A/N: Welcome to the newest project from LubStarr productions. This fic will trace the long history between maker Eric Northman and his favorite petulant child, Pam Ravenscroft. But don't get the wrong idea, this is by no means Lubadub's or seastarr08's story. This story belongs to everyone. Each chapter will be written by a different author. If you are interested in tackling a moment in time, send a PM to this account or give either Lub (lubadub_) or SS (seastarr08) a shout on twitter. There are already several chapters claimed by some kick ass authors in some really interesting time periods. We've chosen 1785 as the year of Pam's turning, since no specific date was ever named in the books. Other than that, we're trying to stick to canon.

This first chapter is written by Lubadub and explores the vaguely discussed by Charlaine Harris of Pam's turning. If you want the SVM version, check out chapter 7 in All Together Dead.

Beta'd by chiisai-kitty

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters are property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. This is just for fun!



I rose as the sun slipped past the horizon on the island of Santorini, relishing the silence I would have for the next hour. Every waking moment I had spent during this past month with Delilah had been tortuous. She was itching to get away. Every child needed to break away from their maker after a period of time. Some stay longer than others; I've heard of children stay for nearly a century, and others who could barely stand to serve for a few years. Delilah and I had spent the last thirty years together, all of them happy.

I had found her in Venice. She had flaming red hair, and the fiery temperament to match. She was destined for execution for murdering her husband. It was what drew me to her. He had been sleeping with a local barmaid behind her back, and when the wench gave birth to a baby boy that looked just like him, she drove a knife through his heart. She laughed as she stood over his dying body, cursing him out in Italian for being a cheating whore. I fell in lust instantly. I turned her a week later.

But that was then. Now, she can barely stand to look at me. We've been traveling a lot recently, mostly due to her temper getting the better of her. She's been killing every man she touches, even though she knows better than to leave bodies behind. She's rebelling. She wants her freedom. But I will not grant it to her until she asks. If she is so afraid of me that she cannot pose a question, then she is not ready to be on her own. It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm completely in love with her and will be miserable without her.

I felt her the moment she rose; our bond being flooded with despair and anguish. She joined me on our balcony, where I was watching the waves roll in and out. Tonight was different, there was some other emotion coming through. Ah, yes, determination.

"Eric, release me. I want to be on my own. Please, if you truly love me as much as you say you do, you'll grant me the one request I ask of you."

I closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of the sea. It was a comfort that took me back to my human life; a life spent on Viking ships sailing the waters of Scandinavia. It was the only source of any peace I felt.

"So be it. But remember the lessons I have taught you. And stop the unnecessary killing. I know it was only you acting out against me. You should consider yourself lucky. In most cases, a maker would stake such a petulant child. I should have brought you your final death after the first slaughter back in Crete."

"Why didn't you?"

Because I love you more than any other woman I've encountered in the seven hundred years I've walked this earth. "You're too special to destroy. Go, you are your own vampire now. Leave my home. I will not call to you unless your presence is direly needed."

"Thank you, Master."

"Call me by name before you go? I need to hear you say my name one last time."

But she was already gone.


I had been a shell of my former self for too long. It was time to return to glory. I had purchased a home in London and had taken to throwing lavish parties, inviting the height of the aristocracy. I was quickly on my way to becoming the toast of the town. No one seemed to notice that I never ate nor drank at my own feasts. Or that one lovely lady would disappear for some time each night while I drank her blood in a private chamber. No, this was a time of blissful ignorance. It was a time it made it almost too easy to be a vampire.

I encountered the young blonde at one such event. She was beautiful, yet had a sharp edge. She stayed away from the noble boys; she wanted nothing to do with them. She interacted with those far below her social class, much to her father's dismay. She was crass, independent, and unapologetic. I knew instantly she'd make the perfect vampire. The life she was forced to live would end up driving her mad. Only through death would she truly ever feel alive.

I used my superior hearing to listen to those conversing around her. I learned her name was Pamela, and the boy who was courting her affectionately called her Pammy. By the roll of her eyes every time it left his mouth, I could tell she hated it, and most likely, hated him. After a few whispered moments, she and another girl wandered to talk quietly away from the crowd. I noticed her father, a man who had the same sharp features she did, was keeping a close eye on her. I approached him so I could learn more. Though I couldn't read minds, I could glamour him into telling me anything I needed to know.

I gleaned that she was currently not betrothed, but not from his lack of trying. He told me she had a wild streak that caused men of their class to shy away from her. Men wanted a submissive wife, not one who would question their every word. She was determined to be her own woman, something that was unheard of in this time and place. I didn't mind so much; I liked a woman who was more than a vacant, mindless, sack of flesh. She had to be mine.

I began following her every night. She liked to climb down the vine covered trellis outside her window at night and sneak off to the taverns to meet her friends. She was a sight to behold when she was allowed to be herself, unlike at my dinner party. Her smile beamed, especially when she was knocking someone down a peg. She had a quick wit and a sharp tongue that would serve her well in her new life by my side.

It was after a week of reconnaissance that I made my final decision. She was visiting with her best friend's cousin again, a boy she called Matthew, and he was close to convincing her to run away with him. She left this night slightly disappointed, as she had for the past week. The young man refused her sexual advances, saying he'd rather wait until they were married. I knew from the smirk on her face that she thought otherwise, and had so in the past. With a little push towards liberation, she'd be a sexual deviant, willing to try anything once, yet another good quality to look for in a child. My new experiences were forced upon me; hers would be welcomed with relish. It had to happen tonight.


I snuck back through the barren hedge, not looking forward to climbing the trellis again in my heeled shoes. I prayed I didn't run into anyone; my corset was on crooked after a particularly unsatisfying round of kissing, my hair was definitely a disaster. I stuck to the shadows created by the massive trees when I hear a twig snap. I turned, gasping in fear that I had been caught by one of Father's guards and saw him. He was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my life.

His long, blond hair was blowing in the gentle breeze, a passive expression gracing his handsome features. He wore the dressings of a nobleman, every article of clothing tailored exquisitely to his body. He was tall, taller than any man I'd ever met, and this I was judging from some distance. I wanted to know what his voice sounded like, especially when saying my name. I imagined it would roll from his tongue in the midst of a sexual tryst.

"Good evening, Pamela. I've been watching you for some time now. And I must say, I'm quite impressed."

His voice was even better than I imagined. It was accented slightly, but from where, I could not tell. It had tones that I'd heard when visiting Paris and some I'd never heard before. Perhaps Scandinavia. He had an air of danger around him. For the first time, I felt afraid, yet still sexually charged.

"What do you want with me? Have you come to kill me?"

"In a sense. But I've also come to deliver a great gift to you; the gift of immortality. If you want it, of course."

"I don't understand."

"Allow me to rephrase. I'm offering you the one treasure no other man could. In my power, I hold the key to your freedom."

"Are you proposing marriage? My father would never accept, especially given the circumstances."

I took a glance around the garden, illuminated in places by the large, full moon. I heard a wolf howl in the distance, and couldn't help but want to get inside as quickly as possible. When I turned back to face him, he was standing mere inches in front of me. I tried to move away, step back from him, but he reached out, grabbing me around the waist, pulling me flush to his body.

"What I am proposing is much more permanent than marriage. My patience with you is growing thin, Pamela. Do you want your freedom, or not?"

I closed my eyes, trying to still my spinning mind. I tried to imagine the path my life would take without this mysterious stranger. My father would choose someone dreadfully boring for me to marry and I would lead a life of misery. Or I could run away from it all. Take an adventure with the most gorgeous man in all of London, if not, the world. The decision was far easier to make than I'd ever thought possible.


"Shall we retire to your bedroom? It will give you a chance to pack your things."

His eyes were staring straight into mine and I felt my mind go blank. I suddenly felt compelled to invite him into my home. "Of course. Won't you come in?"

It was then I saw his smile, his canines extending. My eyes grew wide, a feeling beyond terror sweeping through me. I tried to scream, but his hand was over my mouth as soon as his fangs slid into my throat. It was just like me to make the wrong decision. Only this time, it cost me everything. As my world started to go dark, I whispered a prayer to save my soul. It made me wish I'd actually paid attention in church instead of fantasizing about the unwed boys in the congregation.

The last moment I remember is being placed delicately on my bed, a kiss grazing my forehead, and a promise of his return.


I returned to her grave site three nights later. I had left her dying body in her bed for her parents to discover the next day. It would be easier for her to disappear if everyone that knew her thought she was dead. She was buried quickly; two days after our encounter in the garden. It takes three nights for the transition to occur in our kind, so I knew I had some time to rescue her from the confines of her coffin. Breaking out of the wooden box is quite difficult for a newborn vampire, and proved to be quite traumatic for my earlier children. I had learned my lesson with the Delilah; I removed the coffin from the ground and reburied the body in the softened dirt. The repeated tilling of the soil made it incredibly easy to make it to the surface.

I waited patiently next to her grave, the young man she had been entertaining on the night we met unconscious at my feet. Her bloodlust would be screaming by the time she emerged. I thought it would be a nice touch for the first human she saw as a vampire to be the last human she saw while she was alive. I'd glamoured him into following me to the cemetery then knocked him out so I wouldn't have to worry about him getting away while my attention was on Pamela. I had no doubt after our last exchange that she'd have questions. It was enough to make me hesitant about my decision to change her. I didn't want to have to deal with her insolence for an eternity.

The ground began to move and I saw the tips of her fingers breaking the surface. Just as with baby birds, it is best to allow the newly turned to pull themselves free; it established a stronger sense of self-efficacy. I watched her struggle, willing her through the bond I now felt humming through my entire being to work a little harder and faster.

Soon enough, she was standing before me, wearing the simple gown she had been buried in. Just as I had assumed, her fangs were bared at the smell of the boy at my feet. And judging by the look of horror on her face, I was also right in thinking I'd be answering a slew of questions.

"What are you? What am I? What has happened?"

It appeared that she was near tears, heading towards the hysterical. She was certainly in for a shock if she allowed those tears to fall.

"I am, as you are, a vampire. You have died a mortal death and your body has been reanimated by my ancient blood. You were in the ground for three nights and have now been reborn."

"I don't understand. What is a vampire?"

"You are now an immortal creature of the night. You will sleep during the day and hunt at night. We sleep underground to avoid the sunlight, which will surely bring upon your final death. You will feast on the blood of the living. Speaking of which, here, a treat for you."

I kicked the limp body towards her, which she quickly attacked. I guided her fangs towards the boy's neck, grinning in satisfaction at how quickly she took to feeding. I remember my first feed was a disaster. Ocella almost staked me out of frustration. I had refused to believe what I had become. I was brought out of my musings by Pamela's grunt.

"It's empty and I'm still hungry." Such detachment. I was amazed. She looked down at his face, for perhaps the first time, realizing the source of her nourishment. "Ah, Matthew from Bristol. You serve me well in death, as you attempted to do in life. What should I do with the body?"

I smiled at her, knowing she'd be the perfect vampire, if not the perfect child. "Bury it in the grave you just emerged from. No one will question the disturbed ground of a fresh grave. Allow that to be a lesson you carry with you always."

"Yes... sir? You realize you never told me your name?"

"You will call me Master. Perhaps in time I will allow you the pleasure of calling me by name. But, if you must know, I am known now as Eric Northman."

She started to move the body into the hole in the ground, asking me questions the entire time.

"How long ago were you made vampire? Am I really going to live forever? Will he become a vampire, too? Can we head into town after I bury the corpse? Beatrice will have a fit when she sees me now. She's my closest friend and will be overjoyed to know of my newly found freedom. Is this good enough? Is he buried deep enough?"

I didn't even know where to begin. "We'll have many nights to discuss my history, or whatever part of it I chose to share with you. Yes, you will live forever, as long as you avoid sunlight, silver, and stakes. No, the process of turning a human into a vampire is more complicated than simply draining. No, I will not tell you how to do it now. No, we will not be heading into town. We will be heading towards York. I have several connections there. You will never see your friends or family again, hence our leaving London. They think you are dead, and it will remain that way. It's safer for all involved. If you're done being a nuisance, we'll be on our way."

She sat down in the dirt for a moment, going over all the information I had just given her. Again, her eyes welled up with tears, but she took a deep breath and shook them away.

"Why does it hurt to breathe?"

"Because vampires do not breathe. For now, taking deep breaths like that will be painful. It is in your best interest to mimic the motions of breathing for now, lest you rouse suspicion. Humans tend to be curious of creatures that sit perfectly still. Stick to shallow inhales and it won't hurt as bad."

"Oh. So, we're leaving for York?"

She seemed to be handling this better than I anticipated. I was afraid a woman of her social class would be terrified in this moment. But that just proved to me, yet again, that this creature was not like the others. She was different, in possession of the vital spark that determines whether a young vampire survives through the centuries or meets the sun at an early age.

"Yes. I have a carriage waiting at my residence. We leave immediately."

"Do we have time to have sex first? I really want to have sex with you."

My eyebrow lifted at her crassness. Oh, yes, most certainly not like the others. It didn't hurt that she was amazingly beautiful, and the physical opposite of Delilah. Even though I'd never admit I turned her to fill the void my child left when she walked away. It would appear I was entering my blonde phase. My tastes changed as the decades did; from blondes, to brunettes, to redheads, but never men. Not after my experience with Ocella.

"Consider that another lesson of the night. There's always time for sex. Come here."


He opened his arms, and as the words left his mouth, I felt compelled to walk towards him. It wasn't my mind making the decision to approach him; it was my blood needing to be closer to him.

"What is this I'm feeling?"

"It's my command to you. As your maker, you must do as I say. Until the day I release you, any command I give you must be carried out as I order it. Now, come here."

My blood tingled again, urging me closer. I did not need any other push in that direction. I wanted him to rip my clothes off and take me. I wondered if sex would be more enjoyable with a vampire. It had to be better than my past experience that was for sure. As I stepped into his embrace, we took to the sky in a blur of motion I couldn't follow. I knew my feet were no longer on the ground, but my mind could not accept the idea that I we were flying. It all came to a stop just as suddenly as it had started.

"You can fly?"


"Can I fly?"

"No. It is a skill only elder vampires tend to develop. It is a gift for having the stamina to last as long as I have."

I stomped my foot and pouted. His expression made it clear that having a temper tantrum would not change anything. Once I regained my bearings, I realized we were behind a building I had visited before. Taking in my surroundings, it all became clear.

"I was at this place just last week for a dinner party. You've been studying me? Was I some sort of experiment for you?"

"Experiment? No, I have made other children in the past. But I have been watching you to see if I should turn you. Are you thinking over the past few nights, trying to remember having an extra set of eyes on you?"

I surely was. I couldn't remember ever seeing him beyond that night of the party, but there had to be something there.

"We ran into each other one night at the tavern. I bought you a pint and you called me a pervert for staring at your breasts. I simply stole the memory from your mind."

"You can do that?"

"Just as easily as you can. We call it glamouring; it's a simple form of mind control. Humans are very easy to manipulate. I'll teach you once we reach York. Hurry, if we want to reach our destination by dawn, we must leave now."

He guided me towards a carriage where his belongings had been stowed near the front of the building.

"How come you get to bring your things, but I couldn't stop at my home for mine?"

"That was your old life. It's time to start fresh. You'll need an entirely new wardrobe to fit your new circumstances. At times, you'll need to look like an aristocrat and other times, a pauper. It's all about how to best blend it to not arouse suspicion."

The driver opened the door for us, and took off immediately. I thought about what he said for a moment before turning to face him. This was a new beginning for me. There were no more rules, no more Father, just me and Eric.

"So I can do whatever I want?"

"Within reason. Though, I wouldn't recommend slaughtering an entire village for the fun of it. I've done it before, it's incredibly tiring. Oh, and you must always do as I command. You must never disobey your maker."

So much for doing whatever I wanted.

"I feel as if I could drink the entire city of London dry. I'm so hungry."

"That will fade over time. You must learn to control the bloodlust, or it will control you. Think of something else and it will pass."

"You said we could have sex. Will that help the time and the hunger pass?"

He ripped my dress open with one pull, splitting it right down the front. He gave me a seductive smile, with the tips of his fangs digging into his lower lip. When I first saw that smile, I was terrified. Now, I was beyond excited.

He opened the front of his pants, revealing the largest length I've ever seen. He grabbed my waist, pulling me into his lap, and impaled me in a motion so fast, if I hadn't been a vampire, I wouldn't have been able to follow it. It felt exquisite to have him inside of me. It wasn't my first time having sex, but I'd never been on top before. His hands on my hips set a demanding pace, but it was the finest pleasure I've ever felt. Between our hard, fast movements and the motion of the carriage along the road, I was feeling so much, too much to handle.

My world exploded as he slipped a hand between us, rubbing my clit with expert fingers. I grabbed on to his shoulders, crying out towards the heavens as the most incredible feelings ran through me. No one had ever made me feel this way during sex. I figured out that I had a lot to learn from my maker, and not just in the bedroom. This was only the tip of the iceberg. There was so much I didn't know, but I was excited to experience it with Eric. I hoped he would be a patient teacher, as I had a tendency to push buttons.

We fucked the entire ride to York, in every position known to man, and some that were only known to vampires. I had never been so thoroughly used in my life, yet I was still craving more. We righted ourselves in the carriage to the best of our abilities, considering the extent to which our clothes were torn. He led me into a simple home, where he used his mind control to convince the family living there that we were welcomed guests. We fed on them; Eric teaching me how to control my urges and how to stop after only taking a small taste. It was difficult at first, but he had a good point. If you don't kill them, you can keep using them as a food source without having to glamour the entire town.

As he tucked us away in a darkened underground room, I couldn't help but ponder what exciting adventures were in store for us. He had explained that some children stay with their makers for some time, but even after they are released, they still seek their maker's company from time to time. The world was now my playground and I couldn't wait to have fun.

A/N2: So there you have it, the first taste of Eric and Pam's Excellent Adventure! Thanks to all the authors who have already expressed an interest in participating. Have we intrigued you yet? Have a kick ass idea of where Eric and Pam could meet up? Some of the time periods already claimed are the French Revolution, Woodstock, and the opening of Fangtasia. Happy Writing!