Daijoubu ga, Chibi-chan…

Chapter: 1-A Horrible Premonition for Goten… By: Chibi Akane-chan2

A.N.-I can't believe I'm doing this, I can't believe I'm doing this, I can't believe I'm doing this….P-CHAN2!!  This is all your fault! _''''''''' This btw…takes before they knew about Buu so it's just one of those in between days for the DBZ gang and yes Goku is still dead @@''''.

Disclaimers: I wish I really didn't do this story in the first place, ya know that?!


            "Okaachan…when will Gohan-oniisan be back?" A 7-year-old Goten asked as he went to the kitchen of where his mother was standing.  He wanted to see his older brother again from school and he missed him already.  He admired him so much up to a point where he was practically a father to Goten.

            Chi Chi chuckled and turned around from the stove with a smile,

            "Goten-chan…I know you're anxious to see Gohan-chan again, demo he really needs to go to school and have an education, nee?"  Then she grinned and raised her stirring spatula.  "Well, maybe not JUST an education…maybe a daughter-in-law for me at the same time?"

            Goten sweatdropped.  Having Videl as a sister-in-law sounded kind of…dangerous.  He looked up and started to picture Gohan and Videl married and in their house.  Videl would be screaming profanity at him threatening him with a boulder or something and Gohan would be profusely apologizing over and over again sweatdropping.  He remembered how she overreacted on Gohan's trivial comment on her hair…saying how it would be better if it were shorter.  Goten coughed and walked out of the house.

            "Okaachan, I'll be taking a nap on the grass.  Ja!" Goten said over his shoulder cheerfully as he ambled out the door.

            Chi Chi sighed and resumed to her frying.  It looked like she was going to have to wash his gi from all the grass stains yet again…


            Goten hummed a little tune as he sat down and then lowered his back on the warm grass.  The sun was smiling down on the little half-saiya jin boy as he had his eyes half closed, a comically sleepy expression on his face.  He yawned as he put his hands behind his head and went into a deep sleep…



            An 8-year-old Trunks was hurled backwards and met with the gravity room wall, cracking it.

          I don't call this training! Trunks thought wryly as he staggered up.   I call this a close resemblance of committing suicide!

            Vegeta just smirked down at his sweating and bruised-up son.

            "What's wrong, boy?" he taunted, "am I too much for you?  Or maybe it's the 600x normal gravity that's getting to you,"

            "Nothing's wrong, 'tousan!" Trunks finally said as he stood straight up wiping his chin with his wrist, "I just wanna be as strong as you!"

            With that, Trunks clenched his fists and aura formed around him as he turned super saiya-jin with a battle cry. 

            "Ah hahahaha!" Trunks laughed as he began hopping around the gravity room as if there WAS no gravity in there at all.

            Vegeta just closed his eyes with exasperation.  He was already in super saiya-jin form and was walking towards his hopping son.  He just looked up nonchalantly and raised his leg at an obtuse angle.  As Trunks was about to land, Vegeta used his leg and pivoted it towards Trunks's face, making his son, once again, meet with the wall facedown.

            Trunks sweatdropped at the back of his glowing yellow-haired head.

            "No….fair," he said as he fell to the floor from the wall with a thud.

            Vegeta looked down and shook his head,

            "Pathetic…" he muttered.


            Chi Chi finished cooking lunch with a happy smile and started to set up the table.  She hummed a little tune as she started to put out the plates.  She was about to put out the last plate on the table when something gripped her heart.  Her eyes widened in shock and her face turned pale.  She unconsciously dropped the last plate on the floor making it break in pieces with a loud crack.  Sent back into awareness by the plate smashing noise, she staggered backwards onto the stove looking out the door in fear with wide eyes.

            Something horrible was about to happen.  Chi Chi just knew it and her fighting sense never was wrong.  She, after all, was a fighter too and didn't like the feeling that just overcame her.  The feeling reached deep in her gut as she clenched her apron with sweaty hands.

            And she knew the feeling had to do with one of her sons…


            "Gohan-kun, can you solve this equation for me on the board, please?" the math teacher asked Gohan.

            "Oh!  Uh...hai, sensei," Gohan said as he obediently stood up from his chair and did the math problem with ease.

            Mom was probably pushing me too hard back then with my studies…I did this sort of math 6 years ago! Gohan thought with a nervous smile as he continued to work out the problem.

            Videl practically fell asleep on her desk.  To her, this class was so boring and she would rather be training with her father right now.  She thought with half-closed eyes,

            How can Gohan-kun STAND all of this?!  He makes the problem look fun which makes this class even MORE boring!  And besides---

            Her thoughts were caught off guard as she almost choked.  She was starting to get bad vibes from somewhere.  She sat up in alert and looked around the class with wide eyes.  She spotted Gohan and he seemed to be feeling the same way.  She could tell.  He stopped writing as he gripped on the chalk a little too tight.

            Videl raised her hand immediately.  The teacher saw her raised hand and addressed to her.

            "Yes, Videl-kun?"

            "Sensei, Gohan-kun and I need to leave this class immediately!" Videl blurted out urgently…then she realized what she said and what the others might have thought she had actually implied.

            Gohan sweatdropped as he turned to face Videl.  They both turned different shades of red.

            The teacher just blinked,

            "Hmm…must be one of those teenager things…where—" 

            "NO!  NO!  It's not like that!" Videl quickly intervened.

            "Oooh…Videl-chan, you sly fox, you!" Eraser teased.

            "It's math class, Videl-kun…make the moves on him another time," Sharpener said with a cryptic grin as he leaned back against his chair with both hands behind his head.

            "Sensei," Gohan said as he walked over to the math teacher with his hand behind his head still blushing furiously, "we really need to go now…we forgot to do something very important and it might affect our family and friends,"

            Little did the teacher know, Gohan was practically telling him the whole truth as the teacher seemed to ponder over it.  He watched Videl confront the whole class, then turned to Gohan and nodded.

            "Arigatou!" Gohan said as ran to Videl, grabbed her wrist and made a run for it out the class.  As Videl tailed along she said,

            "Sorry about that, Gohan-kun…I'll try to fix things later.  Demo!  You felt that right?!"

            "Yes, I did feel that," Gohan confirmed, "and I assume you know where we're going right?"

            Videl nodded,

            "We're going to your house…because that's where Goten lives,"


          Bulma finished putting the band-aids on Trunks's face with a smile. 

            "There...all better, Trunks-chan,"

            "Thanks, 'kaasan," Trunks replied.

            "Sometimes, I think your "'tousan" is a bit of a jerk sometimes…REALLY!  Beating up his own son!" Bulma said irritated.

            Trunks nervously chuckled not wanting to send off his mother's temper.

            "Well…it's not THAT bad.  I had worse before," Trunks tried to reason.

            "Feh…you're a weakling boy," an all-too-familiar voice said out of nowhere.

            Trunks slapped the palm of his hand on his face waiting for the inevitable as Bulma turned around to face Vegeta seeing him leaning on the doorway.

            "Now YOU listen here, buster!  OUR son is NO weakling and since when did you have the nerve to start beating him up like this?!  And hell, I have to fix the damn gravity room again because you practically demolished it with OUR son's face and body imprints!  You know how much that's gonna cost me?!" Bulma shouted with her hands on her hips in a fashion of saying listen-to-me-and-listen-to-me-well-or-else-I'll-shriek kind of way.

            Vegeta smirked.

            "Now, now, now!  We don't want your temper to get the best of you now do we?"

            Bulma twitched and reached out as she got her iron frying pan.

            "Oh no..." Trunks muttered.  As he was about to walk away from the "fight" that was ensuing, he abruptly stopped walking when a feeling of premonition went straight through his mind as if a white shooting light went flying right beside his head turning his background red.

            Wha--what was that feeling? Trunks thought with slightly wide eyes.  He looked outside at the west window, which was the direction from Capsule Corporation to the Son house.  He gulped.  Maybe…it was nothing.  Yeah…he should just probably ignore it…

            But really…he couldn't ignore it at all.


A.N.- I'm ending chapter: 1 right here.   Hope you guys R +R.  My moral ethics are practically dead since I'm writing this nowTT;;;