A/N: Hey readers! Here is the story I promised you after "Only You." I hope you like it and it's a work in progress so just bare with me. And don't worry there is gonna be a twist at the end, you will be shocked. Just so you know, I love the character of Jessie St. James mainly because he is played by the sexy Jonathan Groff.

I hope you enjoy this and the in coming chapters.

thanks for reading


Still Not Quite Over You

Chapter 1

Rachel Berry sat in her seat on the flight to Ohio. She had a big event to plan and a big announcement to tell her family and her friends. Most of them knew except for one, Finn Hudson. Finn and Rachel were inseparable since their sophomore year of high school. Now eight years later, Rachel will no longer be Ms. Rachel Berry, she will be Mrs. Rachel Berry St. James in five months. When Rachel left Ohio to pursue her dreams in New York after high school, she had to leave her friends and Finn behind. Luckily, for her, Finn would make frequent trips to New York when they were dating. After two years of college and five years of dating, Finn and Rachel grew apart. When Rachel landed the role of "Elphaba" in the Broadway revival of "Wicked", Finn grew jealous of her chemistry with the actor who played "Fiyero" and that actor was none other than Jessie St. James. Finn left New York and Rachel for good after they had the biggest fight in their long relationship. Rachel spent months crying over Finn with Jessie comforting her. Soon enough, Rachel and Jessie rekindled their romance and they became engaged.

Rachel sighs as she looks out the window, she was nervous to see her old friends again, especially Finn. Rachel was lost in thought until Jessie took her hand into his and gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back and turned back to the window.

"Rachel, you ok?" Jesise asks again.

Rachel turns her head to him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" she answers.

Jessie shrugs. "You have been quiet the entire flight," he replies.

Rachel turns to him. "I'm just nervous. I mean we're getting married soon," she says.

Jessie chuckles. "I'm nervous, too," he replies.

Rachel nods and leans her head on Jessie's shoulders.

Finn Hudson laid in bed, thinking about the past three years without the love of his life, Rachel Barbara Berry. He had received news that she was flying into Ohio today, but not the reason why. He had heard Quinn tell Puck about Rachel's arrival last night, but before Quinn could reveal why Rachel was coming, Finn ran to his room excited. He hadn't seen Rachel in three years and they had a nasty break up the last time he saw her. Although things had ended badly, Finn still loved Rachel with all his heart and seeing her again would just make his day, hell, his life. Puck knocks on Finn's door, throwing him out of his Rachel daydreams.

"Yo, man, we have dinner at six," Puck says.

"With Rachel?" Finn asks hopeful.

Puck sighs. "Yeah, all twelve of us are eating at Mario's," he answers.

Finn nods happily. "Cool," and gets off his bed to go to his closet and get a button-down shirt.

Puck walks to Finn and lays a hand on his shoulder. Finn gives his best friend a puzzled look. "Hey, Finn, don't get your hopes too high for Rachel taking you back," he says.

Finn scoffs. "Why?" He asks putting on his shirt over his wife-beater.

Puck sighs. "Just don't," he replies as he leaves the room.

Finn looks after his friend and shakes his head, still confused about what Puck just told him.

Rachel and Jessie arrive at the airport, they had gone through baggage claim, and they spy Quinn, Mercedes, Kurt, and Leroy and Hiram Berry waiting for them. Rachel runs over to her dads to give them a big hug and then goes to her friends to talk. Jessie walks up to his future in-laws and talks to them.

"Girl, I can't believe you're getting married," Mercedes cooes. Rachel laughs and shows them the ring, they all "oooed" and "aahed" at how big the diamond is.

"Wow, this is beautiful," Kurt, says as he takes Rachel's hand so he can get a better look at the ring.

Rachel laughs and pulls her hand back. "Thanks guys, now enough about my ring. I've missed you all so much," she turns to Kurt, "How is your fashion line coming?" she asks.

Kurt smiles and fixes his scarf. "It's going great, but I took a break so I can plan your wedding. Starting tomorrow, it's wedding details. You have to get fitted for the dress-first we have to find the dress," he explains. Everyone laughs.

Jessie walks to the group and interrupts them. "Um, Rach, we have to go. Don't you guys have dinner at six?" he asks.

Rachel looks at him. "Oh right, then we better go."

They all drive to Rachel's house so they drop off Rachel and Jessie's bags. Rachel and Jessie arrive in Rachel's room. Rachel scans the room, remembering everything that happened in here. Suddenly, her happy expression turned to one of sadness. Jessie notices his fiancée's silence and walks up behind her to put his arms around her waist.

"Is everything ok?" he asks her.

Rachel nods and turns to look at him. "Everything is perfect. I'm gonna miss you though," she confesses.

Jessie lets go of Rachel. "Yeah, me too, but when you come home, I'll be here," he replies.

Rachel smiles and kisses him goodbye to meet Quinn, Mercedes, and Kurt downstairs. They drive to Mario's in Kurt's car. When they get there, they find Tina, Artie, Brittany, Santana, Mike, and Matt sitting at the table. Rachel hugs each of them and they ask to see the ring.

"Wow, Jessie is a big spender," Santana blurts out.

"No kidding, that's a big diamond," Artie agrees.

They order their drinks and wait for Finn and Puck to show up.

"Where are Finn and Puck?" Rachel asks Quinn.

Quinn looks at her menu. "They're running late, they'll be here in a couple of minutes," she answers.

Mercedes and Quinn look at each other, each knowing what the real meaning behind that question was. Everyone knew about the drama between Finn and Rachel; they still know that Finn is still in love with Rachel and they suspect that Rachel isn't over Finn, quite yet. A few minutes later, Finn and Puck walk in. Puck sits next to Quinn while Finn sits in between Rachel and Kurt. When Finn sits down, Rachel and him exchange shy glances at each other. Don't look at her, Finn, control yourself, he thinks to himself.

Finn clears his throat. "How are you, Rach?" he asks nervously.

Rachel sips her water and turns to him. "I'm good, how about you?" she replies reluctantly.

Well, this is awkward, Kurt thinks as he watches the former lovers interact.

"Good," Finn says taking his menu and opening it.

Rachel grins a little and sighs, trying to hide her ring finger from him. After they all ate their meals, they posed for pictures. Finn kept fighting the urge to talk to Rachel, but whenever he wanted to talk to her, their friends surrounded her. While everyone was talking to each other, Finn called Kurt over.

"How may I help you, Finn Hudson?" Kurt asks.

Finn chuckles. "Why is Rachel really here?" he asks, seriousness in his eyes.

Kurt looks over to Rachel with Quinn and Puck and clears his throat. "Finn, Rachel is getting married," he answers.

Finn looks at Kurt shocked, his heart shatters all over again. He had come to the dinner in hopes of getting Rachel back, but now there is no hope. She's getting married soon. "To who?" he asks trying to hold back his sadness.

"To Jessie St. James," Kurt quietly replies.

Finn takes in a deep breath and storms out the restaurant. Rachel notices and goes to Kurt. "Kurt, why did Finn storm out?" she asks curiously.

Kurt sighs. "I told him that you are getting married to Jessie," he replies.

Rachel huffs and thinks it over. Should she confront him? Would it be too weird for them to talk? Rachel sighs and races after him. She sees him outside, pacing back and forth trying to control his fueling temper. Finn couldn't believe that the love of his life is getting married to the one guy he did not like, the one guy he wanted to see gone, the one guy he had to compete with to earn Rachel's heart during his sophomore year. Jesse St. James, I can't believe she's marrying that douche. Doesn't she remember that he egged her and didn't care? Finn thought angrily to himself. Rachel just stood there, looking at him, trying not to bother him.

"Finn," Rachel calls quietly.

Finn stops pacing and looks her way. "Rachel," he responds. God, she's beautiful.

Rachel gives him a small grin and hesitantly walks forward. "I-I wanted to tell you," she starts.

Finn scoffs. "Am I the only one who didn't know that you were engaged?" he asks coldly.

Rachel looks down, then at him. "Yes, you were the only one," she quietly responds.

Finn takes in deep, sharp breaths. "Why Rachel, was our break up that bad that you had to fall into the arms of St. James?" he asks.

Rachel pauses and looks him in the eyes. "I didn't have a choice, Finn. He was there for me, he understood my pain and he was patient with me," she replies.

Finn shakes his head. "You didn't have a choice? Rachel, I love you, I still do," he responds.

Rachel sighs. "Finn, I love you, too, but I'm marrying Jessie," she says, her voice breaking.

"Do you love him?"

Rachel glares at him. "Of course I do."

Finn scoffs. "So you love me and you love him, that doesn't make sense!"

"Don't do this, Finn. You're the one that left without a trace! I wanted to talk, but when I went to the apartment, you were gone. What was I supposed to do? Chase after you? I couldn't Finn!"

Finn takes in deep breaths. "I wanted to talk but then when I came to talk to you, he was there with you."

Rachel looks at Finn with tears starting to form. "He was comforting me, Finn!" His name was emphasized to show her anger towards him.

Finn scoffs. "And how about now?"

Rachel crosses her arms. "You know I don't need this! If you can't be happy for me, than you can just forget about it!" She turns on her heel towards the restaurant. Finn looks after her and walks away.

Rachel walks towards her friends, trying to hold back tears. Quinn sees her and goes up to her. "What's wrong, Rachel?" she asks clearly concerned.

Rachel sighs. "Finn and I had a fight, I don't want to discuss it," she answers.

Quinn nods. "Ok," she replies as she rubs Rachel's back.