
Hello! I just arrive from CDO from a job interview. Tsk tsk tsk. The agony of being unemployed…

To Shiroyuki76: We're getting warmer... I'm still setting the mood. I won't tell you how or when though. It'll ruin the element of surprise. It will be soon. ^_^ Bless me with your patience.

To mysweetkat: Thank you for the review. As we say in my native language, (well, it's just an expression though but I say it anyway) ningbukad akong atay. It's an expression that says 'I am very flattered.' ^_^ Thank you again and thanks for supporting my story.

Thank, thank to all my reviewers!

Disclaimer: I do not own Skip Beat and its characters.

Ren and Kyoko's schedule were totally full and weeks came by quickly as they began their shoot. They have to do their regular jobs plus their trainings and of course the film. So far, they were able to shoot the first few parts of the film like introductions and some flashbacks.


*Beep. Beep. Beep.*

The alarm rings. Out of nowhere, a huge manly hand slapped the clock to cease it

from ringing. "Argh. *yawns*" From the floor, a pair of feet came into view and the camera slowly went its way up. It showed a pair of comfy silk pajamas then the man's well-toned abs and then showed the handsome face of Japan's number one leading man. With traces of sleep still evident in his face, the guy then began stretching. After he did that, he placed a knee on the bed and gently shook the person on the other side of the bed. "Time to wake up, honey." He said and made his way to the bathroom.

While the guy was out of sight, the person on the bed tousled and turned then slowly stood up. Out of the bed, a girl with a shoulder-length black hair is seen. She is wearing a two piece nightwear which emphasizes her long beautiful legs. Like the guy, she did a couple of stretches before making the bed.

She then went to the kitchen and started the coffee machine. With the usual scenes done in the kitchen seen in the background, a voice over then can be heard. "I am Akira Shiiba. I'm th CEO of ASD Insurance Company. I had 400 employees under me. I am a dedicated wife and I love to cook." She is then seen cracking some eggs and cooking an omelette.

The guy then emerged from the door and made his way towards his wife with a tie in his hand. She smiled at this then moved towards him and began tying his tie. "And this is my husband."

"I'm Ryuu Shiiba. I'm an engineer working under the MAST Inc. My expertise is in making new types of weaponry though I keep that little detail as a secret from my wife." He looks at his wife as she put some toast on his plate. "Like I would tell her that."

"She/He will totally freak out if she/he knows about my real profession. The truth is I'm an assassin." They both thought at the same time.

Director Shimizu was totally pleased as the film progressed. He was amazed how this duo can give it all in just one take. Their faces, their body language are perfect and they easily and effectively reflected it on the screen. They were able to save plenty of time, money and effort. 'Phew! Amazing bunch of actors. It's almost scary working with them. No wonder President Takarada keeps an eye on them. He even asked me to do a daily report. *sighs*' the director thought as he watched Ren and Kyoko walked to their dressing rooms. Making sure that the coast is clear, he grabbed his phone and dialed. "Hello, president.-"

Now dressed in street clothes, Ren made his way out and immediately looked for Kyoko. He saw her emerged with Yui-san from the dressing room. "Otsukaresama deshita, Mogami-san. Yui-san." Ren said to the two women. "Otsukaresama deshita, Tsuruga-san." replied Kyoko as they made their way out. "So how's your target shooting practice coming along?" "It's-"

Oblivious to the two stars, their managers stayed behind them. They followed them in a safe distance. "Really, young man, when will your charge confess? I enjoyed seeing them together and I couldn't help wishing that they are really together." "My sentiments exactly. I was so happy when he suddenly asked me for a jeweler before Christmas. It was so peculiar so I thought that maybe, just maybe, he's going to confess." "Then? What happened?" Yashiro shook his head and said, "I don't know. I kept bugging him again and again but he won't tell me. I found out later on that he gave Kyoko-chan a charm bracelet but I think there's something else." Yui-san was about to reply when she heard a very enthusiastic voice which she clearly recognizes.

"Kyoko-chan!" Hikaru yelled as he jogged towards her. "Hikaru-san. What are you doing here?" Kyoko asked as she watched Hikaru catch his breath. "We had another job nearby. I went here as soon as we're finished. I was kinda hoping to see you act. I am too late, am I?" "Unfortunately, yes." Kyoko said. "*coughs* I don't believe we have been introduced." Ren interjected. "I'm sorry, Tsuruga-san!" Kyoko squeals as she bows down to do a dogeza but Ren caught her arm. "No need to do that, Mogami-san." Kyoko then quickly introduce the two men.

Ren was curious how they know each other and why they seem to be so close and so he asked them which cause Kyoko to turn white as a sheet. Luckily, she was at Ren's side. That kept Ren noticing her discomfort. Kyoko looked at Hikaru with pleading eyes. 'Please don't tell him I'm BO. Please, Hikaru-san.' Hikaru caught it and told them about her Love Me tasks like Kyoko did earlier. Kyoko and Yui-san was quite relieved by this but Ren was not. In fact, he was getting pissed as seconds tick by. 'Why is he caling her Kyoko-chan? And WHY is she calling him Hikaru-san? Are they so close that they are in the first name basis?' "AH! You're using my gift!" Hikaru cried and happily pointed to the phone strap plushie hanging on Kyoko's bag pocket. That set Ren off. Unleashing his dark aura and letting the demon king out, Ren loathly said, "Oh. So I see. You were the one that gave it to her." "Y-yes." was all the petrified Hikaru can say.

Sensing the demon king, Kyoko stood frozen. "It must be so nice to have some free time to look around, Hikaru-san." Ren continued. "W-well. I a-actually saw it on the in-t-ternet. I thought it was c-cute and will look good with Kyoko-chan. I-is it wrong to give h-her a g-g-gift?" Hikaru replied as he stuttered.

"Of course not, Hikaru-san." Kyoko defended then she faced Ren. "I don't know why and what are you angry about Tsuruga-san but I think you owe Hikaru-san an apology." "N-no, Kyoko-chan. It's okay. It's okay, really." Hikaru yelped. "NO. It's NOT okay." Kyoko urged, still locking her eyes with Ren. "I'm sorry Ishibashi-san." Ren quietly said then walked away. Yashiro quickly followed Ren after he apologizes for his charge's earlier actions.

With Ren and Yashiro out of sight, Kyoko slumped to the floor with a loud thud. She was clutching her chest and is panting. Hikaru and Yui-san sprung into action and immediately were at the girl's side. "Kyoko-chan, are you alright?" They both asked. "I can't believe I did that. I defied my senpai. Oh God. I'm dead. The demon king will haunt me. He must be very furious. I'm dead. So totally dead." the girl mumbled.

A/N: Another chappie done! Phew... I really thought I wrote a long chapter. Guess I was wrong.

Thanks for reading! Reviews are greatly appreciated.