It's finally here, the last chapter, I just wanted to say thanks to KitFisto'sGirl for being the one who helped me with this story.

Oh yeah, there is something in here that I hope will make people happy, so if it makes you happy (you will know what it is) please review

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars

"Where are we going?" Ventress asked Le Dum Flowere as she followed him.

"Asajj," Le Dum Flowere said, "I would like you to meet my family, and stay with us for the rest of your week off."

"I would love to," Ventress smiled.

0 0 0

(2 days later, when it was time for Asajj to go back to work)

"Goodbye!" Ventress called as she and Le Dum Flowere walked out of the house that Le Dum Flowere lives in with his family.

"You know I think I learnt a lot from your family in the two days that I spent with them." Ventress commented as she walked towards her ship.

"I'm glad you spent the time with us, my children like you very much." Le Dum Flowere said as Ventress got into her ship.

"Oh! I just remembered," Ventress realized she forgot to ask him a question she'd wanted to ask Le Dum Flowere all week, "When you were talking to me a week ago, you said to remember one thing, what was it?"

"Oh that," Le Dum Flowere smiled, "To remember that no matter what I believe in you and the choices you make, I was also going say that I believe that when the time comes, you will make the right decision."

"Oh, thank you." Ventress said.

"Anyway," Le Dum Flowere smiled, "I got to go, lots of work to do, I need to help Ahsoka Tano now, she has some self esteem issues."

Ventress smiled and turned to close the door before realizing what had been said, "WHAT? I THOUGHT YOU WERE WITH THE SEPRATIST! I DIDN'T REALISE YOU HELPED REPUBLIC SCUM!" And with that Ventress ran and decapitated Le Dum Flowere with her lightsaber. Ventress then went back to Dooku to tell him about the week she had.

0 0 0

(In Palpatine's office where many Jedi and that clone who was at the funeral, had assembled)

"Well, Ventress has quit modeling and everything back to normal." Anakin said, "Well a war is not normal or, yeah you get the point."

"Everything is not back to normal!" The clone said (You know the one that goes 'My Brother!') "My brother is still dead!"

"He was already dead before the events in this story took place!" Anakin snapped.

"Na uh!" The clone retorted, "What about the first chapter!"

"That was a prologue! It doesn't count!" Anakin said.

"The smart ass clone is dead!" Mace reminded everyone.

A figure smashed through the glass windows, the figure then proceeded to crawl away because the figure was a stunt double, the smart clone then stood up from behind the desk.

"Hi everybody!" The smart ass clone said.

"No way!" Ahsoka said, "You're alive? How is that possible?"

"You lot actually thought I was dead?" The smart ass clone looked pleased.

"$%&*#$*(#&%&&$#%$#*&(^&%%)^!#^*^$&" Palpatine swore.

"Wow, someone's not a happy fatty." The smart ass clone commented.

"How are you alive?" Anakin asked.

"You weren't paying attention in Stuck Butt?" The smart ass clone asked, "I know that story has extremely poor grammar, is full of many mistakes, really needed to be double checked and all, but seriously? You were in that story, you should have paid attention!"

"Yeah but I was only in it for about 5 seconds! What happened?" Anakin asked. Other people in the room asked the same question.

"Padme killed me then I came back because I'm awesome," The smart ass clone sulked, "Seriously, didn't anyone read Stuck Butt?"

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who read this, reviewed, put it in their favourites list, or put this story on alerts