(Thanks to Lance-Dusk, Zro-Kemuri 9t6, Can't Get any Better, zackt2010 and jamesss for your reviews! It's been a helluva pleasure writing this story for you, on my take of horror and supernatural. Talking of supernatural, it's gets a LOT more on this chapter, and the next story. It'll make a good movie though... maybe? XD Read on for the finale of a Nightmare at Crystal Lake!)

It took five minutes, but eventually Victor's group of Leslie, Zeke, Tanzi and Camille made their way to the outskirts of the lake, hiding in the bushes. They saw Death standing away from them, talking to Freddy and Jason.

"Woah... are you sure we should be here?" Zeke questioned, staring at the three killers.

"Yes. Paige said to be here, and we will meet her." Victor replied, now almost completely transparent, which gained worried looks from Tanzi.

"How long do you have left Victor?" she asked, worried.

"An estimated five minutes." Victor replied, biting his lip nervously, when a rustle caused him to look over.

Paige appeared, Natayla close in tow. "Hey. You're not dead."

"I am. But they're not, obviously." Despite the circumstances, Victor grinned at Paige, who smiled hesitantly back. "So; what's the plan?"

"We have got five minutes to defeat Death completely, as well as get rid of Freddy and Jason."

"And how the hell are we meant to do that!" Zeke exclaimed loudly, before realising his mistake. Death had stopped talking, and now all three were staring at the bushes. "Ooh... shit... sorry guys..."

"You idiot!" Paige hissed.

"Come here, little kids." Death called out, striding towards the bushes. "You can't hide from me. So get you behinds and face me like grown-ups."

"Gah hah hah!" Freddy laughed. "They're just whining little kids, there not gonna appear ya know."

Jason nodded in agreement, but raised his machete all the same.

In contrast to Freddy's words, Paige and Victor stood up, staring straight at Death.

"What are you doing?" Camille asked. "They'll kill us for sure now."

"He always knew we were here anyway." Paige said. "Get up. We go for one last charge."

"One last charge?" Death said, raising his eyebrows. "Are you kidding me princess? It appears you are about to disappear, and even you two who are already dead can't hope to beat me, Freddy or Jason. And your deciding to kill those humans as well? Princess, you are a fool. I advise you tell your little friends to run for their lives. They'll be dead soon anyway."

"We're not going to go!" Leslie exclaimed, standing up next to Paige. "We've gone through way to much because of you to just go running of. I'm sick of it! Even if it means I die, I'm going to try a defeat you. I may be human, but even human's can be strong!"

This time, Tanzi stood up, shaking slightly, but nevertheless determined. "Yeah! You lot have killed for no apparent reason!"

"I'm Death, bitch! Hear the name!"

"I know your Death, but does that mean you just take people when you feel like it?" Tanzi demanded. "You should wait until there time, rather than playing with people's lives and giving them 'visions' so you can play childish games! You killed Fred, you killed me friends and everyone dear to me!"

Zeke and Camille followed with standing up, not saying anything, but determined to help their new friends.

Natayla stayed out of sight, horrified. "You're crazy... so crazy..." she muttered, before quickly standing up and taking off in a run.

"Hah! That's how we like it! But, no-one's going anywhere." Death said, and flicked his finger. Natayla felt a force on her stomach, and she was thrown back, past a shocked Tanzi and straight tin front of Death's feet. She stood up, shaking uncontrollably. "Aaw. Ain't that just cute?" At that, Death thrust his hand straight through Natayla's stomach, snapping the spine and paralysing her. As she fell downwards, he kicked her in the face, before stomping straight on her neck, breaking it. "You want to come at me? DO IT!"

At that, Paige and Victor ran forwards, followed by Tanzi, Leslie, Zeke and Camille. Death grinned, and moved to the side, motioning for Freddy and Jason to deal with the humans. Paige and Victor immediately turned to go to Death, while Freddy and Jason stepped in the way of the humans. They stopped, not knowing what to do.

Zeke suddenly let out a cry and ran forward, to get backhanded by Freddy. He hit the ground and rolled, coughing, four thin scratches on his cheek. Freddy moved forward, by Tanzi barrelled into his back, before grabbing his arms and trying to keep them behind his body. "You want a battle bitch? Fine!" Freddy lurched forward, and Tanzi hit the ground hard.

Leslie quickly ran towards the free Jason, before suddenly stopping, and ducking down, avoiding the machete slash. He tried to kick Jason's knee, but was kneed in the face for his efforts. As he went back, he landed hard on his back, gasping in pain. Jason leant over him, but he suddenly jerked and let out a grunt of pain, a sharp stick sticking through the eyehole of his mask. Camille had another stick in her hand, and she went to stab him again, but Jason grabbed the stick, snapped it in two and grabbed her slim arm.

"No!" Leslie shouted, scrambling to his feet, but he was an inch too late to stop the machete from plunging straight into Camille's belly. She gurgled and stumbled back as Leslie used his whole weight to slam into Jason, staggering him. Not a fighter, Leslie was already out of breath, and he paused for a moment, and this was all Jason needed. He slammed his palm into Leslie's face, and he felt warm liquid seeping down his face and excruciating pain in his nose, and realised it had been broken.

Freddy went forward, but Zeke dived forward and took out his leg. Freddy narrowed his eyebrows and hopped, before stomping down on Zeke's hand, breaking the fingers. He yelled in pain and moved back, clutching his hand close to him. Tanzi went to him and went to look at his hand when he pushed her away, her face inches from Freddy's claws. Freddy growled in irritation, and lunged forward for Tanzi, but Zeke grabbed hold of his arm, and wouldn't let go.

Jason kicked Leslie in the stomach, and he rolled sideways, groaning in pain. He faced Camille, who was bleeding heavily from her stomach and was deathly white, however, still alive. "It'll be fine..." Leslie assured her, before Camille's eyes widened, and she rolled forward using the last of her strength to move Leslie away from Jason's blade. Instead, it entered Camille's neck, and she gurgled, before falling limp. Jason growled and pulled the blade from the dead weight, and swung at Leslie who had just got up. It hit him in the chest, and cut a god few centimetres gash in it. He cried out in pain and moved back, blood seeping down his chest.

"Let... go of me... ya fucker!" Freddy shouted, waving his clawed arm back and forth, trying to get Zeke off of him.

"N-never!" he cried out, kicking at Freddy's leg. Freddy distracted, Tanzi moved forward an in a brave move grabbed the claws from Freddy's hand, and pulled, the glove coming off.

"Ya son of a bitch!" Freddy cried out, and head butted Zeke in the head, knocking him off. Tanzi through the claw behind Freddy, and it landed in the water with a splash. Freddy stalked forward and grabbed a fleeing Tanzi by the hair. "I hate broads like you. Just die!" He grabbed Tanzi's throat and squeezed. Tanzi flailed, quickly losing her breath. She kicked out, but Freddy was firm.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Zeke suddenly yelled, and grabbed Freddy's arm again. Freddy looked at him in irritation, and slammed his free palm into his face, knocking him back just as Tanzi fell limp in Freddy's hands. To make sure, Freddy ripped his fist from Tanzi's throat, taking a clump of skin, muscle and arteries with him. "Y-you bastard!" Zeke yelled, tears in his eyes. His brief time of knowing Tanzi had been the best for him, and he been attracted to her, but now he didn't even have a chance of telling her. He weakly went forward, to be kicked in the stomach. He lay on the floor, defeated and curled up into a ball, protecting himself from the sharp kicks from Freddy.

Death had enveloped himself in some sort of force ball, and any and all attempts from Paige and Victor failed to connect. "What, can't hit me? It looks like two of your friends are already dead." Despite herself, Paige turned to see Tanzi on the ground in a puddle of blood, and Camille face down on the floor. She felt a flair of anger and pointed her palm at Death. Death's eyes widened as he was blown back. He regained his balance and pointed his own palm at Paige. "Your time is running out, princess! If you don't go back, I know you will just fade away! So I'm not letting you get the chance!"

Paige's muscles lurched as she struggled with the force emitting from Death's palm. Sweat dripped down her face, and she was very almost flown backwards when Victor slammed his fist into Death's head. "WE HAVE TO GO!" he yelled, before running towards the defenceless Zeke. Paige nodded and turned towards Leslie and started to run.

"STOP THEM!" Death yelled, causing Freddy and Jason to turn. Death fired to blasts of air at Victor and Paige, but they both ducked and grabbed onto their respective person. Victor grabbed Zeke's arm, while Paige caught Leslie's ankle. "NOW!" Death pointed both palms, and two huge explosions suddenly happened, ripping apart the floor and tree, leaving two gaping craters. He smiled in satisfaction, but then frowned when the smoke cleared.

There were no bodies or blood in the holes. Death then grinned. "I guess I must've decimated them completely! HAHA!" He turned to Freddy and Jason. "Let's do it."

The two nodded, and knelt down on one knee, facing the lake. Death stood between them, and raised both hands. "I command the earth to split and let forth the demon's of destruction! I command them to rise from the depths of hell itself, and join their master! I command my army to rise!" Death raised his arms, and a huge pillar of darkness shot from the lake, spinning like a tornado. The weather instantly changed, and thunder rumbled and lightning struck the tree's, causing a number of fires. Shadowy orbs few from the torrent of darkness, and landed behind Death, shadowy and grinning figures of death and destruction. Eight separate figures, bigger than the shadowy figures and much more humanoid, apart from a small one, stood right next to Death, joined by Freddy and Jason.

Death faced them, and yelled out in the storm. "Tonight we shall dine on the human's blood and flesh! Tonight you shall be saturated and the new earth shall be created. I shall be god and you shall gain power never before you have had. The ten of you will be my knights, my kings, and my generals. We shall build anew the earth again!"

The eight hooded figures flung back their hoods, revealing eight infamous and murderious serial killers. These eight, Freddy, and Jason stared up into the sky, laughing.

"And thus! A new chapter begins!" Death let off a loud and long laugh as the figures faced him. "Let us give the humans a day they will never forget... or survive!"

(Ooh aar... Well... the survivors are of course Zeke and Leslie. Who woulda guessed? Me! AHAHAHAHA!... oh, i hope that was unexpected. So, I guess I should inform you of the final story in this saga of stories of mine? Here we go.

The humans are all but destroyed. Death and his ten 'King's' have killed off hundreds of thousands of millions to create 'paradise'. But the humans are not all lost. A few have survived the onslaught, and these few have been given the mission to save earth and destroy Death once and for all. Lead by William Bludworth, Paige Calloway, Victor Kinsley, Leslie Carlson, and Zeke Kurosagi, these few 'select' inherit special abilities, and they head on a quest to the very depths of hell itself.

Sound fun? It is a Create-a-character story of course, so It'll be up very soon after this chapter with the character sheet and a bit more explanation. It shall be entitled :The Apocalypse, and will be up on the 'Misc Movies' section. Thanks a lot again, and check out the character and submit your own questie for the title of 'savior of the earth' XD Thanks, and see you then!