For personal requests I'm updating this story :)

When they were finished Reid was limp. Limp in body and in spirit.

He could barely move. He didn't care at the fact that he was video taped anymore.

He didn't care about anything.

He laid there as his captor abused him again. He was done. The man had broken him.

He didn't even care about escape anymore. He didn't care about anything.

Garcia was sobbing when she watched the tape. She couldn't watch it. Morgan heard noises in Garcia's office.

"Baby girl," his voice was soft. "What's wrong..." He paused as she sobbed onto his shoulders and glanced at the video she was watching. "You don't have to watch that." He turned it off.

"Reid," she gasped. "Why is he doing this to Reid?"

"I don't know," he said grimly. He stared at her. "I've been rewatching my tape, and the one sent for Hotch." She stared at him.


"For clues on his wherabouts and I think I found some."

She looked hopeful.


"I keep on hearing loud airplanes, so I think he's near the airport."

She sighed. That wasn't much to go on.

"Anything else?"

"Yes. I saw through the window of the basement window. He's right across from a pink house."

Her eyes lit up.

"We're going in today," remarked Morgan.

"Thank God!" That brought a fresh batch of tears. "Do you think we'll get there in time?"

"I hope so." Morgan's voice was grim. "I really really hope so."

Reid laid there as the man tried to force a blowjob on him. He closed his eyes, allowing this to happen. He was just a whore, right? So he deserved this. He heard voices upstairs. The man quickly stood up, zipping himself.

"FBI FREEZE!" He THOUGHT He heard Morgan's voice. Morgan, Hotch, and Rossi were walking down the stares. Emily decided, for Reid's sake, that she's stay behind. He might not want her to see him like this.

The man let an an angry roar as he lunged at Morgan who didn't hesitate to shoot, twice.

He then jumped on the man, who was slowly bleeding to death,and started hitting him over and over in the head.

"Morgan," Hotch said softly. Morgan ignored him.

"You sick bastard," he growled. "You sicksonofabitch, when I'm through with you!"

"Morgan!" Rossi's voice was harsh. "He's dead."

"And you're scaring Reid," Hotch added as he saw the kid whimpering, chained to the bed.

Morgan froze and looked at the terror etched on Reid's face.

"Reid." He dropped the grun and rushed over to the kid. "Reid." He started to unchain Reid when he started yelling. "Hey! Reid, it's okay!"

Rossi and Hotch also tried calming him down as Morgan frantically unlocked the chain. But it was no use. Reid kept hitting them over and over, sobbing, trying to escape. They had no tranquilzer to give him, they were going to have to get him to calm down.

"Reid! It's me! Morgan! I need you to know who I am. We are not going to hurt you. We are here to help."

Reid's sobbing quieted. He glanced at Morgan.


Morgan nodded.

"It's me buddy, I'm here. He's not gonna hurt you anymore."

Reid started to sob again but this time he laid his head on Morgan's shouldesr and slowly Morgan picked up a trimbling and naked Reid and they turned to head outside, to head towards home...

I decided I tortured Reid enough in this fic and wanted him rescued early :) This is going to be a short fic but the next few chapters well be about his recovery.