If you haven't seen Tesla's release form, just leave now cuz ya won't get the joke.

When Pigs Fly

It was a normal Saturday. Grimmjow was bored and decided to go to the store, only to realize he had no money just before he left.

Okay, no problem. He'd just go to his personal ATM machine.

In other words, he'd talk Ulquiorra into giving twenty bucks.

He made his way over to Ulquiorra's room and barged right in.

Said pale man was lying on his bed reading, not even looking up from his book when Grimmjow entered uninvited and said:

" Don't you know how to knock, trash?"

"whatever. Look, I need some money. Can I borrow some from you?"

"Depends. If you mean 'Give me some money for me to use but never pay you back like always,' then no. Why do you need money anyway? Didn't you go shopping just last weekend?"

" Answer to question one: Mayyybe..., as for number two, I'm bored."

"You finally found your chew toy mouse with the bell around it's neck no longer amusing? Or are you just getting another?"

"Fuck you. Just give me the money!"

"When pigs fly."

Suddenly they heard a scream and looked to see Tesla flying past the window. Even 10 seconds after he had passed, Ulquiorra, eyes wide, and Grimmjow, completely confused, continued to stare at the window. Finally, Grimmjow turned to the green eyed-man on the bed with a smug look and said:

"I'll take that money now."