


When I got down there, both of my "parents" were sitting down at the kitchen table, "Hermione, sweetie, you know we love you right?" I nod my head yes. "Sweetheart, there is really no easy way to break this to you, but we adopted you. You see when your father and I were first married, the first thing we wanted to do was have a child. We tried and later found out that we were unable. One day when we had just gotten home from one of the adoption agencies, we found a darling little baby sitting on our doorstep. When we picked the baby up, we found that she was wrapped in a pink blanket with the initials KB on it. There were also two letters, one for us asking us to keep you and raise you as our own. It also asked us to give you the second letter on a day leading up to your sixteenth birthday."

As I took all of this in, I didn't show any emotion, my face as stoic as that of a stone. "Where is the letter now?"

"We put the letter on your desk last night because we thought you would need some time to think about all that has happened." As my "mother" said this, I could tell she was doing her best to not cry, but tears were leaking down her face anyway.

All I could manage was a half smile in the direction of my "parents" before I made my way upstairs. When I got there the letter was sitting in my desk, right where they said it would be.

My darling Kaia, if you are reading this, then the couple we left you with has followed our wishes. You belong to one of the oldest pureblood families that goes all the way back to the time of Merlin himself. Your full name is Kaia Rain Balthazar. We cannot tell you in this letter why we gave you up as the story is too long to put on paper, but believe when we say that it was not willingly. When you read this letter, your appearance will change to the way you should look. We had to put a glamour charm on you as our family has very prominent features. Next, you will also come into your full potential of power. As you are of Balthazar descent, you are also of dragone descent. They are very powerful beings that with the right training can control their power. But with the wrong training, they can be a danger to themselves and others around them. So be careful to control your emotions as your powers are linked to your emotions, and when we are finally able to meet, we will teach you to control your powers. There is still much you need to know about dragones and if you have your fathers' passion for learning, then this will come easily to you. When you are ready to meet, just concentrate and we will be able to find you.

Until that time comes, just know we love you

Your mother and father

Well my appearance did change. Now instead of bushy brown hair, I have long, sleek, black hair. I have also thinned out, I now have an hourglass figure, and along with that, my skin tone has darkened from a deathly pale color. My eyes, I have discovered, change color with my mood, for example, they are a dark violet color when I am mad and are the clearest ocean blue when I am sad. I now also have curves in all of the right places and I have filled out. Now don't get me wrong I still love my adoptive parents with all of my heart, but I just need some time and space to think. Maybe I should finally meet my real parents before I go back to Hogwarts.

Reviews please! its my first story!