Good day! This fic was born out of my love of telling stories that go in order of seasons, days, and months. Listening to Monday, Monday, Monday and Fix You Up by Tegan and Sara also helped (cough cough listen to them nudge nudge).

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Capcom.


It is a Saturday when Maya Fey first enters his door.

She doesn't say a word as she drags a chair from his apartment's kitchen next to the window in his bedroom. Godot follows her as she does this.

He nods hello and she gives him a tired grin as she seats herself down in the chair.

He doesn't mind her barging in at all. She got him out of life in prison (others helped of course, but he shall still be eternally grateful to her). It is the least that he could do.

Godot sets a special made Blend #102 by her chair forty minutes later. She leaves twenty minutes after that with a nod of goodbye.

(she didn't drink the coffee)

It is a Sunday when he asks her why she is here.

He is curious. Beyond curious, perhaps. Mia always told him everything and the thought of not knowing why Maya was here bothered him immensely. The Blend #91 is set down as soon as she entered his apartment. Godot looks over to her emotionless face and decides to ask even though his brain is telling him not to.

"You...why...why are you here?" He mentally berates himself for the uncertainty that seeped into his voice. Godot thinks he should've known better for all his days in law. In fact, being doubtless was just another part of his personality. Maya's eyes widen and she flinches as if she was hit. He feels slightly guilty, but still stands around to wait for her answer.

She never replies and leaves without a word like always.

Maybe she didn't want to answer him, but Godot hates maybes and decides to ask her later.

(the coffee got knocked over when she got up)

It is a Monday when she speaks.

It was somewhere in between his fourth and tenth check up on her. Godot doesn't really care what time it was. He hasn't remembered anything clearly since his days in law. He likes it likes that. Godot is standing by her while sipping on the cold Blend #53 he left by her chair earlier (wasting is a horrible habit). She opens her mouth as if to sigh.

"I'm waiting."

Godot chokes on his coffee from the surprise of hearing Maya talk. Her voice sounded too old and tired for her twenty two years of living. He frowns.

"What are you waiting for?"

She smiles at him and remains quiet for a few minutes. She speaks in a hushed tone.

"I don't know."

Maya leaves soon (fifteen minutes to be exact) after that. He doesn't stop her.

(he finishes her cup of coffee that day)

It is a Tuesday when she is late.

He is worried. More then worried, in fact. He is sitting on the ground in front of the door with his eighteenth cup of coffee. It is eleven at night. Maya usually arrives by nine thirty at the latest.

So when Godot hears the click of the door (he gave her a key several visits in), he gets up quickly, almost knocking over his coffee. Godot grabs her by the shoulders and he doesn't know whether to scream at her for not calling him earlier or to pull her into a bone crushing embrace.

He just stares instead.

Maya gives him a smile as if to say sorry and releases herself from his iron grip. She goes to sit in her chair again. He places a coffee by her as always. This time, a Blend #14. It is sweeter than his usually bitter coffees and he thinks that she might enjoy it. Mia did.

(she doesn't drink a drop of it)

It is a Wednesday when she cries.

The visit had gone like normal as always. She opened the door, sat down in her chair, and proceeded to stare out the window for a few hours. This time though, when he set down the coffee (a Blend #9), she began talking.

"I saw Nick today. He…he was different. He looked like a homeless person. He has a daughter, did you know that? And…and he…he's not Nick anymore. He doesn't care about anything. He's someone else I don't know about."

He doesn't know what to say. It's Maya and not Mia, and he hasn't thought much about ways to get under her skin or to comfort her. It's just her and wet eyes and cold coffee. He watches Maya cry for an hour so before she runs out of tears and starts to sniffle. Godot feels disgusted with himself because he didn't do anything.

She leaves earlier than usual.

(the cup is left untouched for two days)

It is a Thursday when he smiles.

She brings in cake for some special occasion (Christmas) and sets on the dining room table. Godot takes out two plates and two forks from his cupboard and Maya carefully cuts the cake up into eight pieces. She gets two pieces and he gets one. Today is different because he hands her tea. She smiles and he decides to buy tea for an eternity. They walk with the cake and drinks to their usual spots: her in the chair and him leaning against the wall next to the window. They stay silent, listening to the hustle of the city down below.

"Thank you." she whispers, still chewing on her cake. There is a dot of frosting near her lip and Godot has the urge to wipe it off. He decides against it and holds onto the Blend #78 in his hand a little tighter.

"Thank me? What for?" he asks.

Maya looks at him from the corner of her eyes as if to see if he had any deep hidden meaning to his words. For a split second, the mist that clouds the lights in her eyes vanishes and is replaced by a playful glint in her eyes. At that moment, there are no murders and trials and past lives and the horrible reality. Just Godot and Maya, eating cake and looking out at the hustle and bustle of the city. He hopes it stays like that.

"For stuff." she replies, the playfulness seeping into her voice.

He breaks out into laughter and smiles when he sees pink dust her cheeks. Maya pouts and crosses her arms over her chest. His smile just grows even wider.

(her cup is only half full by the end of the night)

It is a Friday when Godot feels alive for the first time in years.

He drags a chair from the kitchen to beside her place near the window. Godot hands her a cup of tea while he slowly sips on a Blend #62. It is creamier than his usual blends. Maya's favorite out of all of them.

"What are you waiting for?" he asks. Godot hopes she finally has found her answer.

"I don't know… but it is a particularly beautiful night." she says. Maya turns her head and smiles without the buried worries and the broken promises and the unfulfilled wishes. The tired lines that shadowed over her face vanish, making her look alive again.

His heart starts up again and at that exact moment, Godot swore to himself he would always protect Maya no matter what. For no one else but her, he would walk to the ends of the world and back. In a moment of impulse, he reaches out with his spare hand to grab hold of hers. Godot regrets it soon after, but the uncertainty falls away when she tightens her hold on his hand.

Maya doesn't leave that night. She falls asleep on the chair. Godot carries her to his bed and he goes to sleep on the couch.

(and she finished everything in her cup)


And done! I hope it wasn't OOC. Comment if you enjoyed.

Reviews are love.