Alright children! her it is the sequel to Ultra Violet! hope you like it, review me!

Happy reading:)

:(I do not own the Lost Boys:( But i do own Kansas and Violet:)

Kansas Moon


*********Sixteen Years Later***********

The sun had just set over Santa Carla California, making the town light up and become even wilder than it already was.

The elderly where replaced by teenagers; runaways mostly.

Most tourist families went back to their hotels or motels while all the biker groups and punks came out to play.

Another thing about Santa Carla was that it was the murder capital of the world and the main cause of it was vampires, not that anyone knew or believed that vampires existed much less in their town, no one even cared to notice that the ones who where vampires didn't ever age; the ones who did though went missing.

This was another thing that came out at night, to roam this strange town.

********With the vampires************

Violet opened her bright blue eyes and yawned, letting her feet free them selves from the hanging bar she slept on with the rest of her pack; aside from her daughter.

She flipped down into a standing position and stretched lazily, soon followed by her mate Paul and pack leader David, then her other fellow pack members Dwayne and Marko.

Paul came up behind her and kissed her neck softly.

"Good morning Babe," he said hugging her.

"Morning Paulie," she replied and followed the others out of the small sleeping cave to come out into the main one; her hand in Paul's.

Letting go of her love's hand she walked softly over to a bed that sat in a corner, holding the sleeping form of her sixteen year old, human daughter Kansas.

"Sweetheart, wake up," she said shaking her daughter lightly.

Kansas moaned and turned over in her sleep ignoring her mother.

Violet rolled her eyes and shook her harder saying "Kansas, wake up now."

Kansas let her eyes pop open as she turned to face her mother. "Mama, what time is it?" she asked.

"Only 7:05 at night sleeping beauty now get out of that bed and get dressed," Paul, her father figure said pulling the covers of her in a kid like way and jumping on the bed….well make that more like a brotherly figure than father.

"Alright, I'm up! Paul get off my bed!" Kansas groaned sleepiness still in her voice.

Paul was still jumping making the bed shake and the girl in it before; Kansas finally kicked him from behind, making him do a face plant on the cave floor.

All but David and Paul laughed hysterically.

"Alright enough of that, we need to go feed pretty soon so Kansas get some real clothes on," David ordered sitting down in his wheel chair thrown.

Kansas quickly jumped out of her bed in nothing but an over sized T- shirt (curtsy of Dwayne) and a pair of black underwear; her long light-brown hair hung to her waist in wild waves and curls.

She went over to her dresser that sat near her mother's beside the bed and pulled out a crimson red halter top and a pair of black torn up skinny jeans soon followed by a pair of black converses.

She dressed similar to her mother's attire except for the converses and torn up jeans.

She went behind a changing screen in front of her bed and quickly slipped off the T-shirt and into her black lacey bra that hung casually on a corner of the changing screen and got dressed.

Soon she came out and grabbing her brown leather jacket she walked up to the pack of vampires waiting for her.

"Ready?" David asked looking at her.

"Yeah," Kansas answered and they all went op the stone steps that lead out of the cave and then up the old wooden stairs to the motorbikes.

All the boys mounted first followed by, Violet getting on behind Paul and Kansas hopping on behind Marko, who grinned at her.

Her and Marko had always got along pretty well, while Kansas was growing up, and out of all the members of the Lost Boys aside from her mother, Marko knew her and was closest to her the most.

All the boys started their bikes as Kansas tightened her hold on Marko's waist and with a few moments they where off yelling and hollering like a bunch of maniacs; which is what they where.

***********At the Boardwalk************

Kansas slipped off the back of Marko's bike as the boys stopped to let her off near the carousal so they could go hunt.

Kansas hugged Marko and waved at the others as they started driving away, Violet smiling back at her.

No one would mess with her on the board walk unless they where new in town and didn't know who she hung out with or who was her mother; so she didn't really have to worry to much about being bothered buy some boy looking for a one night stand or something along those lines.

Kansas sat on a bench and looked at surroundings, wondering if she would ever be a vampire like her mother and family.

She had known her family was vampires since she was five years old when Dwayne accidentally changed in front of her when some guy tried to carry her off… lets just say that man didn't live to see the sun the next day.

So Kansas always wondered what it was like to be a vampire, she tried to ask David once but he just ignored her so she asked Paul instead and he said it like this quote; 'Sleep all day. Party all night. Yep, it's fun to be a vampire!' another thing she always wondered about was why David never really did like her, ever since she was a little girl he always ignored her the best he could and never really had anything to do with her.

Her mom always said it was because he didn't like kids and he didn't like it when she defied his orders to kill Kansas when Violet found and saved her when she was a two year old.

Yes she knew Violet wasn't her blood mother. Violet had told her that a long time ago; but blood ties didn't matter to Kansas; Violet is and will always be her true mother.

Kansas didn't realize how long she had been sitting on that bench, thinking until a hand was waved in her face and Dwayne and Marko's voices where telling her it was time to go.

Kansas's brown eyes blinked as she stood up asking, "What's the plan for tonight?"

Marko threw his arm around her smiling and said, "I heard there's a good concert playing tonight, want to go?"

Kansas smiled and said, "Sure, I'd love to! Who's playing?"

"How do I know, I just heard the band was good," Marko said pulling her closer against him.

Dwayne laughed and walked over to David and the others when he saw them leaving Marko and Kansas on their way to where the rock concert was being held.

Kansas leaned her head on Marko's shoulder as they walked through the crowds, Kansas getting glares from all the teenage girls.

"I'm so tired of all the girls glaring at me day and night. When will they start to realize, I'm not your girl."

Marko looked down at her and said "their just jealous. Besides who said you wasn't my girl?"

"I said…and Paul," she answered laughingly.

Marko put on a fake sad expression saying "You have no idea how much your words hurt me Kansas."

"I'm sorry…you are my best friend though in the whole world! Does that make you feel better?"

Marko grinned, "Yep, it does."

Kansas smiled and they went into the crowds dancing together with the beat of the music.


So do you like it? i've decided to pair Kansas up with Marko. Hope yall are not mad at me or anything :) tell me what ya think :) Jess