He waited in the shadows days later, the perfect disguise in place, waiting, watching every group that came through for her, he would have her, all he had to do was get passed Harry and his future would be in his hands. There she is.

Hermione clutched Harry's shirt in her small hands tightly, feeling those eyes on her again, the same eyes she had felt the night everything had started. "Harry," She whimpered.

Harry immediately stopped turning to face her, cupping her cheeks gently he asked, "What's wrong love?" He looked stroked her cheekbones with his thumbs soothingly.

"The eyes are back." She whimpered as the intensity of the eyes seemed to get heavier.

Harry growled low in his throat, pulling her into his chest he looked around the emptying entrance hall. Light caught a little bit of red hair the was sticking out of the shadows. "Ron." He snarled, catching everyone in the areas attention.

Hermione tensed, Ron, Ron was the one staring at her? She shuddered at the thought. "Harry," She whispered, as he moved her behind him, grabbing for his wand. She didn't want him fighting Ron, Ron would get hurt and Harry would never be able to look any of the Weasley's in the eye again, "Harry, don't hurt him."

"Why not, he has been nothing but cruel to you for years and now he is scaring you." He glared at the red head that exited the shadows, surprised to find that it was not Ron... "Fred?"

Fred laughed, his eyes going straight for Hermione, "That's right, Fred," His voice was off... Somehow not Fred.

"I don't believe it." Harry hissed, eyes searching for one of the things that would prove that this was not Fred.

Fred smirked, chills running down Hermione's back. "Just hand her over Harry, that way she won't have to be hurt." Fred's voice was off, Harry knew to much to be fooled by his appearance.

"You do realize that if you touch me you will be hurting me right?" Spat Hermione, to worried about being taken away from Harry to recognize that his voice was off.

Fred's eyebrow rose, "Surprise, surprise, Harry hasn't fucked you yet, I thought for sure that he would have one of the nights. That is all you are worth anyways."

Hermione flinched and Harry's eyes grew colder.

"HARRY!" Screamed a running 'Ron', "That is not Fred!"

"I figured that out." His eyes never left the smiling Fred, "Fred."

'Fred' shrugged, "Should have know you would have figured it out. Now hand over my future wife so I can get out of here."

Harry sighed, "Why would you do this Ron, have I not been the best friend to you, always forgiving you no matter what you have done, always listened to you drone on about Quidditch and your passing fancy's. Why are you trying to do this?"

Ron glared, "You have everything, money, fame, lot's of friends and girls fall at your feet. But you decide to take the one girl that I want as mine."

Harry glared; as Hermione set up barriers around Ron from behind his back, "We have been over this Ronald, I do not want the fame, the money, the girls, all I have ever wanted is family and friends, and I did not take Hermione, her she and her Veela heritage chose me. I have nothing to do with it aside from accepting it and loving her for a long time."

"Blah, blah, blah, you know you love it. Love all the fame. You've used it your whole life to get what you want, and to get out of anything you needed." Ron stepped forward, casting a stunner at Harry. Only to have it bounce back on a barrier and hit him squarely in the chest, stunning himself.

Harry snorted, "That was easy."

"Harry, let's go, call the Aurors and let's go please." Whispered Hermione, tugging on his shirt.

Harry nodded, eyes searching out a stunned Minerva, "Would you please contact the Ministry, I want to file attempted kidnapping charges, and get a restraining order against him." Minerva nodded rushing off. Harry turned picking up Hermione and walking calmly back to his rooms.

Hermione buried her face in his neck, how could he do this to them? How could he consciously break up Mates? He wanted to take her from her Harry. Her long time love. Her Mate. Hers. She lifted her head and crushed her lips to a surprised Harry's, not expecting her to kiss him as they made their way down the hall.

Harry struggled walk the rest of the way to his chambers while Hermione attacked his neck and lips with hers. It took several minutes longer then normal as Harry stopped a few times to thoroughly kiss her breathless, but they reached his chambers, and he headed straight for his bedroom. Breaking them apart to lay her gently on the bed, he stared at her, "Are you sure you want this Hermione, once we do this there is no going back, ever." He warned, "I don't want you doing this because some lunatic wanted to take you."

Hermione's eyes were clear and her mind sharp, even while her body throbbed for him, "Harry, I've wanted you for a long time, this thing with Ron has nothing to do with it. You are my Mate and I want you to love me, in every way."

Harry pounced, showering her with gentle love filled kisses, he had wanted to be with her for so long.

Hermione awoke early the next morning, feeling light and carefree for the first time since the war had really started, warm arms were wrapped around her protectively, her bare back pressed snugly against his warm chest and their legs intertwined intimately. She was in heaven, and her Veela purred happily in the back of her mind, satisfied that it had it's Mate and wouldn't lose him.
A knock on the door stirred Harry, "Who is it?" He called groggily, tightening his hold on Hermione and burying his face in her neck, inhaling her scent.

"Ginny and Neville, we came to tell you what happened to Ron since you two have been locked in here since that happened yesterday." Ginny sounded a little worn down and Hermione flinched slightly.

A whispered spell had the two of them in a clean bed and night clothes, "Come on in," Harry, set the two of them up, careful with Hermione as he was sure she was sore. He leaned against the headboard her safely snuggled in his lap, his head resting on her small shoulder.

Ginny and Neville entered warily, not wanting to see to much, they both let out little sighs when they saw the two dressed and leaning against the head board. "Good morning to the two of you."

"Morning," Yawned Harry, as he fought to keep his eyes open.

"Good Morning," Hermione giggled, kissing her dosing Mate's cheek, before smiling to her closest friends.

Ginny smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, "So ready to hear the news?"

Hermione nodded solemnly, while Harry woke up more, "Yes."

Ginny took a deep breath, "They found the Dark Mark on Ron's arm," Hermione gasped and Harry's eyes hardened, how could he do that to them? "Under Veritaserum he confessed that he willingly entered the; as he put it 'All Powerful Dark Lords' forces," She looked at her feet, "His mission was to leak information to Voldemort. He was the reason Luna was killed." Neville laid a hand on her shoulder as Harry reached out for her hand, holding Hermione safely. "He was going to take Hermione and force her to marry him so that he could have a little slave wife." Turned into Neville's waist and cried, hurt that her brother could betray his family like that. For the reasons he said he had.

Neville hugged her closed, rubbing her back for comfort, "He told the court that he had done it because he was tired of living in your shadow, that his Lord had promised him your painful death and Hermione. But since he died, he figured he may not get your death but he could have Hermione."

Harry started blankly at the wall, he couldn't believe Ron, he was supposed to have been his best friend. They had stuck with him on the hunt for Horcruxes, they had taken him back when he had left selfishly. How could he do that to them? How could they have not noticed he was doing it to them? "For how long?"
"Since he you to on your hunt, then returned." Neville ran his fingers through Ginny's hair absentmindedly, "He also said that he picked Fred as his disguise because he thought it would startle you and give him the opportunity to take Hermione."

Harry sighed, and kissed the top of Hermione's hair, "How long is his sentence?"

"One hundred years. He will be kissed the day his sentence ends." Replied a tearful Ginny. She smiled a watery smile, "He was such a fool, to give up the two of you and his family because of his petty jealousy is stupid." She sniffled, "I just wish he had realized that before he took the Dark Mark."

"Your brother could never figure out that family and friends were more important then fame and money, he was so stuck in wanting material possessions that he never realized what he had. I know I would give up all the money I have if I had to choose between losing my parents and friends or my money." Spoke up Hermione, her deep brown eyes fixed on a random chair, "I believe with all my heart that Ron would choose the money."

"I know he would." Added Ginny, thinking about the greed he always had in his eyes when he looked upon Harry. She stood slowly, holding Neville's hand, "I think it's time we leave, my family is helping repair the damage to the castle, the two of you are welcome to join whenever you wish and you don't have to. You have done, and been through, so much already." She kissed both on the forehead forgetting that Hermione couldn't be touched a little too late as she shot back and was about to apologize profusely. When the two of them just blushed, she giggled, "Congratulations you guys."

They both smiled shyly as Ginny and Neville walked out of the room closing the door behind them. They sat in silence for a while, Harry rubbing her back absently, thinking over what had gone wrong with Ron, while Hermione tried to think everything over as she fought sleep.

"Ron was supposed to be our best friend." Muttered Harry sadly. "My first friend." He rubbed his face, "He hated to Death Eaters, like Malfoy. He was one person I thought would never turn his back on the light side."

"He did turn his back on you enough."

Harry's mind wandered to the Triwizard Tournament, and the hunt. "Yes, but he was so against the dark side."

Hermione sat up, straddling her Mate; she cupped his cheeks in her small hands, "Harry listen to me, Ron was someone who was easily convinced of others guilt, he was someone who when he found them guilty there was no way the person could be innocent until he deemed them to be. He turned his back on you, his best friend, multiple times, what makes you think he wouldn't turn his back on the whole light side when he was angry?"

Harry drew her close, burying his face in her neck and began to cry silently, "He was my first friend 'Mione."

She cooed soothing things into his ear while running her small fingers through his soft hair. Letting him cry out all of the emotions he needed to, letting him begin to accept Ron's betrayal.

Harry clutched her sides softly and pushed her back, smiling he wiped away the remainder of his tears. "Thank you Hermione."

She kissed his cheeks, "No need to thank me Harry." She pressed a kiss to his lips, "I know you needed it."

He chuckled, "Now Hermione, what do you want to do?"

She bit her bottom lip cutely, looking down at her hands shyly, "Can we just... Cuddle? We have the rest of our lives to do anything else." She peaked at him through her bangs and blushed at the adoring smile he wore.

He picked her off of his waist and pulled her into his side, laying down he wrapped his arms around her and spooned their legs together. "This good?" He asked kissing her exposed shoulder.

She nodded happily, cuddled in the arms of the man she plans to spend the rest of her life with. "Thank you."

"Anything, anytime for you." He promised, knowing he would keep that promise till the day they died.

AUTHOR NOTE: I hope you enjoyed it. I know it;s OCC and really overdone but I needed to write something happy/fluffy. Thank you for reading.