Word Count: 693

Many people took one look at Rose and Scorpius and said they were perfect for each other. Their coloring looked lovely together, they rarely fought and they were affectionate but not in a way that made onlookers nauseous; just jealous.

But Rose and Scorpius were really far from perfect.

Scorpius ate too slowly, was a total snob about the thread count of his sheets and was incredibly passive. Rose talked too much, had a tendency to overreact, and was the worst cook Scorpius has ever met in his entire life.

And I'm not even going to be clichéd here and say "but they were perfect together" because they certainly weren't.

Scorpius snored and Rose was a ridiculously light sleeper. Rose liked her flat at a warm 28 degrees Celsius and Scorpius really preferred to be able to leave ice cream out on the counter for extended periods of time without it melting. Scorpius was allergic to citrus fruits; Rose's beverage of choice was orange juice and if there was no orange juice, it was lemonade. Rose cried very easily and Scorpius hated tears.

They really did clash on many levels.

But worst of all they both liked to shower in the morning.

While this might seem like a trite and manageable thing for a pair of incredibly bright seventeen year olds, it was the cause of many wars in the Weasley- Potter- Malfoy flat. They'd only been living together for a week and Albus had already had to confiscate their wands multiple times to prevent them from petrificus totalusing each other in the mornings.

Rose was ridiculously stubborn and Scorpius liked to push her buttons, so though he didn't really mind showering at 7:15 instead of 7, he always tried to get in before her. And generally he succeeded because his legs were longer than hers.

Albus normally waited until they both left to venture into the bathroom. It was really the safest option, even if it did mean he was usually five or so minutes late to work.

On the fateful morning of Monday, July 15th, Rose discovered something really innovative and beautiful.

She'd been determined to get the shower first, but unfortunately Scorpius woke up to her alarm as well and rolled over, grinning deviously before scrambling out of bed to make a beeline for the door. But Rose quickly grabbed his wrist and pouted, "Don't go yet."

He frowned, "What?"

"Can we just lay here a little while. I missed you." Scorpius had been gone for the weekend on a business trip and he'd snuck into bed just a couple hours ago.

He grinned and eased back under the covers, encasing her in his arms, stroking her hair softly. "I missed you too." He kissed her forehead and made his way down to her mouth, his hand firm on the back of her neck.

As things started to heat up, Rose had her epiphany. She'd been planning on seducing him and making a run for it while he was disoriented, but this was better and she couldn't believe they hadn't thought about it before.

"I have a wonderful idea," She said against his lips.

"No, you may not have the shower first," He smiled into the kiss, flipping them over so she was pinned beneath him.

"That wasn't my idea. It's better!"

"You're going to give up and let me have the shower?!" Scorpius exclaimed.

Rose rolled her eyes, "Why don't we both have the shower."

Scorpius smiled slowly and nodded, "That could work."

But it did not work.

Rose ended up slipping and nearly cracking her head open and they went back to battling for the shower until Scorpius lost a bet two months later and finally relented on the whole shower business.

They weren't perfect seperately and they weren't perfect together.

But they were certainly terrible apart.

It has been AGES. Again. I am so sorry. I feel like I say this so often. I would really, truly, from the deepest depths of my heart appreciate a review. I've had a terrible past couple of months what with being sick constantly (mono, the flu, ear infection, sinus infection, stomach bugs, migraines) and your feedback would make my day. Sorry if there's any mistakes. I kind of whipped this together.