Disclaimer: I do not own FMA or ever will

Summary: Ed, Mustang, Mission and Teddy bear they're all related in this fic.

It was a normal day in Central, Hawkeye polishing her gun because of its many usage on the colonel, Havoc smoking and distracted by the shouting in the colonel's office, Breda was working on something, but we don't need to get into detail into that and the others were nowhere to be found.

Inside the colonel's office a very pissed blonde was fuming at Mustang.

"What is this?" yelled Edward to a very amused colonel,

"Your new mission" replied Roy who at this point was smirking at the short boy.

"It's a freaking teddy bear costume! How this related to any freaking missions you bastard!"

"It's for the festival coming up, you're the only that could fit"

"Who are you calling so small that he could fit into a stuff animal's costume!"Screamed Ed at the top of his lungs… again.

"Full metal, you know that we have this festival every year, this year they just miscalculated the size of the costume, and as a state alchemist you are to follow the military's orders at any cost." The colonel stated almost too calmly.

"This was not in the military contract!" was what Ed was thinking before he sweat dropped but he could only utter a frustrated "fine."

In his and Al's apartment

"Al, don't go out tonight!" Ed yelled furiously as his step into the apartment

"Brother, we have no food left…I need to go out" the suit of armour said awkwardly

"Tomorrow, there's a… murderer on the loose" Ed replied just as akwardly and hints of regret could be heard because he hate to lie to his brother but he had to for Al and his dignity.

At the festival the same nigh the full metal alchemist was wearing a brown teddy bear costume…. And yelling at little kids for calling him short when a suit of armour appeared.

"Al….." the full metal alchemist for once didn't know what to say.

"Brother…..the colonel called me to bring you this pink... bows". If Al was in the flesh right now his eyes would be wider than the plates that his brother eats on which were big despite being vertically challenged.

"Al, didn't I tell you not to come out tonight?"

"Is this the reason you didn't want me out tonight?" the brothers ask simultaneously

"Brother" the suit of armour said it in the tone which had mixture off an undertone of tell me or else and a mother scolding a child in one word.

"Alright the bastard colonel got me this freaking mission, I don't know how he could be any more screwed up…" and the full metal alchemist rambled on and on and on.

"Brother, you look so cute though", Al declared in the tone of when he was with cats.

This led to a very long argument with more and more spectators.


"Ed should be there, sir" Hawkeye said in her usually tome.

"Excellent, and how many times have I told you to drop the formalities Hawkeye when we're not in the office."


Hawkeye, Mustang and Maes Hughes made their way through the crowd to see…..a suit of armour and…a teddy bear sparring.

"Edward Eric!" mustang uncermounicly yelled.

The two sparring frozen, just as Ed was about to rant about the unfairness of it all, the colonel took the pink bow which somehow remained in Al's hand despite their fighting and put it on Ed.

…Within minutes the whole festival was destroyed, everything from rides to food read Mustang is a bastard and Hughes's camera was destroyed but he had backups so it was always remembered how cute Ed looked and how destructive he really was for a twelve year old boy.

AN: just to let the readers know Mustang did plan it, Ed's a kid and Mustang likes to piss him off creating a very halarious combination.