The two metal doors swung open as two men barged past them, dragging a young girl, dressed only in a medical gown, with them. She was struggling, her mouth open wide in a scream. Not that anyone could hear her.

The two men managed to pin her down on an operating table that was situated in the middle of the blinding white room. The girl squinted, becoming dazed in the brightness. She struggled further, her arms pointlessly wriggling in the sterile, see-through gloved grasp.

"Let me go…" She cried, her pleas falling on deaf ears. "I want to go home…"

She was thrown onto the metal table, leather straps tightening against her body, despite her flailing. The men's white lab coats swished against her bare legs as they moved swiftly, ensuring she didn't escape. Her cries died down as one of them pierced her skin with a needle, injecting clear fluid into her bloodstream.

Her body became lax, her head slumped to the side, mouth open in mid-scream. Her azure eyes remained open, wide with fear.

A medical drip was wheeled in through the metal doors and handed over to one of the operating doctors. He took it, nodding professionally in response and then turning back to the scantily dressed, limp body on the table. Her exposed peachy skin was patterned with bruises; yellow and purple blots staining her light flesh horribly dark. Her violet hair was unkempt, scraped back into cornrow-styled lines, wires piercing the exposed flesh, supposedly connecting to her brain.

The doctor hooked the drip up to the female, checking the heart monitor that she was also hooked up to. Her heart was beating at a normal rate, her blood pressure a little higher than normal, but he put it down to the stress she had shown whilst resisting. He walked over to the medical instruments and selected a scalpel, after disposing of the gloves he had been wearing and donning new ones.

Her skin sliced like butter. Blood seeped out of the incision, staining the creamy skin further. The other entered, carrying flasks of vibrant-coloured liquid. His attire matched his partner's; plain black trousers, plain white shirt, a dark tie, covered with a clinically white lab coat.

He placed the flasks beside the instruments and left.

She awoke to find her thoughts a mixture of tuneless humming and annoying buzzing. Her eyes, still wide in fear, swept the room; the stark white walls were familiar, but somehow she felt that all of the rooms were painted the same.

She twitched her legs; they moved with ease, though they felt a little sore. Lacerations were visible on her arms, she noticed, as she pulled herself up into a sitting position. She suspected there were more covering her body, but she was too scared to check.

She swung her legs over the side of the cold, metal table she was resting on and tried to jump off, only to be yanked back by the wires penetrating her scalp. Her yell caused a vivid pink-haired woman to burst into the room, a look of permanent worry on her face.

"What's wrong?" She asked, hurrying to the girl's side and forcing her back onto the table. The girl scanned her face, it looked as though the woman didn't whole-heartedly agree with what was happening, but for some reason she went along with it.

The girl opened her mouth to voice her thoughts, but no sound came. "It'll be the drugs dear." The woman tutted, giving her a once over. The girl just stared. The woman's vivid hair was tied back into two rounded bunches, the fringe was curled back. She was wearing a white dress over a pink blouse, a white nurse's cap placed on top of her curls. It was the red cross that alerted the girl of the woman's nurse status. That and the nametag pinned to her left dress strap.

A pink and white, like the nurse, egg-shaped pokemon was stood in front of the doors. White feather-like wings poked through under each arm and a small pouch on the belly contained an egg. Its expression matched the nurse's. It's ears matched the curled fringe of the woman and the girl wondered if it had been made to resembled the human healer. Her brain buzzed louder at the train of thought, causing the girl to question why exactly she had thought that.

The girl opened her mouth again, still failing to make a noise, and the nurse smiled. "That's my blissey." She said, gesturing blissey forward. It approached with caution. "She's my pokemon equivalent, so to speak." Nurse Joy, as the nametag read, giggled and the blissey tittered tunefully too. Their laughter didn't reach their eyes, however. Blissey's brown eyes and Nurse Joy's pink remained saddened.

"Bliss, blissey." The pokemon's cry was drowned out by an overwhelming crackling noise echoing in the girl's mind. She winced at the noise.

"It'll clear soon." Nurse Joy assured, correctly guessing what had happened by the look on the young girl's face. "We had best go, they'll be returning soon to finish the job." Her face became troubled and she left the room, ignoring the girl's open mouth that was miming wordlessly.

My first pokefic-LSI- will be my main priority until it is finished. Once it is, I will continue with this. However, I will also try to finish my A.C fic. And this one will not be updated quite so often as my last was, due to the fact that the plot still needs fine tuning. I can't write if I don't know what will happen.

Also, future chapters will be longer. This was only the prologue.