Okay... First fanfic! 8D PLEASE NO FLAMING... nice reviews ONLY... uuh... this character is SIMILAR to myself, having the same name but is slightly different. I'm new to Fanfiction (As in publishing stories...) so any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


Well... I hope people enjoy the story... review nicely please!

Chapter One: Stepping Through Time

Becca walked around the wide field, her honey-brown fur glowed in the fading sunlight like amber. She swished her tail happily and swiveled her ears to catch the sounds of the crickets as they chirruped to each other, chirping and chattering. Becca's paws made little sound as she tread over the brittle stalks of the grass, which came up to her shoulders. Being a werewolf, she could easily change her size and her form.

A lot of that stuff about werewolves losing their minds around the full moon was usually just made up. Really, she kept herself intact and her human mind whenever the full moon came. Usually she could change into a werewolf whenever she wanted, becoming a regular wolf of abnormal size. It was only around the full moon when she became her human-wolf self, and even then she acted sane. Even if she bit someone they wouldn't become a werewolf, it was usually only when she was in her wolf form and if she had the venom sac in her teeth open.

The sun had now set, the crescent moon rising in the purple-blue sky, the stars just beginning to wink into life. Becca came to a small ridge of soft grass, her fur ruffled by the slight breeze. Her golden eyes reflected the moonlight, she sat her haunches on the grassy rise. Folding her ears back she lifted her head and howled to the cool night, her song filling the brief silence, combined with the crickets and a hoot of an owl. The howl was the very song and breath of the wild, its essence, rising high and low, soft and harsh. Singing her haunting song, Becca took a short breath, and continued, howling to no one in particular.

As the moon rose higher, her singing died down and finally stopped completely. Becca laid her head on her paws, sleep finally pulling at her weary eyelids. She gave a loud sigh and slowly drifted off to sleep, forgetting about home, and not noticing anything….unusual.

Becca woke to a bright sunny day, she had reverted back to human form and was snoozing calmly at the bottom of the ridge. Apparently she had rolled down in her sleep, unnoticing her fall or her transformation. Becca sat on her knees, giving a stretch, pulling her arms back behind her head and giving a loud, groggy yawn. Her teeth were still pointed canines, and her eyes still changing back from gold to blue, becoming a strange green.

That was when she noticed. Becca looked about with a sort of, half grin, half dim frown, and saw something quite odd. The forest, which began just by the river, was now only a few meters away from her, Becca saw that there wasn't a road either. What the heck? She looked about, then also saw that there weren't any houses behind the waterline, Odd… but what was there were a few people in tunics, leading a couple of oxen across the field.

Wait a second…TUNICS? She thought, pondering why they were in such strange attire. Becca had the idea of asking them if there was some kind of Medieval Convention or something going on, but thought better of it. Instead, she got up and decided to walk about, realizing that she had her backpack with her from the night before. Looking inside, she found her iPod, a sandwich, some jerky mmmmn….jerky… a couple of manga volumes, an inhaler (of course…), and a set of earrings she had never thought to take out.

Giving a shrug, Becca shouldered her backpack and walked home. The sun beat down heavily, causing her to feel exhaustion earlier than normally. More and more people in tunics passed her in the fields, giving her odd looks and whispering to one another.

Maybe they're some kind of protesters or something… she thought aimlessly, passing two older women carrying baskets full of wheat. Wait… since when was this a wheat field? Becca shook the thought away as if it were an annoying fly.

She got to the village where her house should have been, only to find that there was nothing but endless fields. Suddenly taken over by an odd panic, Becca whirled around.

"Where the heck is my house?" she asked the air, fright taking over her expression. WHERE WAS IT? Her breath quickened as she started running, calling out to her parents, neighbors, relatives, anyone she thought would know her. No one answered her frantic cries.

Voice cracked and tired of running in the heat, Becca collapsed on the ground, not caring who saw her. She tried to fight the tears that she knew would flow like a river if she allowed them to. Instead, she just shivered, body wracked with sobs with no tears.

"Madam? Are you alright?" came a deep voice, Becca gasped in shock and fell backwards into the grass.

Standing in front of her was a tall man with long, tangled gold hair that matched the beard on his chin. His blue eyes mirrored her human ones, a stormy, grayed blue, like the ocean on a cloudy day. His face was weathered and worn, as if he had spent sleepless nights travelling through the elements.

Becca gave a dry sniffle and nodded, the man offered her a hand and she stared at it for a moment. Deciding she could trust him, just a little, she took his offered hand and he helped her up. He looked her over, noticing her strange outfit. Becca blushed, not knowing why, and turned away from him so he couldn't see her face.

"Thanks, uh… see you…" she started to walk away.

"May I ask why you are dressed so peculiarly?" the man asked, Becca felt a prickle of annoyance at his question.

"Um, why should you?" then it dawned on her, gasping she spun around and looked at him. He was clad in black armor, a stout longsword in his side scabbard and a bow slung across his back, complete with quiver. A knight? She was in Medieval times…? WHAT? Oh crap…

"Are you a knight?" she asked in curiosity, the man looked away.

"I was a knight…" she gave him an inquisitive look, "It's a long story…" Becca sighed.

"Of course, all stories are long aren't they?" she grinned, "Oh well, mine's long too, so I guess I'll see you later!" beginning to walk off again, Becca heard the man following.

"You haven't answered my question, lady," he asked. Okay… NOW you're getting annoying… she thought bitterly, clearly not in a good mood today. She didn't want to deal with some Medieval loony.

"Well, It's a long story too, and I don't have the time to tell it, so if you'll excuse me-" she trailed off as she looked around, "Uuuuh…. Where the feck am I?" she asked herself out loud.

"Tell me why you are dressed that way and I will tell you where you are…" said the man smugly. Dammit… thought Becca angrily.

"FINE… as long as we can find some shade, this heat is killing me…" she walked off to a small patch of trees and slumped against a trunk, panting heavily. The man sat next to her, obviously waiting for her to start.

"Alright, as long as you don't start screaming WITCH or MONSTER at me, OKAY?" she glared at him. He nodded, Becca sighed, "Okay, my name is Becca, and I come from… I guess you could call it the future or something. I have proof," she rummaged in her bag, producing her phone and showing it to him. "Where I come from this is a 'phone'… it allows me to talk to someone anywhere in the world at anytime. Of course it wont work now cause there aren't any other people with phones…" she let him see it, telling him not to break it.

"Oh, and I'm a werewolf, I guess I got transported in my sleep to this time, and now I have no idea how to get back…" the man seemed to be taking all this very well, his face only showing traces of surprise and confusion. He handed her the phone again and stared at her.

Becca poked him, "Alright mister! Talk! Who are you?" she asked. He flinched from her poke. Not used to it maybe.

"I am Bowen, that is all you need to know. I am a knight of the Old Code and a dragon-slayer," he said. Becca raised an eyebrow.

"Well that's summing up your life in one sentence…" she commented sarcastically. He glared at her.

Just then a large shadow passed over them, an extremely loud flapping noise vibrated in Becca's sensitive ears. She covered them as to protect their acute eardrums. Bowen instantly leapt to his feet and started running, suddenly stopping and motioning for her to follow.

"What?" she asked, confused.

"If you really are a werewolf, you can help me with that dragon!" he called, waving his arm frantically. Becca sighed and jogged lazily after him, if it was a dragon then she would rather stay out of it, but she wanted to tag along, it sounded interesting enough. Bowen whistled loudly, and Becca saw a black stallion galloping towards them, it followed them at a gentle canter, Bowen obviously wanting to stay on foot.

They ran through the forest, Becca feeling relief after being out of the harsh sunlight. The dappled light reflected on the undergrowth, making everything seem calm. Becca observed that the air was steadily growing cooler, and a loud thundering could be heard ahead, a waterfall?

The duo ran out of the forest (Becca rather jogging than running) and onto a short, pebbly beach. Murky water lapped at the smooth stones on the riverbank and a massive waterfall tumbled and roared over a cliff. His horse came to a trotting halt by the river, and immediately started drinking from the water. Becca followed Bowen to the mouth of the cave as he drew his longsword from its sheath. Becca had no weapons, so he handed her a set of double knives. Both equally, and wickedly sharp.

Haha…it's like Assassins Creed… she thought with a smile. Then she trailed him through the waterfall, Bowen taking the wet route, while she leapt nimbly from rock to rock, staying relatively dry. An unexpected blast of heat and fire leapt from the shadows of the dim cave. Becca was unharmed and just crouched on the inside, feeling ticked at the heat.

"Drat…" she heard a deep, growling voice from the shadows. Her night vision allowed her to see the dragon, it was crouched defensively in the back of the cave, which wasn't very deep to begin with. Its barbed tail lashed back and forth like an angered cat's, its golden eyes almost exactly like her own. (She hadn't become aware that her eyes were now a yellow-gold.

"Why must you humans always pick on us dragons?" the creature asked with a growl. Becca realized that Bowen had used his shield to protect himself from the fire, and was now grinning to himself.

"I don't require a name, plus… I think of it rather as a job, one must earn a living!" he said smugly. Becca found him to be getting rather cocky. She noticed him eyeing her constantly, signaling for her to sneak up behind the dragon. Becca would do no such thing, thank you very much, she wanted to watch.

"Oh yes… one has got to live," said the dragon with a grin, its eyes blinking calmly. Bowen nearly laughed out loud.

"Come now! Don't flatter yourself… It's not the profit, but the pleasure…" instantly Becca felt the atmosphere change, and readied herself to run.

The dragon growled angrily, "Perhaps less pleasurable and more costly than you think!" the creature leapt forward and flew from the cave, bursting through the waterfall, sending millions of tiny droplets flying in all directions. Becca was already running, and Bowen leapt atop his horse and spurred it to run. Becca could easily keep up, and outrun the stallion, and she raced through the forest with the knight, enjoying the adrenaline rush.

She heard the dragon flapping, and looked up as she saw it glide gracefully overhead. She had to admire his flying skill, he was marvelous at it. Bowen and Becca came to a meadow, where the knight pulled something from his saddlebags and threw it, spiraling into the air at the dragon's legs. A lasso. The rope latched around the dragon's right ankle, and he snarled angrily. What Bowen didn't notice was the fact that the lasso had attached to his saddle.

The dragon had obviously observed this, and yanked on the cords, the bonds on the saddle snapped, but carried the would-be-knight into the air, screaming of course.

Becca laughed hysterically as she followed the now both flying figures, her sides burning from laughing and running at the same time. The dragon even chuckled deeply to himself as he dragged the sodden knight through a forest heavy with trees. Becca dodged the trees, and the flying knight, easily. Poor Bowen however, did not and constantly hit the trees with a groan of OUCH! Or OW! Or UGH! Every time.

"How do you like the ride knight? I believe your companion is enjoying it!" trilled the dragon, laughing from above the treeline. Bowen growled to himself and gave one last yell as he got off the saddle and led it to a very narrow gap between a thick, split tree. The saddle attached, caught and the rope tightened almost instantly. Becca heard a roar of "Yikes!" and a boom in the distance as the creature came down.

Bowen gave a moan of discomfort as he adjusted his clothing, stiff from the harassing ride. He drew his sword and lumbered into the clearing where the dragon had fallen, Becca caught up to him easily, trying not to giggle at his discomforted appearance.

They entered the large clearing, full of woodpiles and gathered lumber, the dragon was rising to it's feet, tugging vainly on the rope holding it hostage. Bowen approached with a cautious gait. The dragon scratched and bit angrily at the bonds, but they were to small for him to untie, and the cords too well crafted for him to break easily. He gave up and turned to his opponents.

"Oh you're good, I needed a challenge like this! Haven't had one in a while!" said Bowen happily, knowing the creature was stranded. Becca just paced around, not drawing her blades. The dragon noticed this and kept most of his focus on Bowen, yet kept an eye on her too. He kept himself low to the ground, teeth bared and ready to fight.

"And you aren't likely to again!" snarled the dragon, unhinging his knife-like tail and swinging it at Bowen and Becca. Becca easily dodged, keeping out of the way as Bowen leapt and swung at the tail.

Sure…like that's going to do much…idiot, she thought, rolling her eyes. The dragon snarled again and finally hit Bowen with the flat of his tail, knocking him into a tree then slicing it in half. The tree toppled to the ground, nearly hitting Becca who yelled, "OY…Watch it!" as she avoided it. The dragon heard her yell, but ignored it, pounding his tail into the ground, following Bowen as he rolled over the dirt. Clouds of dust and grit flew into the air as the massive tail whacked again and again. Bowen seemed to have an idea and he rolled to where the tree trunk lay, leaping over it in one giant burst of energy, the dragon's tail came down on where he was just seconds before.

It's tail lodged tightly into the log with a piercing crack and a squeak as the creature tried to yank it free. "DRAT!" it yelled, pulling to no avail. Bowen got to his feet, clearly satisfied that his plan had worked. He strutted over to the dragon smugly.

"A little bit over-confident aren't we both?" he asked with a smirk.

The dragon gave a huff, getting tired of all this, "Hardly, if you win, you'll be out of work… how does that sound?" he bared his teeth.

Bowen glared darts at the beast, "I won't quit till I rid the world of every-single-last one of you!" he spat the word 'you' as if it were a foul tasting food.

This hit home with the dragon, "I AM THE LAST ONE!" it roared, rearing it's magnificent head and breathing in. Bowen noticed the danger and dove for cover as several fireballs were launched at him. Explosions wreaked across the field, Becca was thrown back against a tree, stunned for several minutes.

As the dust, smoke and dirt cleared, Bowen was left standing (miraculously), a tiny fire flickering on his shoulder, "You're just trying to save your scaley hide with tricks!" he growled, slapping the flame out crossly.

"You haven't notice your hunting getting harder lately?" asked the dragon, frustrated that his fire hadn't worked.

"I got one the other day, I'd say it's fine!" he said, raising his sword with a cold stare.

"It was you who killed the Scarred one then? We were the last, tell me…how much gold did her tattered, poor body place in your purse?" he snarled, clearly hurt.

"SHUT UP! I'll kill you!" yelled Bowen. The dragon swiped his paw at Bowen, who wasn't expecting it and was thrown aside. Still recovering, The dragon slammed his giant, heavy paw over the knight.

"ARGH! FINE… Kill me… go ahead! It'll only prove my suspicions!" he hollered at the dragon's face.

Becca had now recovered, and realized the gravity of the situation. The man before her was going to die, and then she would be left alone with one really pissed off dragon. Oh shit… she thought.

"Oy… why can't you two just get along? I don't see the point in all this fighting!" she yelled at them, crossing her arms. Bowen glared at her.

"BE QUIET GIRL!" he shouted, Becca's jaw dropped and she bared her small, but sharp teeth, her eyes going deadly.

"You selfish, idiotic lump!" she didn't think of swearing would be a very wonderful idea. "Someone tries to help you and you spit in their face… fine… I wont help…" she sat on the ground stubbornly and glared at the knight.

"You're companion does have a point, human," said the dragon with a tiny grin, "Besides, I never wanted to kill you and I never will, so until you can wise up and maybe listen to her then I can let you up…" he growled. Bowen remained silent for a moment, grumpy. Then he sighed.

"Alright… Fine…I'll stop," he gave Becca a scowl as the dragon removed his paw. Bowen got up and caught his breath. She shot him an angelic, so obviously not innocent smile.

"I think that I can help you knight," said he dragon, Bowen looked at the creature in anger but still listened. "Since it's a job…"

Well... First Chappie is done... next one to bee up soon! Hope it's good! 8D