Ok sooooooo this is the last chapter. Honestly I can´t believe it´s over already but on the other side I never planned so many chapters, I thought about 5 or something. But I kind of love how this story turned out and I thank you all for sticking to it and leaving comments! =)
Special thanks to Cynthia whose comments always make my day! And of course you were a great help with all our long aaaaaaaaand well, you know what, conversations til 4 am on msn! :P Love you.

Ok sooo just so you know, this chapter is gonna contain mature content so if you´re offended by that, don´t read!
But I guess you´ve been all waiting for that haven´t you? :P

Enjoy and leave a comment please!

xoxo Laura

When Arthur opened his eyes he knew that something was wrong.

"What…what happened?" he whispered weakly.

"Arthur!" a familiar voice responded a bit too loud and a sudden pain shot up into his head.

After it had disappeared his eyes wandered to the right where someone had grabbed his hand.


The black haired girl sat by his side, her eyes filled with relief and a smile spread out across her face while she was squeezing his hand.

"We were so worried! You just blacked out!"

And suddenly everything was there. The hospital room blurred in front of his eyes and all he could see was Merlin.

A shot rang out and filled his head, making Arthur want to press his hands against it to stop that torturing noise.

"No, no, no…" he whispered, his breath going heavy.

Merlin fell, he fell right into his arms, giving Arthur this desperate look.

"Maybe…in the…next life…yeah?"

This sentence echoed in his head making his eyes fill with tears.

He squeezed them shut, hearing Gwen whisper quietly.

"Oh Arthur…"

And then he fell back into a dark, black hole.

When he opened his eyes they closed again immediately because he was blinded by the brightness.

The young boy blinked a few times, his sight blurry, trying to figure out where he was and what had happened.

Suddenly a somehow familiar face got into his sight and he was trying hard to focus on it.

"Merlin!" he heard and came to the conclusion that this must be his name.

"Where…where am I?" he murmured, sight still blurry.

"You´re at the hospital! Oh Merlin I thought I would have gotten you killed again!"

He blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the light.

"Killed again? What are you talking about and who are…" it was then that he saw her, the girl with the long black hair, dark eyes and her expression frozen.

"Merlin you…you do know who I am don´t you?" she asked, voice cracking.

Those eyes… he thought. They seem so…familiar.

Merlin knew that he should remember who this girl was and his head began to ache from his attempts to do so.

Morgan hadn't moved at all and she was still staring down at her friend.

No, it couldn´t possibly be true that he forgot. Not after all they had been through now!

"Merlin…" she whispered, her eyes filling with tears and she failed at holding them back.

Morgan felt the urge to tell him everything, to tell him about Camelot, Arthur and the moments in the library, just everything, but she knew that he would probably think that she was going insane or something so she just stood there, tears running down her cheeks.

"Please, Merlin…" the black haired boy heard her whisper and suddenly felt his chest tightening.

He couldn´t see her cry without any reason, at least no reason he knew about.

"I…please…please don´t cry Morgana!" he said without thinking and suddenly he could see a spark lightening up her blurred eyes.

"Merlin you, you just called me Morgana!" the young girl said and grabbed his hand.

That was the moment it hit him. Every single picture appeared in front of his eyes.

Merlin felt his heartbeat accelerate and gasped for breath.


That was all he could think of and his head felt as if it was going to explode any second from all the images and voices that were racing in it.

"Merlin! Merlin! Oh my god!" he heard and suddenly felt a hard grip on his shoulders.

"Merlin!" then everything went black.

"The next time he woke up, he felt something heavy pressing on his right hand and he turned his head, eyes opening slightly not to get blinded again.

"Morgana…" he whispered, seeing the black haired girl by his side, her hand tightened around his own, resting her head on it.

More as a reflex, he squeezed her hand, a slight smile appearing on his face.

Then his eyes wandered around the room. It was painted yellow, had grey linoleum on the floor and Merlin noticed all the cards and flowers that were in the room. They seemed to be everywhere, on every free table and chair.

He then realized that this room was quite big and that there was no other bed in it.

But…I could never…

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice, and this time he really knew to whom it belonged.

"My dad made sure you would get the best treatment that was possible."

Merlin turned his head, facing Morgan. He could still see the traces the tears had left on her face but she was smiling at him and that was all that mattered.

"I´m sorry." She then said, squeezing his hand tightly.

"For what?" Merlin asked a bit confused.

""For...for sending that guy to you. I should have known…" she whispered, the smile disappearing slowly.

The young boy remembered. The imagines were coming to him and they were surprisingly clear.

"No Morgana." Somehow he was used to call her that way now. "It wasn´t your fault at all, you couldn´t have known and I´m certainly not blaming you. Everything is all right."

Morgan´s face lit up again and she bent down to kiss Merlin on the forehead.

"Thank you." She whispered.

Their moment was ended by a knock on the door. But whoever knocked didn´t seem to bother waiting for an answer because the door opened immediately.

Merlin´s heart skipped a beat when he saw Arthur appearing. The blonde looked pale and exhausted, but the look on his face when he saw him was something Merlin would never forget.

"I´ll be with Gwen." He heard Morgan say and just nodded as she made her way out of the room, just stopping next to Arthur to give him a quick kiss on cheek. Arthur was a little surprised since she hadn´t done this for years but returned it with a smile.

He then walked over to Merlin´s bed, stopping at the edge, hesitating what to do next.

"Arthur…" Merlin whispered, his eyes wandering up to meet the blonde´s.

I thought I would never see those blue eyes again…

He couldn´t describe how he felt right now, there were too many emotions involved to explain.

"I thought I lost you." Arthur whispered back, eyes starting to fill with tears.

"You´re not gonna get rid of me so easily, you know." Merlin smirked.

"Idiot. Who was the one telling me about maybe next life? I´ve waited long enough for you, so don´t you…"

"You´re a prat Arthur, always have and always will be." The black haired boy interrupted him, still smirking.

"You know, I was right." The blonde came closer and Merlin´s heart began to race.

"I really didn´t need a servant in the next life. I just need you."

And then he leant forward, pressing a soft kiss to Merlin´s lips.

"And for the love of Camelot, I´m not going to let you get away again!"

Merlin smiled against Arthur´s lips and a warm feeling was spreading out across his whole body.

Because maybe after all, they deserved their happy ending.

After Merlin had fully recovered, Uther had invited everybody to have dinner at his house.

Everyone was having a good time, chatting and laughing.

Especially Gaius and Uther were immersed into a conversation, which was probably the reason why they didn´t notice Merlin disappearing, followed by Arthur only a minute later.

Morgan and Lance noticed, of course, but they kept quiet, giving each other a knowing smile instead.

It was by the time the dessert arrived when Uther noticed that the boys were gone.

He looked around the room before turning to Morgan. "Where did they go?" he asked and she tried to put on the most serious expression she could manage.

"They were tired Dad. I think they just went for a nap. They still get tired very easy, you know."

Uther only nodded and waited until his daughter was busy chatting with Gwen again, then a small smile spread out across his face.

They wouldn´t need to keep it a secret, not because of him. They would have never had to.

Because if there was one thing that Uther Pendragon understood, it was how his son felt. To have this one man he trusted so deeply, the one he would give his life for, the one who protected him and was always there for him, during his youth and even after his wife died.

Yes, he knew how Arthur felt. The smile stayed right where it was when he turned his head to Gaius, continuing their conversation from earlier.

They were sitting on Arthur´s bed, hands intertwined between them, both staring at the opposite wall.

They knew what was going to happen eventually but neither of them really had the courage to start anything.

When Arthur finally turned his head and gathered all his courage to say something, he didn´t make it any further than Merl because the black haired boys eyes he was looking into right now, were delivering so many emotions, it took his breath away. Arthur saw love, happiness, lust, want, even a bit of fear, exactly what he was feeling and for a moment he wondered if Merlin was seeing the same emotions in his eyes.

"Arthur…" he whispered, leaning forward until their lips touched.

It was a tender kiss and yet so full of passion and love. It was overwhelming both boys, causing Arthur to let out a soft moan as they broke apart. The blonde shuddered from delight, causing Merlin to chuckle slightly.

"You´re getting goose bumps." He said with a soft smile on his face.

"Idiot." Arthur mumbled back, but couldn´t prevent a small smile to spread out across his own face.

Seeing Merlin here, being able to touch him and to know that this was real filled Arthur´s heart with so much warmth and joy that he thought he would start crying on the very instant.

God Arthur Pendragon, you´re acting like a girl! He told himself, but then realized that he didn´t care, not at all.

"I love you so much…" he whispered, resting their foreheads together.

"I really thought I lost you again."

Merlin grabbed Arthur´s hand and squeezed it tight. "You won´t get rid of me that easy, I told you." He said, causing Arthur to laugh this time.

"You were right as well Merlin." The blonde said smiling.

"About what?" the black haired boy asked.

"You are never going to change. Not even after 14.000 years."

Now Merlin laughed as well. It was weird how close those old days seemed to be, he couldn´t believe that it had been such a long time. It felt as if it had just been yesterday that he arrived in Camelot, stumbling into Arthur by accident.

The blonde was tracing his fingers up and down Merlin´s cheek, running them through his hair so that it was his turn to shudder now. "I want you." It escaped his mouth before he even realized what he had said.

Arthur stopped, looking into those beautiful blue eyes again. "Are you sure? We don´t have to do anything you don´t want to."

Merlin smiled, nodding slightly. "Oh Arthur, I´ve been waiting for this what, like 14.000 years? Just get on with it!"

A smirk appeared on the blondes face after hearing those words.

He´s right, we´ve been waiting far too long for this!

And with that he pushed Merlin back on the bed, steadying himself above him.

Arthur then bent down to kiss Merlin´s neck and to breathe against it slowly. The black haired boy shuddered from delight and stretched his head back to give Arthur more access.

This offer was taken gladly by the blonde who now bit down Merlin´s ear.

"You´re the only one I want…" he whispered in between kisses and those words went straight to Merlin´s cock who was already half hard. His arms wandered up, fingers tracing along Arthur´s sides, leaving goose bumps wherever they went.

The blonde shuddered, lifting his head just to stare into those eternal blue eyes. His breath was hot against Merlin´s cheek when he bent down again to kiss him. Their mouths crashed together and Merlin bit Arthur´s bottom lip causing the blonde to moan. He then slipped his tongue inside, tasting him and feeling the intensity of their kiss growing.

Within a few seconds their shirts were taken off and thrown across the room. Arthur was devoting himself to Merlin´s neck again, kissing further down his collarbone and then licking one of his nipples, causing the black haired boy to gasp loudly. Pleased with this reaction, the blonde repeated his action and Merlin was running his hands through Arthur´s hair, already feeling slightly dizzy.

The blonde made his way further down, placing kisses on every inch of skin he could reach. He continued kissing while he fumbled on Merlin´s jeans, pushing them down along with his boxers, revealing his now fully hard cock. The jeans and boxers were thrown off the bed, joining their shirts on the floor.

Arthur then bent down, licking the underside of Merlin´s cock.

"Oh my god." it slipped past the black haired boy´s lips as he clenched his hands around the bed sheets.

He remembered how it used to feel like, but this was more intense then Merlin had expected. His body was on fire and he wanted Arthur more than anything in this entire world.

"Hah…" he moaned as the blonde kept licking his cock, twisting his tongue around the head of it.

Arthur then worked his way up again, stopping right over Merlin´s hips, just where the bullet had entered his body. He kissed the scar that was still visible clearly and traced his fingers along it.

"I love you." He breathed quietly and Merlin grabbed his face with both hands, bringing it up to him just to place kisses all over it. Arthur´s cheeks, his nose, his chin and his temples. He then flipped the blonde over so he was on top. Arthur stared up again and this look in his eyes was almost too much for Merlin to bear. He brought their lips together, tasting as much of Arthur as he could. He then kissed and licked down the blonde's neck, causing Arthur to moan and to arch his back. The blonde couldn´t keep his hips from arching up into Merlin´s as well. The black haired boy could feel Arthur´s erection through his pants. He kissed his way down, getting dizzy by Arthur touch and smell, those two things that were so unmistakable and so familiar to him. He undid the buttons and pulled the trousers and boxers down, tossing them on the floor.

Now they both could feel the heat of the other boy´s body, which was turning them on even more. Merlin took Arthur´s cock into his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around slowly. The blonde´s breath was going heavy and he couldn´t held back the moans escaping from his mouth.

"Oh fuck, Merlin…" he groaned loudly, grabbing Merlin´s shoulder and digging his nails into it.

Merlin worked his way up again, kissing Arthur´s lips with so much passion that they needed to break apart for air just a few seconds later. They were staring at each other, panting heavily.

"I want you inside me, right now." Merlin whispered his voice husky and full of lust.

Arthur flipped them over again, reaching for his bedside table, and pulled the bottle of lube out.

He was sitting on Merlin´s lap now, their erections rubbing against each other with every move he made, driving a feeling of pleasure through their entire bodies.

They were still panting and Arthur placed a quick kiss on Merlin mouth before covering his cock and fingers with lube.

He knew it wasn´t easy, but somehow he wasn´t worried about hurting Merlin because he knew that this was where he belonged and this was what they both wanted.

He inserted two fingers and began stretching the other boy who moaned and shivered under Arthur´s touch. Soon a third finger was added and Merlin felt Arthur positioning his cock at his entrance.

He glanced up at the blonde and smiled, such an intense and heartwarming smile that Arthur didn´t need to ask for permission anymore. He wanted Merlin, he wanted to feel him more than anything.

"I love you." He whispered before pushing in.

Merlin gasped and arched his back when Arthur slid in, he needed a few seconds to adjust to the size of his cock, but it wasn´t hurting at all. The blonde filled him entirely and both boys had never felt more complete than right now.

Arthur began thrusting into Merlin, somehow managing to hit his prostate every time.

The black haired boy couldn´t hold back the moans and gasps.

"Arthur…oh god…"

He pulled the blonde down to him and started kissing every part of his body he could reach, Arthur responded equally. Lips and hands were everywhere, touching, tasting and exploring while the blonde kept thrusting into Merlin.

Their bodies found a rhythm very quickly and soon both boys weren´t able to think clearly anymore, they were moaning,gasping and holding on to each other.

When Arthur looked down at Merlin he couldn´t help but to think that he looked gorgeous. His eyes were closed, mouth half open, moans escaping from time to time. His hair was sticking to his forehead which was covered in sweat and his body was arching under his thrusts.

"Simply gorgeous…" Arthur murmured and suddenly Merlin´s eyes flew open, revealing the deep blue colored pupils in which the blonde could get lost forever.

The blonde was close, he could feel it and from the way Merlin´s eyes started to blur he could see that he wouldn´t last much longer as well.

Arthur bent down one last time, as close as possible to the other boy's ear.

"Merlin…" he whispered and the sound of his deep and soft voice was enough to send the other boy over the edge. He closed his eyes while digging his nails into Arthur´s shoulders and let out a loud moan while waves of pleasure were riding through his body

Arthur came shortly after collapsing onto Merlin and breathing heavily.

They lay there entangled for a few minutes, the after matches of their orgasm still lingering in the air and between them.

When Arthur was finally able to move again, he slid out of Merlin, which caused the black haired boy to gasp one last time.

They were both still a bit dizzy but somehow Merlin managed to pull the blankets over them and snuggled into Arthur´s arms. This was just perfect.

More than perfect. He thought.

He looked up and met Arthur´s gaze. The blonde smiled at him, this gorgeous sleepy smile, and pulled the strands of hair out of Merlin´s forehead, his fingers tracing down his cheeks.

"I love you, Merlin Emrys." He murmured, placing a soft kiss on the black haired boy´s forehead.

"I love you two, Arthur Pendragon." He answered smiling before both boys drifted off into sleep.