Pairing-Seddie (Sam and Freddie)
September 5th 2010 2:22PM.

I was now sitting in the cafetria. Thanks to Kat, who ran after me I'm happy I have a friend like her.. I glanced towards Freddie's table he was sitting with his arm tightly wrapped around Carly , I looked at Carly she looked like such a slut. I noticed something, She was right next to Freddie and Griffen she slowly put her hand under the table and held hands with Griffen smirking slightly , That BITCH is cheating on him! I noticed her excuse herself and went out and Griffen slowly went away with her without Freddie noticing.. I decided to follow them..

"Hey Kat , I need to see if Carly is cheating on Freddie." I said quickly trying to get up.

"Sam.. We already know.. She is.." She said back slowly..

"Yeah, but we need to show Freddie!" I said back.

"Sam he's never gonna-" I shut her up by yanking her arm and walking towards Freddie's table he stared at me confused, I just yanked his arm and dragged him out of the cafetria.


"SHHH!" I shushed him and he stared I heard a couple making out , I then turned to Freddie, "Come." I pulled him softly this time leading him to a old abonded janitor closet. He looked at me.

"Sam, I am not going to makeout with you in a closet." he said, I rolled my eyes.

"Ugh, I am not planning on liplocking I need to show you something.." I opened the door to reveal Carly in a bright pink bra and her shirt was off and Griffen who was just in his boxers his hands on her skirt if you could even call that a skirt. Its like the size of a belt.

Her eyes went wide and she quickly tried to get her shirt and yank it on but it was too late.

"Carly? How could you.." He said whispering I knew this had to hurt him, He loved her.. I wish he loved me I would never break his heart..

"Freddie Babe, Its not what it looks... Why are you with that thing?" She said staring at me, I glared at her and stepped close to her.

"Listen Whore, I don't give a fuck what you think about me, your just a stupid slut.. I bet once you sleep with him he will be done with you no one wants you, your like a sex toy. Freddie was probably the only one willing to date you and love you, He is the perfect boyfriend but you lost it cause your a damn fucking BITCH! I won't let you ever break his heart again, I swear if you ever come near him again you won't a single bone not broken, then no one will have sex with you so fuck off before I fuck up your face even more!" I said glaring at her my icy tone made her shiver and slowly back off with Griffen. I turned to look at Freddie about to say sorry when suddenly his lips went on mine, I was shocked but got into and kissed him softly, wrapping my hands around his neck.. His hands firmly pressed aganist my waist. He let go and said,

"Thank you." and walked off. Leaving me there thinking that was just a pity kiss.. To get over Carly.. I slowly slid down a wall and cried.