(All right, for the final time, sorry about discontiung hunted, but im glad you understand. But now, time to start A Nightmare at Crystal Lake, a crossover of Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street. In all, we have 30 characters up for slaughter, but who will survive? Time for the intro!)

The trees cast shadows across the bus, which was driving a steady pace across the rough and cracked road through the forest. The forest was situated in Wessex County, New Jersey. The midday sun made the shadows extend across the road. The bus itself was rusting and dirty, crude spikes made across the rim of it and barbwire placed on the top. Inside the bus was murmuring of the people of the bus, thirty of them to be exact. The bus was made up two columns of seven seats, along with the driver's seat and the seat next to it.

At the back, Leslie Carlson sat, looking aimlessly out of the window. His face was scarred, along with fresh cuts from recent attacks. He wore a hat which shadowed his face along with blonde hair, some of which covered a hollow hole where his eye used to be. He once had a glass eye, but that had been knocked out a month ago. Leslie wore a pale green t-shirt along with dark red jeans, which had holes in the knees. As he stared out the window, flashbacks of the previous events went through his mind.

Starting a new job in the Aroma Cafe.

Witnessing Jeffrey Jebediah's death and in turn learning about the zombie invasion.

Running through the streets, and then witnessing an old friend, Paige's death.

Eventually, Paige's dying words came true, that the zombie invasion would die down in the end, but no one quite knew why. It appeared that they just collapsed, thousands of dead lying on the roads and in cities. A major clean up operation had started, and was still going on a month later, with special teams scouting out cities for any remnants of the living dead.

This was why these people were on the bus, travelling to one of the various camps supplying food, water and shelter to those that can't live in their homes anymore.

"What are you thinking about?" Tanzi Sakamoto asked, touching Leslie on the shoulder.

Leslie gave a small jump, but looked to Tanzi, smiling slightly. Tanzi looked slightly Japanese, even though she had lived in America all her life. Her shoulder length black hair rested on her smooth brown skin. She wore a simple white vest and jeans, having changed out of the bloodied clothes she wore before getting on the bus. Tanzi looked to Leslie with her hazel eyes, waiting for the answer.

Leslie took breather in and out, scratching his chin. "I was just thinking about everything that had happened, how we managed to survive and how... how Paige didn't. I was just wondering what it would be like if she were here with us, talking and laughing."

"Don't think like that." said Zach Dryer, turning around in his seat and facing Leslie. Zach had brown hair which was very ruffled and had bright blue eyes, showing a friendly nature but also sadness. He was also wearing jeans, but with a black shirt. "As much as I hate it, Paige is gone. She is not going to come back and we have to live on, right? That's what she would of wanted and that's what we're gonna do."

"How did the burial go? I haven't had a chance to ask you about that." Tanzi asked.

After exiting the Emporium College, Zach has decided to run off to put Paige's body somewhere respected. Tanzi, Leslie and the other survivors had assumed he had died, until the bus picked him up of the side of the road, starved and half dead, just staring aimlessly at the sky. He had murmured something about a burial, and had only recently recovered.

"It was fine. I found a remote place in the forest where there were no zombies and spent a day digging her grave. I said some things, apologized, confessed my love for her and marked her grave with two sticks making a cross. May she rest in peace." Zach sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"And why were you half dead on the road? Lying there without a fucking clue?" asked Trent Harvey, a tall and muscled man. He wore a black cloth tied into a bandana, a white vest and jogging bottoms. On his left arm was a scar of an injury sustained from a fence when he was left apparently dead. He also had a large oval scar on his throat, after being bit by a zombie. Luckily, he was cured by the doctors on the bus, just before he turned.

"Because I was lost, I had no idea where I was. I just ran and ran until my shoes were worn and my feet bloody. I was starving and thirsty until I finally got to that road. Then my body just gave up." Zach shrugged as if it were nothing.

"But we all survived, right? Right to the end..." Tanzi smiled again, as a sign moved past the bus. It read "Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake." In bright red, with a picture of a lake underneath. Tha background was of a fade yellow, and the wood was crack and rotted. It hung on a beam on flimsy rope.

"Camp Crystal Lake? So, that's our camp then."

"Yep, our 'home sweet home' for fuck knows how long. But, at least it's all over." Trent said, glancing as the forest started to thin out.

From the bushes, a large shadowed man watched the bus pass by. He soundlessly turned and trudged through the forest, wiping a thickly gloved hand across a sharp machete.