Hey guys! Thank you for the reviews and to my newest reader- EpicKlauke5.

She looked a little baffled at being asked a question like that, but covered it up well with a slight smile. "New trainer eh?"

Unsure of whether it was an actual question or just speculation, Natalie nodded. She half regretted asking, given the pitiful look this trainer was giving her. Clearly she was much more advanced.

"I don't envy you, I hated getting lost…" Natalie tuned out, pulling herself up from the ground and making to leave.

"That's the wrong way," the stranger giggled, causing Natalie to blush. It didn't take long for her to be caught up and she was surprised at the arm slipping through hers. "Come on."

They walked in silence, Natalie becoming more uncomfortable with her worries. But soon, the familiar red glow from the tell-tale sign of the Pokémon Centre came into sight, illuminated brightly by the stark street lamps either side. The girl dropped Natalie's arm and rummaged through her shoulder bag, pulling out two minimized pokeballs. Natalie's left hand clamped over her own that was hidden in her pocket. A quick press of a button and one increased to its full size. She tossed it lightly towards the grass and it burst open, revealing a magnificent white Pokémon with an egg-shaped body. Its triangle- shaped wings spread wide, keeping the Pokémon aloft with ease.

"Togekiss," it cawed softly in response to its name and flipped in mid-air to face its trainer. "I need you to find-" she hesitated, shooting Natalie a sly look before continuing "-Bob. Bring him to the Pokémon Centre."

The togekiss nodded in understanding and took off, in the direction from whence they came, Natalie staring at the unusual red and blue triangle patterns on its underbelly.

"We were planning on camping," the stranger explained, hastily. "But since I'm here, we might as well join you at the Pokémon Centre. After all, my newly caught budew needs seeing to." She continued forward, leaving Natalie staring at Hermes' pokeball in embarrassment. Now she had just witnessed how to release her Pokémon, she didn't really need the nurse's help.

"Are you coming?" The stranger was stood at the entrance, blocking the exit from the automatic doors. Natalie could just make out a small queue of trainers scowling behind her. She had to bite her lip at the girl's obliviousness; standing in the way with her hands on her hips, inquisitive look upon her face.

Natalie had to admit, the heated rooms of the Pokémon Centre would be better than the harsh wind and the coarse textures of the outside. The cave, the mouth of which conveniently next door to the Pokémon Centre, looked scary, and Natalie felt more than a little afraid of facing the Pokémon looming inside on her own. Free breakfast buffets sounded miles better than a poor attempt at killing her own breakfast. She squirmed uncomfortably at the thought of hunting something she would surely represent one night. Maybe the very same night of the killing.

Even if she had to endure the awkward feeling between her and Nurse Joy, it was a much better option.

"Sure." She wasn't entirely sure if the wind had carried her voice far enough to reach the other girl's ears, but the sign of movement obviously gave her some confirmation. She pushed past the line of trainers grumbling about her blocking the doorway and strode inside. By the time Natalie felt the warmth wrap round her as she slunk through the open doors, the stranger's Pokémon had already been handed over.

"Does your Pokémon need healing?" Natalie jumped, alarmed at how close her voice was. The brunette blushed again, backing back into her seat, waiting for a response.

Natalie looked down at the small sphere she clutched in her fist. Her knuckle was turning white as she clung on for dear life. If she were to change again tonight, Hermes would be her only company. Much needed company. At least he would understand her… right?

On the other hand, he had reacted badly to the strange boy they had encountered in the clearing- had that been because Hermes instinctively knew it was dangerous? Were Pokémon more in tune than humans? Or had it been…

Natalie gasped aloud, but hastily coughed in an attempt to cover her odd behaviour up. She forced a shaky smile and sat down opposite the girl, muttering something about Hermes being fine, hoping it was enough to sustain while she could quickly gather her thoughts.

That boy, that thing, it spoke Pokémon. Hermes had reacted terrified. She made the connection and felt a surge of anger towards the human ditto. Another her.

But did that mean…?

Her head hurt as she tried to figure it all out. There were too many emotions, too much confusion, but one thing was for sure, that boy could give her answers. He could control his transformation.

"Hey, who's your friend?" Natalie's head snapped up and she stared blankly at the grinning face before her. "No need to look so scared, I won't hurt you. I'm Bob, Kiz- erm, what's your name?" Natalie's brows knitted together in bewilderment as she watched him scratch his head through his hat and turn to hiss at the girl stood by his side.

"God, you're such an idiot," she laughed hastily, giving him a sharp prod with her elbow, "if only your mother knew what an impact dropping you on your head as a baby would have, maybe then she would have been more careful." She held out her hand, Natalie focused on the chipped pink nail polish rather than the smile that made her nervous. It felt as though she was meeting such an authority figure. "Kiz is fine."

"But I thought-"

"I don't know what other attractive women you hang out with, Bob, but please, have the decency to learn my name." He stared at her, his bright blue eyes swimming with confusion.

"I thought you said be inconspicuous?" he hissed.

He earned a glare from her sharp chocolate brown eyes, but she pressed her lips together, holding her tongue. Her hand was still outstretched, Natalie shook it gingerly.

"I guess I'd better ask for a room," she stammered shuffling off.

"Well done, goofball," Kiz sighed, elbowing Bob with her bony elbow once again, "If you want people to recognise us, keep acting this way." She watched the timid girl shoot them a glance before trailing her way up the stairs. Kiz offered a bright smile, before rounding on her companion again. "Hurry up and hand over your Pokémon, this wig itches."

"In my defence, you never did come up with a code name for yourself before running after that budew," Bob vindicated, "and you said steer clear of human contact. I never dreamed you'd drag us off to the Pokémon Centre. What if someone spots us?" Unnerved by the stares, he walked up to the counter and handed over a selection of pokeballs, without even checking which ones.

"Not now," Kiz hissed, tapping her foot as she waited impatiently. Her eyes darted from person to person as they looked up. She began to regret her decision, Bob was right, it was too risky.

Finally, the two of them were shut in the privacy of their room. Relieved that they had remained conspicuous thus far, Kiz yanked of her tousled wig and shook out her tangled crimson locks, combing them out with her hand.

"God it feels good to be free." She sighed, picking up the messy wig that still contained remnants of twigs and the like. Bob chuckled at the sight.

"Lead you on a wild goose chase?"

"Actually, I caught it. It was a bidoof that got me into that mess."


She shrugged and began plucking the brambles from the synthetic hair. "I had nothing else to do. You know, if we had stayed with the tour crew, we wouldn't have to resort to hiding out and succumbing to boredom."

"I suppose you like being exposed?" The bed squeaked as he flopped onto the soft mattress. "My throat still hurts from all those press conferences and interviews. And the lack of variety, eurgh, if I have to recall the story of my houndoom named Rex one more time…" Kiz grinned sympathetically.

"Anyway, my plan was working out, you should have brought a book to read."

She ignored him.

"You can't tell me you're not relieved to be away from the commotion."

"They're going to come looking for us, you do know that?"

"Yeah, 'specially now that girl's suspicious."

"Thanks to you," Kiz retorted, tugging at the navy cap that covered his hair and hid half of his face. "What could I do? She was lost." Her voice softened. "She reminded me of Kelsie."