Summary: "Every time he moved, she was afraid to breathe." Poetic(?) CraigxEllie

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me, lyrics are from 'Nowhere Warm' by Kate Havnevik

"I go nowhere high; go nowhere warm, until I see your smile and feel your calm."

Every time he moved, she was afraid to


afraid to


Her heart would pound, a little too irrationally, at the fear of him



She knew she was stupid for thinking it,

but she was always a little too afraid he would leave,

(which was a completely ludicrous thought.)

If he wanted to leave, he would have done it long before now.

If he wanted to leave, he would have never sung to her.

If he wanted to leave, Manny would be the happiest woman alive right now.

If he wanted to leave, there would never have been a trace of him left on her body, or her life.

Last time she checked, her ears were ringing with his voice;

Manny wasn't in the picture,

(much less happy.)

Most importantly,

her sheets always smelled like him, his hands were always warm,

and her ring finger sparkled


with their light.